## page was copied from QATeam/Meetings/20100811 ||<>|| = Summary = * SRU Testing -- jibel * A total of 35 packages have been published to lucid: * 13 packages published to lucid-updates, * 5 packages published to lucid-security (chromium-browser, gyp, lftp, sudo, wget), * 17 packages published to lucid-proposed * A total of 4 packages have been published to karmic: * 1 package published to karmic-updates (agg), * 3 packages published to karmic-security (lftp, sudo, wget) * A total of 2 packages have been published to jaunty: * 2 packages published to jaunty-security (lftp, wget) * A total of 2 packages have been published to hardy: * 2 packages published to hardy-security (lftp, wget) * A total of 1 packages have been published to dapper * 1 packages published to dapper-security (wget) * Complete report is available at [[QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-08]] * Bug Day status -- pvillavi * 2 bug days organized next week: * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100914|September 14th]] will be targeted to 'Upgrade issues' to maverick * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100916|September 16th]] the tagert will be 'Brasero * It is happening at #ubuntu-bugs. * Spec Status: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html * CR3 announced that the Results Tracker is progressing nicely and a release scheduled this week. * Next meeting on September 15th, Chair will be Ameetp. = Meeting opened by jibel at 17:00 = <'''<>'''> Hello folks, welcome to the weekly QA meeting. <'''<>'''> The agenda for today is: <'''<>'''> # review previous action items (all) <'''<>'''> # SRU testing -- jibel <'''<>'''> # Bug Day status -- pedro_ <'''<>'''> # Maverick Work Items -- marjo <'''<>'''> # Selection of new chair -- jibel <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Pending actions == Pending actions == <'''<>'''> Any action items ? <'''<>'''> There are none that I remember from the previous meeting. Anyone ? <'''<>'''> I don't think so <'''<>'''> jibel: none <'''<>'''> OK, let's move on, then <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] SRU testing == SRU testing == <'''<>'''> Over the past week 44 packages have been published to stable releases <'''<>'''> The complete list is available at <'''<>'''> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-08 ||<#FF5555>'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-08''|| <'''<>'''> * A total of 35 packages have been published to lucid: 13 packages published to lucid-updates, 5 packages published to lucid-security (chromium-browser, gyp, lftp, sudo, wget), 17 packages published to lucid-proposed <'''<>'''> * A total of 4 packages have been published to karmic: 1 package published to karmic-updates (agg), 3 packages published to karmic-security (lftp, sudo, wget) <'''<>'''> * A total of 2 packages have been published to jaunty: 2 packages published to jaunty-security (lftp, wget) <'''<>'''> * A total of 2 packages have been published to hardy 2 packages published to hardy-security (lftp, wget) <'''<>'''> * A total of 1 packages have been published to dapper 1 packages published to dapper-security (wget) <'''<>'''> Thanks to Alvin (alvin), Andrew LeCody, Arrigo Marchiori, Lorenzo Bicci, John Dickson, Marco Cimmino, darko, drizzle (drizzle), darren, Pedro Bessa, Derrik Pates, D Tangman, dragilla, Melvin, Miroslav, fcastillo, Martin Bajer, hedgehog, Ivan Efremov, Irihapeti, <'''<>'''> JeanAustinR (zeroseven0183), Jesse Palser, Jacob Helwig (jhelwig), jorsmal, James Clemence, Kaspar Metz, Kent Tong, Scott Kitterman (ScottK), linuxpriyan, Andreas Schildbach, Michael Martin-Smucker, nutznboltz, Omer Akram (om26er), papukaija, Remeez, <'''<>'''> Rico Tzschichholz (ricotz), Rkimber, Rocko, Simon Butcher, Scott Ritchie (YokoZar), Scott Lavender (ScottL), yamo, tasadar_f (TASADAR-F), Ted Gulesserian, Thierry Chich, Timo Jyrinki, Stanislaw Waszkiewicz, NeoTrantor, Steve Stalcup, Brian and Joseph Trent for testing packages in -proposed. <'''<>'''> As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated! <'''<>'''> The feedback on gwibber testing was pretty good following the call for testing. <'''<>'''> We have also posted a call for testing for Wine1.2 to the Ubuntuforums <'''<>'''> and a few testers a been positively trying the new package in -proposed. <'''<>'''> Any questions/comments about the stable release updates ? <'''<>'''> no one. <'''<>'''> moving on <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Bug Day status -- pedro == Bug Day status -- pedro == <'''<>'''> Hello <'''<>'''> Last Thursday we had a bug day for Empathy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100902 <'''<>'''> the participation was great (again!) 