== Summary == * SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) * Bugday highlights -- pedro * Karmic Beta numbers - ara == Logs == {{{ [18:02] #startmeeting [18:02] Meeting started at 12:02. The chair is ara. [18:02] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [18:02] [TOPIC] SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [18:02] New Topic: SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [18:02] sbeattie, can you give us a summary, please? [18:03] hello [18:03] Yep, this week was a bit slow on the SRU front. [18:03] SRU Activity for the past week (since 2009-09-30): [18:03] * Jaunty: 3 new packages in -proposed (landscape-client, tzdata, zsync) and 2 pushed to -updates (kadu, tzdata) [18:03] * Intrepid: 3 new packages in -proposed (landscape-client, tzdata, zsync) and 1 pushed to -updates [18:03] (tzdata) [18:03] * Hardy: 4 new packages in -proposed (apt-cacher, debian-installer, tzdata, zsync) and 2 pushed to -updates (linux, tzdata) [18:04] * Dapper: 1 new package in -proposed (langpack-locales) and also pushed to -updates. [18:04] Thanks to Storm, A. Karl Kornel, and Artur Rona for testing SRUs this week. [18:04] As always, assistance in testing SRUs is greatly appreciated. [18:04] That's all I have for SRUs. [18:05] OK, thanks sbeattie :) [18:05] [TOPIC] - Bugday highlights -- pedro_ [18:05] New Topic: - Bugday highlights -- pedro_ [18:05] Not a lot to share this week, we didn't organize a bug day last week (-ETOOMUCHTODO) [18:06] and i was about to run one this week for the confirmed without package bugs [18:06] but.. the ubuntu wiki is kind of br0ken , it doesn't allow you to create a new page [18:06] so i might skip the bug day for this week if that's not fixed soon [18:06] pedro_: you forgot the tm after Br0ken [18:06] *sigh* [18:07] heh [18:07] pedro_, well, there will be time to run bug days when karmic goes out :D [18:07] that's so true ;-) [18:07] pedro_, a "duplicates" one [18:07] ok, so, last item on the agenda [18:08] [TOPIC] Karmic Beta numbers - ara [18:08] New Topic: Karmic Beta numbers - ara [18:08] OK, so we had Karmic Beta last week and I am glad to share that we reached 98.9% coverage!! [18:08] ara: 100% honest [18:08] \o/! [18:09] Thanks a lot to everybody that helped testing [18:10] do you guys have any concerns from the testing phase for beta? things that can be improved for RC? [18:10] do you also think Karmic is going to be a great Ubuntu release? [18:10] I'd say Karmic is going to rock but I don't want to jinx it :D [18:10] I think karmic will be the release that produces the most bug reports [18:10] the best evar [18:11] I had... quirky behavior from a karmic host testing karmic guests, such that I wasn't sure whether issues I saw were problems with the images or issues with virtualbox. [18:11] But I think the features that have gone in will mean that lucid will be friggin' awesome [18:12] sbeattie, I had the same problem [18:12] sbeattie, I tried kvm but it is very slow for me [18:12] sbeattie, ara: what sort of issues? I didn't see anything unusual with kvm [18:13] fader_, UTC hw clock, mainly [18:13] fader_: kvm on my amd cpu host was significantly slower than virtualbox on the same host for some unknown reason. [18:13] sbeattie, same for me [18:13] Interesting... I'll have to install virtualbox and compare behavior [18:13] (and speed) [18:14] fader_, it would be nice to have a kvm session during the QA track at UDS ;-) [18:14] I had issues where I rebooted a karmic guest, got no X, then powered down the guest, booted it back up, and then X in the guest came up fine. [18:14] (on virtualbox) [18:14] there was a kvm track just not in qa it was very interesting though [18:14] sbeattie, the respawning issue? [18:14] ara: I could happily participate as a user but I'm no kvm wizard :) [18:14] ara: beg kirkland [18:15] davmor2, I was at that one. I was thinking more on a hands on tutorial [18:15] ara: no, this was different, IIRC. Post a jaunty->karmic upgrade. [18:15] fader_, ^ [18:15] ara: davmor2: sure, guys, i'll be happy to do one [18:15] guys/gals [18:15] :-) [18:15] kirkland, nice :) [18:15] \o/ [18:15] fwiw, i have one scheduled for OpenWeek [18:16] kirkland, good to know! [18:16] kirkland: You Rock Dude [18:17] ok, any other topics? [18:18] We might have a working wubi tomorrow which would be nice :) [18:18] davmor2, no kidding? [18:18] davmor2: Excellent! [18:19] the only thing maybe stopping it at the minute is installer issues that are in the ubiquity install. So fingers crassed everyone [18:19] crossed even [18:19] * cr3 crasses fingers [18:20] ok, anything else? [18:21] ok, let's wrap up [18:21] #endmeeting [18:21] Meeting finished at 12:21. }}}