== Summary == * SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) * Bugday highlights -- pedro * Next week is RC -- ara * Checkbox in Karmic -- cr3 == Logs == {{{ [17:59] #startmeeting [17:59] hola! [17:59] Meeting started at 11:59. The chair is marjo. [17:59] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [18:00] hi folks, [18:00] * fader waves. [18:00] hi [18:00] QA Meeting Agenda [18:00] hey [18:00] hey [18:00] Agenda: [18:00] * SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [18:00] * Bugday highlights -- pedro [18:00] * Next week is RC -- ara [18:01] Any other agenda items to add? [18:01] [TOPIC] SRU testing - sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [18:01] New Topic: SRU testing - sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [18:02] SRU Activity for the past week (since 2009-10-07) was very light: [18:02] * Jaunty: 1 new package in -proposed (smart) and none pushed to -updates [18:02] * Intrepid: no new packages in -proposed and none pushed to -updates [18:02] * Hardy: 1 new package in -proposed (adept) and 1 pushed to -updates (zsync) [18:02] * Dapper: no non-security activity [18:02] Thanks to Dave Morley (davmor2) for testing zsync this week. [18:03] \o/ [18:03] There's at least one SRU that needs testing that would be good to get published before release: adept on updating from kubuntu/hardy to karmic. [18:04] what's the bug number? [18:04] bug 439706, I think [18:04] I can have a run at that tomorrow morning for you sbeattie [18:04] Launchpad bug 439706 in adept "support hardy to karmic upgrades" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/439706 [18:05] davmor2: that'd be awesome, thanks! [18:05] For the record, people interested in testing SRUs can always check the list of packages in the queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html [18:06] That's all I have, unless there are any more questions... [18:06] thx, sbeattie [18:06] [TOPIC] Bugday highlights -- pedro [18:06] New Topic: Bugday highlights -- pedro [18:07] On Thursday 08 of October we had a bug day based on Confirmed Bugs without a package [18:07] sbeattie: The adept SRU is important since Hardy is going out of support for Kubuntu [18:07] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20091008 [18:07] we had a great participation from the community, 58 bugs were triaged, thanks a lot to lfaraone, kamus, pwlars, hggdh2, gotunandan, simono and gothicx [18:08] for the current week, we're celebrating a Bug day for the Server Team [18:08] the progress so far is great: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20091014 [18:09] ttx and zul are doing a super work there also answering questions on the #ubuntu-bugs channel [18:09] and as always, any kind of help there is more than welcome :-) [18:10] thx pedro_ [18:10] [TOPIC] Next week is RC (ara) [18:10] New Topic: Next week is RC (ara) [18:11] Just a reminder that next week is RC week. This is one of the most important milestones [18:11] Try to keep your images as synced as possible, to start the testing early [18:11] :) [18:12] ara: just depends on how early slangasek lets us ;) [18:12] davmor2: so true [18:12] davmor2, indeed, but if the images are synced, when he says, ready, steady, go! we are ready to go ;-) [18:12] So true [18:13] ara: are we coordinating efforts on u-testing? [18:13] davmor2, as usual [18:13] you can test any time you want, you don't have to take my word for it that the ISOs are known not to be ready :) [18:13] Hehe [18:14] ara: anything else? [18:15] marjo, that's it [18:15] [TOPIC] Checkbox in Karmic (cr3) [18:15] New Topic: Checkbox in Karmic (cr3) [18:15] There is current a new version of Checkbox building for Karmic, 0.8.4 [18:15] This fixes many bugs which were oustanding, most importantly relating to dbus [18:16] The command line interface has also been improved to finally work properly [18:16] Hope everyone will appreciate the fixes and keep reporting bugs! [18:16] useful :) [18:16] cr3: anything else? [18:17] That's about it, I expect another version will be needed to reach perfection for karmic :) [18:18] cr3: thx! [18:18] folks: anything else for today's meeting? [18:18] nope [18:18] nothing on my side [18:18] going once [18:18] twice [18:19] ok, i propose we adjourn the meeting [18:19] * fader feels like he should bid something. [18:19] fader: too late [18:19] ok, folks, thx again and go Karmic RC! [18:19] fader: 500 quatloos on the newcomer! [18:19] \o/ [18:19] cr3: Geek :P [18:20] #endmeeting }}}