118 of 176 bugs were triaged that day <'''<>'''> Thanks a *lot* to our rocking contributors: vish, bcurtisw, devildante, adamcollard, sparkiegeek, kamusin, alucardni and drkenobi <'''<>'''> nice to see some new contributors the previous week ;-) <'''<>'''> alright for tomorrow we have a bug day which was proposed by the famous charlie-tca <'''<>'''> the target will be apt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100909 <'''<>'''> as you can see there, some awesome contributors already started to work on it, but there's still plenty of bugs waiting to be triaged <'''<>'''> so if you have some time and want to learn about bug triage join us at #ubuntu-bugs we'll be happy to help you <'''<>'''> that's all from here jibel unless there's a question/comment <'''<>'''> pedro_, what is the target for September 16th ? <'''<>'''> jibel, we are thinking on the next one in the list, which is brasero <'''<>'''> pedro_ yes, please <'''<>'''> unless there's some urgent task to do that would be the target <'''<>'''> marjo, ;-) <'''<>'''> btw if you have any ideas or new targets please add those to our planning page <'''<>'''> I was thinking that 10.10 is arriving quickly and some users are upgrading to maverick. <'''<>'''> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning <'''<>'''> pedro_, thanks - was just about to ask. :) <'''<>'''> you're welcome skaet <'''<>'''> Would it be worth organizing a bug day about upgrades issues before the release ? <'''<>'''> that would cover update-manager and apport-package <'''<>'''> jibel, yeah that'd be nice, we could cover both bug days the same week <'''<>'''> earlier the better from my perspective. :) <'''<>'''> on Tuesday and Thursday <'''<>'''> jibel, Tuesday 14th upgrades - Thursday 16th brasero ? <'''<>'''> marjo, that's fine with me, marjo what about you ? <'''<>'''> yeah following the earlier the better advice ;-) <'''<>'''> jibel: ok w/ me <'''<>'''> awesome! i'll coordinate with you jibel then <'''<>'''> [ACTION] Schedule an "upgrade issues" bug day on September 14th ||<#FF5555>'' Schedule an "upgrade issues" bug day on September 14th''|| <'''<>'''> Anything else on this topic ? <'''<>'''> Next one then <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Maverick Work Items -- marjo == Maverick Work Items -- marjo == ||<#FF5555>'' http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html''|| <'''<>'''> http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html <'''<>'''> the progress looks decent, just one week after beta release <'''<>'''> i have removed sbeattie from the team list, so the security related items should drop off tomorrow's chart <'''<>'''> ara & hggdh have the most work items, but i'm confident those will get worked through <'''<>'''> jibel: that's all from me * '''<>''' hugs ara and hggdh <'''<>'''> great, thank you marjo <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] AOB == AOB == <'''<>'''> Any other question/comments/complain or anything that was not part of the agenda ? * '''<>''' raises hand <'''<>'''> cr3 the floor is yours <'''<>'''> just announcing that the Results Tracker is progressing nicely in concert with the rest of the Launchpad team and mvo, the primary stakeholder. <'''<>'''> \o/ <'''<>'''> *\o/*, go, cr3, go <'''<>'''> cr3: nice! thx for the update * '''<>''' high fives cr3. * '''<>''' hugs cr3 <'''<>'''> the code will be able to use launchaplib which should extend the existing launchpad interface with additional features <'''<>'''> so, we'll be able to call lp.me like before but also something like lp.submissions[-1] <'''<>'''> will the code be released under a foss license? <'''<>'''> ara: same license as Launchpad, AGPL <'''<>'''> the code uses a combination of django, zope, lazr and storm. it can be installed standalone for people to start playing/hacking with it as early as possible <'''<>'''> Ah, nice, I didn't realize LP was AGPL rather than GPL <'''<>'''> the doc and test coverage will be minimal for a release scheduled this week, but at least there will be an interface as well as openid and oauth integration with launchpad.net <'''<>'''> that's it for me <'''<>'''> thank you cr3 <'''<>'''> any other topic ,announcement ? <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Selection of new chair == Selection of new chair == <'''<>'''> Who wants to chair next week ? <'''<>'''> jibel: i nominate cyphermox <'''<>'''> no one complain about it (excepted cyphermox) ? <'''<>'''> ok then <'''<>'''> Hehe <'''<>'''> jibel: I can do it <'''<>'''> ameetp: thx <'''<>'''> thank you ameetp <'''<>'''> I complain! <'''<>'''> [ACTION] ameetp to chair next meeting. ||<#FF5555>'' ameetp to chair next meeting.''|| * '''<>''' apologizes for pushing everyone out of the way ;) <'''<>'''> cyphermox: too late; ameetp bailed you out <'''<>'''> ameetp, thanks :) <'''<>'''> ameetp: I was *just* about to volunteer, too! * '''<>''' owes ameetp a beer <'''<>'''> (Not really.) <'''<>'''> cyphermox: sounds good :) <'''<>'''> cyphermox: don't be surprised to see a bunch of bugs assigned to you next week! <'''<>'''> marjo: ahah. I expect it to be the case :) <'''<>'''> We'll leave cyphermox and ameetp with their beers and adjourn the meeting. <'''<>'''> jibel: thx for chairing <'''<>'''> next meeting September 15th, 1900UTC, chair is ameetp <'''<>'''> sounds good <'''<>'''> Thanks everybody and see you all next week. <'''<>'''> thanks jibel! <'''<>'''> Merci jibel! <'''<>'''> jibel: thanks <'''<>'''> thanks jibel <'''<>'''> jibel, #endmeeting? <'''<>'''> #endmeeting ---- = Meeting closed at 17:31 = == People Present == * jibel * ara * marjo * pedro_ * skaet * cr3 * fader_ * hggdh * ameetp * cyphermox == Actions Recorded == * Schedule an "upgrade issues" bug day on September 14th * ameetp to chair next meeting.