== Summary == * SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) - Karmic: 57(!) new packages in -proposed and 5 packages pushed to -updates (kerneloops, python2.6, ubiquity, ubuntuone-client, update-manager)<
> - Jaunty: 6 new packages (tzdata, evolution-indicator, isdnutils, linux, moodle, update-manager) and 6 packages pushed to -updates (tzdata, blogtk, landscape-client, net-snmp, openafs, smart)<
> - Intrepid: 1 new package in -proposed (tzdata), and 4 packages pushed to -updates (landscape-client, smart, sun-java6, tzdata)<
> - Hardy: 4 new packages in -proposed (moodle, pidgin, tzdata, virtualbox-ose-modules) and 4 packages pushed to -updates (debian-installer, net-snmp, sun-java5, tzdata)<
> - Dapper: 1 new package in -proposed (langpack-locales) and 2 packages pushed to -updates (langpack-locales, sun-java5)<
> * Bugday highlights -- pedro (Pedro Villavicencio) - No Bug Day on the previous week, because the release - GWibber Bug Day this week: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20091105 * UDS Questions & Answers -- ara (Ara Pulido) - Start registering blueprints at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu, Blueprints must start with "lucid-qa"<
> - The deadline for Blueprints according to Lucid UDS schedule is 9/11/2009<
> == Logs == {{{ [17:11] #startmeeting QA Team [17:11] Meeting started at 11:11. The chair is marjo. [17:11] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [17:12] agenda: [17:12] # SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [17:12] # Bugday highlights -- pedro [17:12] # [17:12] UDS Questions & Answers [17:12] hi folks [17:12] sorry, got bit by the google calendar "bug" [17:12] * fader_ shakes a fist in impotent rage at DST. [17:13] [TOPIC] SRU testing [17:13] New Topic: SRU testing [17:13] As everyone might imagine, SRU acivity has ramped up since the release of karmic [17:13] SRU Activity for the past two weeks (since 2009-10-21): [17:13] * Karmic: 57(!) new packages in -proposed and 5 packages pushed to -updates (kerneloops, python2.6, ubiquity, ubuntuone-client, update-manager) [17:13] * Jaunty: 6 new packages (tzdata, evolution-indicator, isdnutils, linux, moodle, update-manager) and 6 packages pushed to -updates (tzdata, blogtk, landscape-client, net-snmp, openafs, smart) [17:13] * Intrepid: 1 new package in -proposed (tzdata), and 4 packages pushed to -updates (landscape-client, smart, sun-java6, tzdata) [17:13] * Hardy: 4 new packages in -proposed (moodle, pidgin, tzdata, virtualbox-ose-modules) and 4 packages pushe [17:13] d to -updates (debian-installer, net-snmp, sun-java5, tzdata) [17:13] * Dapper: 1 new package in -proposed (langpack-locales) and 2 packages pushed to -updates (langpack-locales, sun-java5) [17:14] wow! 57 packages! [17:14] Thanks to Peter Lyons, leighman, Antoine Pairet, jazz, max, Henning Moll, Tobias Kerzenmacher, stealthbanana, Nait, ScottK, unggnu, zooko, Ernst Kloppenburg, Marco Cimmino, Jonathan Thomas, sektor, Mary Gardiner, Douglas Bagnall, starslights, iMac, Whoopie and others for testing proposed packages. [17:14] ara: indeed! [17:14] nice progress on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html [17:14] a lot of green numbers there :-)) [17:14] (57 *source* packages) [17:15] pedro_ and bdmurray have been busy verifiying fixes as well. [17:16] is there anything there that might need more attention? [17:16] bug 465619 [17:16] Launchpad bug 465619 in apport "apport enabled after a distribution upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/465619 [17:16] pitti raised a bug the other day anything else? [17:16] I'm actually kind of curious how we'll do that... [17:17] bdmurray: magic? [17:18] sbeattie: do you have any ideas? [17:18] davmor2: That's the Tycho Brahe answer [17:18] bdmurray: I'm not sure I understand the issue... [17:18] bdmurray: what do you mean by "how we'll do that"? [17:18] one will need to do a dist-upgrade using an older version of update-manager 0.126.6 [17:19] to test the apport fix [17:19] * sbeattie is confused, why isn't that a jaunty bug? [17:19] i was about to ask that [17:20] mvo, around? [17:20] yes [17:21] * mvo reads backlog [17:21] mvo, any ideas on how to deal with that sru? [17:21] mvo, thanks [17:21] so you need a older update-manager? [17:21] for the apport fix you could simply simulate the behvior of u-m by copying a file into /etc/default [17:22] that is all that u-m does, I can add instructions to the report [17:22] that'd be neat [17:22] doesn't that apport fix check for the version of update-manager used to upgrade? [17:22] comment 8 [17:22] bdmurray: you caught me unprepared, let me look at the diff [17:23] mvo: sorry, we were just talking about SRUs and I was trying to figure out how to do that one [17:24] bdmurray: indeed, it needs more than just copying thefile in place, I can upload a older version of u-m [17:24] "if grep -q "release-upgrader version '0.126.