

[17:00] <marjo> #startmeeting
[17:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 11:00. The chair is marjo.
[17:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[17:00] <pedro_> hello folks
[17:00] <ara> hey all
[17:00] <marjo> QA Team Meeting
[17:01]  * fader_ waves.
[17:01] <sbeattie> hey
[17:01] <schwuk> hi
[17:01] <marjo> Agenda
[17:01] <marjo> # SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)
[17:01] <marjo> # Bugday highlights -- pedro
[17:01] <marjo> #
[17:01] <marjo> Specs at (ara)
[17:02] <marjo> Welcome back from UDS Dallas
[17:02] <marjo> Thanks to everyone who participated. It was a very productive UDS for the QA Team
[17:03] <marjo> [TOPIC] SRU testing -- sbeattie
[17:03] <MootBot> New Topic:  SRU testing -- sbeattie
[17:03] <sbeattie> SRU activity got subdued a bit last week due to UDS.
[17:03] <sbeattie> But activity over the past two weeks has still been pretty high.
[17:03] <sbeattie> SRU Activity for the past two weeks (since 2009-11-11)
[17:03] <sbeattie> * karmic: 26 new packages in -proposed and 47 packages pushed to -updates.
[17:03] <sbeattie> * jaunty: 8 new packages (gst-plugins-bad-multiverse0.10, ipsec-tools, kaffeine, linux, nut, pulseaudio, rxvt-unicode, totem) in -proposed and 8 (clamav, kvm, landscape-client, linux, pulseaudio, totem, tzdata, update-manager) packages pushed to -updates
[17:04] <sbeattie> * intrepid: 1 new package (ipsec-tools) in -proposed and 1 package (tzdata) pushed to -updates
[17:04] <sbeattie> * hardy: 2 new packages in -proposed (sun-java5, sun-java6) and 3 packages (lilo-installer, tzdata, virtualbox-ose-modulesk) pushed to -updates
[17:04] <sbeattie> * dapper: 1 new package in -proposed (sun-java5) and 1 package (langpack-locales) pushed to -updates
[17:04] <sbeattie> Thanks to Philip Muskovac,  Victor C., Antonio J. Garcia, Simon Jagoe, Simon Déziel, Jonathan Thomas,  Gunther Stengl, Ilya Barygin, Jamie, StepLg, Matthew Flaschen, Steve Dodier,  Bryan McLellan, Laurent Bonnaud, Evan Broder, Eladio Gálvez, Benjamin Drung, kwurzel, David Trask, madbiologist, Gergely Imreh, John Koskie, Danyi Dávid, Esteban, and others for testing SRUs in proposed over the last two weeks.
[17:04] <sbeattie> Assistance in testing SRUs is always welcome, come join us in #ubuntu-testing if you'd like to help out.
[17:05] <sbeattie> (that's all I've got for SRUs)
[17:05] <marjo> [TOPIC]  # Bugday highlights -- pedro
[17:05] <MootBot> New Topic:   # Bugday highlights -- pedro
[17:05] <marjo> thx Steve
[17:06] <pedro_> we don't have a scheduled bug day for the current week but....
[17:06] <pedro_> qense (from the bugsquad) proposed one for the next one
[17:07] <pedro_> the target will be translations
[17:07] <pedro_> yes, translations we'll be concentrated on the bugs of
[17:07] <marjo> ok pedro
[17:07] <marjo> sounds good
[17:07] <pedro_> organization is going to happen soon, so stay tuned to planet ubuntu and the mailing lists  for more news about it
[17:08] <ara> pedro_, is those bugs for wrongly translated strings? or for lang-packages?
[17:09] <pedro_> ara, the first one
[17:09] <ara> pedro_, nice
[17:09] <pedro_> otherwise we might need to go to each langpack to select bugs
[17:09] <pedro_> which might take a bit longer to do
[17:10] <pedro_> dpm suggested to go for the first target though
[17:10] <pedro_> marjo, that's all from here
[17:10] <marjo> pedro_ thx!
[17:11] <marjo> [TOPIC] Specs at (ara)
[17:11] <MootBot> New Topic:  Specs at (ara)
[17:11] <ara> I have seen that some charts has been started to be generated for blueprint work items
[17:11] <ara> I would like to know how do we now which ones exactly are being included
[17:12] <ara> and how to get new items included in the chart
[17:12] <sbeattie> ara: I think bdmurray was working with pitti to get qa items included.
[17:12] <sbeattie> (I think bdmurray is on holiday today)
[17:13] <marjo> i think we can specify them to pitti
[17:13] <marjo> bdmurray and I are working with pitti
[17:13] <ara> can we get the current list?
[17:14] <marjo> ara: right now, there's only one, so get your items to me or send them to pitti directly
[17:14] <marjo> just make sure they are for lucid, though
[17:14] <ara> marjo, OK, thanks
[17:15] <ara> marjo, well, as soon as you approve mines, I will pass them to pitti
[17:15] <marjo> yes, agree
[17:15] <marjo> folks: anything else on this topic?
[17:15] <ara> marjo, OK, thanks. i was getting confused about this
[17:16] <marjo> folks: any new agenda items??
[17:17] <fader_> I'd just like to sound a distant early warning about Alpha 1
[17:17] <fader_> I know there were people asking what they could do to help test Ubuntu
[17:17] <fader_> ISO testing is a great way to make a huge difference and is quick to get started with :)
[17:17] <marjo> [TOPIC] Alpha 1 preparation
[17:17] <MootBot> New Topic:  Alpha 1 preparation
[17:18] <marjo> fader_ thx for the reminder and early warning
[17:19] <marjo> folks: any new agenda items?
[17:19] <marjo> if not, i propose we adjourn the meeting
[17:19] <marjo> going once
[17:19] <marjo> going twice
[17:19] <marjo> meeting adjourned
[17:20] <marjo> thx everyone!
[17:20] <fader_> Thanks all
[17:20] <ara> thanks!
[17:20] <marjo> cya next time
[17:20] <marjo> #endmeeting
[17:20] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:20.

QATeam/Meetings/20091125 (last edited 2009-11-25 21:16:27 by 200)