||<>|| = Summary = * SRU Testing -- jibel Lot of updates to stable releases following the release of 10.04.1 A total of 159 packages have been published to Stable Releases during the past 2 weeks. The full list of packages published is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-08-25 * A total of 107 packages have been published to lucid: * 35 packages published to lucid-updates, 14 to lucid-security and 58 to lucid-proposed * A total of 24 packages have been published to karmic: * 7 packages published to karmic-updates, 9 karmic-security, 8 to karmic-proposed * A total of 14 packages have been published to jaunty: * 2 packages published to jaunty-updates, 9 to jaunty-security, 3 to jaunty-proposed * A total of 10 packages have been published to hardy: * 7 packages published to hardy-security and 3 packages published to hardy-proposed * A total of 4 packages have been published to dapper: * 2 packages published to dapper-security and 2 packages published to dapper-proposed * Thanks to: Aaron Hanson, AlexW, Alvin (alvin), Anders Kaseorg (andersk), Andrew Skalski, Andrew Smart, Anouar Mansour (Hankyone), Aron Xu (happyaron), Artur Rona (ari-tczew), Bart Vanbrabant, Ben Nickell, Benjamin Drung (bdrung), Benjie Gillam, Carey, Carlos Briosso (Ph0t0n), Carlos Parra Camargo (carlospc), Chris Johnston (cjohnston), Devid Antonio Filoni (devfil), Eliyahu, Emil Styrke, Florian Nisbach, Francisco Cribari, Franz, Guiodic (Guido Iodice), Hans-Dominik, Harald Sitter (apachelogger), JG, Jan, Jarrett Miller, Jean-Luc, Joel Ebel (jbebel), John Edwards, Johnny Hughes, Josh Wedlake, Julien Lavergne (gilir), Kai Krakow (hurikhan), Karl Lattimer (klattimer), Kiniou (kiniou), Koen Schoute, Lars Hvile, Mart van Ineveld, Martin Jackson, Martyn Welch (MWelchUK), Matt Davey, Matthew C. Miller, Michael Schurter (schmichael), Miklos Juhasz, Mirza Causevic, Muqtar M Usuf, Nick_Hill, Nigel Jones (G), Norbert Preining, Paul Elliott (omahn), Paulo J. S. Silva, Phil Went, Philip Muškovac (yofel), Rechner-Tester, Rems, Rico Tzschichholz (ricotz), Robert Grey, Robert Muck, Rogi, Ron S, Serge Rivoallan, Simon Olofsson (simon-o), Thomy23, Timmy Shih Jun Yee, Tomasz Chrzczonowicz, ZwoBOTT, baker.alex, diozka, jajodo, lucier, mikeos, mr. Ed, pvillela, raboof, ski (brianski), theman, tob, wayne bantz, Øyvind Stegard (oyvind) and Էմիլ for helping in testing packages in -proposed. * Complete report is available at [[QATeam/SRUReports/2010-08-11]] * Incident on 24 August with Lucid-updates. The incident report is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IncidentReports/2010-08-24-wxwidgets2.8-SRU-breaks-other-packages. wxwidgets2.8 has been pushed to lucid-updates with a known regression breaking packages depending on it (pgadmin3, codelite and poedit). The change was trivial. It was a binary removed from a .deb, but a change to binutils broke the ABI of wxwidget. Just to remind that even the most trivial change can drive to regressions. * Bug Day status -- pvillavi * Last Thursday we had a bug day for Banshee the Multimedia Player. The participation was *awesome*: 105 of... 105 bugs were triaged that day. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100819 * Spec Status * http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10-beta.html * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-mago-daily was postponed to end of release * Next meeting will be happening 1 September at 1900 UTC in #ubuntu-quality. Chair will be hggdh. = Actions Items Recorded = * None