[56]'" /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log && \" [17:24] bdmurray: I will upload and add verification instructions after dinner [17:24] mvo: or if we disabled -updates would that work since 0.126.6 is in main? [17:25] bdmurray: it won't, the meta-release stuff is pointing to -updates already unfortunately [17:25] bdmurray: however all you really need to do is just download the 0.126.6 version manually, unpack, run [17:25] that is all that u-m does [17:25] mvo: okay, thanks! [17:26] mvo: thanks! [17:26] I think I can even tackle this sru verification, I have VMs around with jaunty etc [17:26] mvo: oh, actually but nobody will see this update for 7 days or so though right? after the fix is verified [17:27] *urgh* yes [17:27] thanks design team! [17:27] that's really really unfortunate [17:28] well, prod the security teamto do more updates, doesn't that trigger update-manager? [17:28] heh [17:28] it does :) [17:28] firefox, where are you when we need you :P [17:28] I think we missed that one by a wee bit [17:28] hey! I just published firefox on friday :P [17:29] anyway, I think we've digressed. To summarize, update-manager and other SRUs could use your love and attention. [17:29] sbeattie: anything else on SRU update? [17:29] that's all from me. [17:30] [TOPIC] Bugday highlights -- pedro [17:30] New Topic: Bugday highlights -- pedro [17:30] (but I'll happily take questions in #ubuntu-testing) [17:30] ok thx [17:30] we didn't run a bug day on the previous week, because of the release (-ETOOMUCHTODO) [17:31] but jcastro asked me to have one this week for gwibber so https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20091105 [17:31] pedro_ : ok thx for the update [17:31] the upstream folks are going to UDS to perfect time to have a look into the reports and look for any serious one to raise with them [17:32] that's all from here [17:32] [TOPIC] UDS Questions & Answers [17:32] New Topic: UDS Questions & Answers [17:32] OK, I just put this topic so anyone can ask questions and comment things about UDS [17:33] are there any questions from the group? [17:33] as you know, you can start registering blueprints at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ [17:34] I would like to comment that it is always good to have blueprints start with "lucid-qa" [17:34] so we can find them better [17:34] marjo, do we have an deadline for blueprints? [17:34] the deadline for Lucid UDS schedule is 9/11/2009 [17:34] All *existing* blueprints should be scheduled by this date. [17:35] the only deadline i've received is "end of this week" [17:35] so, let's shoot for that [17:36] i.e. this Friday the 6th [17:37] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?searchtext=lucid-qa [17:37] any more questions or comments on UDS? [17:38] any new topics to discuss today? [17:38] bdmurray, I have one [17:39] yes? [17:39] bdmurray, I see some of your blueprints already appear at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-l [17:39] bdmurray, how do you do that? [17:39] "Propose for sprint" [17:40] bdmurray, that first step I already did it :) [17:40] bdmurray, there has to be something else [17:40] hmm, maybe its some superpower I have ;-) [17:40] because that was all I did [17:40] bdmurray, weird [17:40] ara: what spec? [17:41] ara: i will ask jorge to give you superpowers that bdmurray has [17:41] bdmurray, choose any of these: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?searchtext=lucid-qa [17:41] jcastro, i mean [17:42] as you put them in launchpad they will appear in the scheduling system [17:42] ara, pm me in a few minutes and I can help you [17:42] thx jcastro [17:42] jcastro, thanks [17:43] jcastro: so in that sense, it's automatic? or does it still require "lead" power? [17:44] anyone can propose sprints [17:44] and they just show up in the scheduler [17:44] then all marjo needs to do is drop them into the slots [17:44] jcastro, so my question remains [17:44] jcastro, i.e. this blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/lucid-qa-cloud-testing is proposed for uds-l [17:45] right [17:45] jcastro, but it does not appear in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-l [17:46] * jcastro looks [17:46] aah [17:46] someone needs to approve that blueprint for lucid [17:47] look at the icon there there's a ? sign [17:47] ah, pedro is correct [17:47] jcastro, and who can approve? [17:47] and if you look into the one of bdmurray there's a ok ticket which i think means approved [17:47] right [17:47] ara, the track lead [17:47] marjo, can you click on the ? and it should ask you to approve/decline [17:48] i did, but i got no approve/decline [17:48] hmm, that appears to be an lp thing, maybe you're not in the right group? [17:49] I have megapowers so I can just approve all of yours ara so we don't block [17:49] marjo, I think you need to ask someone on the lp team to give you approval rights for blueprints. [17:49] jcastro: thx, but we need to figure out what's going on [17:49] * jcastro nods [17:49] jcastro: ok will do [17:49] I'll go ask on lp [17:49] bbiab [17:50] right I need to go hospital visiting hours are in. [17:50] davmor2: thx [17:50] folks: anything else? [17:51] i'll follow up w/ jcastro privately [17:51] i want to congratulate everyone on the successful high quality Karmic release! [17:52] everyone on the QA team worked very hard and very late to finish testing [17:53] I appreciate all your hard work and look forward to a very exciting Lucid release [17:53] going once [17:53] going twice [17:53] meeting adjourned [17:53] #endmeeting [17:53] Meeting finished at 11:53. }}}