= Summary = * SRU Testing -- jibel Over the past week 38 packages have been published to stable releases mainly security updates *Lucid * A total of 21 packages have been published to lucid * 2 packages published to lucid-updates: deja-dup, ugene * 13 packages published to lucid-security: chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, firefox, gyp, libvpx, lxr-cvs, mountall, samba, seamonkey, seamonkey, thunderbird, xulrunner-1.9.2 * 6 packages published to lucid-proposed: apt (2 times), chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, eucalyptus, gwibber * Karmic * A total of 6 packages have been published to karmic-security: firefox-3.5, lxr-cvs, samba, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.2, zope-ldapuserfolder * Jaunty * A total of 7 packages have been published to jaunty-security: firefox-3.0, firefox-3.5, lxr-cvs, samba, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.2, zope-ldapuserfolder * Hardy * A total of 3 packages have been published to hardy-security: firefox-3.0, samba, xulrunner-1.9.2 * Dapper * 1 package have been published to dapper-security: samba * Bug Day status -- pedro_ * 1 bug day organized this week: * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100916|September 16th]] the target will be 'Brasero * It is happening at #ubuntu-bugs. * [ACTION] Pedro to organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week. * Spec Status: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html * Misc.: There was a call for the QA community to help proof and edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityContributePages * Next meeting on September 22th at 17:00 UTC, Chair will be charlie-tca. = Actions Recorded = * Pedro to organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week. * charlie-tca to chair next meeting. = Logs = Meeting started at 19:01. The chair is ameetp. Commands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] ~รด~ Welcome everyone to the welcome to the weekly QA meeting. The agenda for today is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings Agenda: * review previous action items (all) * SRU testing -- jibel * Bug Day status -- pedro_ * Maverick Work Items -- marjo * Selection of new chair -- ameetp [Topic] Pending actions New Topic: Pending actions From last meeting pedro_ and jibel were going to schedule an "upgrade issues" bug day on September 14th. Looks like this task is complete - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning. pedro_ and jibel can you confirm? i think there was only 1 pending item, the organization of the bug day for yesterday ameetp, yeah we had that yesterday so action done pedro_: excellent! thanks moving on then [Topic] SRU testing -- jibel New Topic: SRU testing -- jibel Hello all Over the past week 38 packages have been published to stable releases mainly security updates * A total of 21 packages have been published to lucid * 2 packages published to lucid-updates: deja-dup, ugene * 13 packages published to lucid-security: chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, firefox, gyp, libvpx, lxr-cvs, mountall, samba, seamonkey, seamonkey, thunderbird, xulrunner-1.9.2 * 6 packages published to lucid-proposed: apt (2 times), chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, eucalyptus, gwibber * A total of 6 packages have been published to karmic-security: firefox-3.5, lxr-cvs, samba, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.2, zope-ldapuserfolder * A total of 7 packages have been published to jaunty-security: firefox-3.0, firefox-3.5, lxr-cvs, samba, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.2, zope-ldapuserfolder * A total of 3 packages have been published to hardy-security: firefox-3.0, samba, xulrunner-1.9.2 * 1 package have been published to dapper-security: samba Thanks to Anton Altaparmakov, aslam karachiwala, Francisco Cribari, darren, David Thomas, Earl Malmrose, Fabrice Coutadeur, Xvani, geraldo, Guilo, Harald, Isa, Jeremy Visser (jayvee), Michael Kibat, Lukian (Lukian), Lauri Kainulainen, Anouar Mansour (Hankyone), Marcelo Escobal, Neil Soman (cerealkillr), Maciej Niewiadomski, papukaija, PseHouri, psypher, Richard85, Adrienne, Scott Ritchie (YokoZar), Michael Elkins (scandal), Sven Eckelmann (Lazhur_), aanno, tnf, Tory, Trent J, Uli Tillich, Don Thompson, Antoine and wilfred_com for testing packages in -proposed. As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated! any question/comment about SRUs ? going once... twice... zope-ldapuserfolder, crazy stuff! I'll have to check it out ameetp: way to crack the meeting whip! whip it, whip it good alright. jibel thank you!! lol [Topic] Bug Day status -- pedro_ New Topic: Bug Day status -- pedro_ Hola, so last Thursday we had a bug day for Apt which was organized with help of charlie-tca the participation was good, 99 bugs were triaged that day Thanks a lot to our rocking contributors: kamusin, charlie-tca, vish, adam-collard, devildante, ris and yofel per the action item of previous meeting we ran a bug day for upgrades yesterday but looks like we didn't have a lot of participation not sure why, jibel do you have any thoughts on that? because it was organized on a tuesday ? I guess upgrade bugs are a bit harder to triage? +1 jibel, wouldn't you like to organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week? yeah i think you're both right ara, that'd be awesome to have, jibel please please please ? ara, I think you are right. but the u-m bugs only needed to be confirmed or reproduced I think many think of doing installs to reproduce an "upgrade" jibel, but, how do you reproduce a bug that might involve having a strange combination of packages? * ara is talking without knowing much, just to start the conversation charlie-tca, yeah but i thought we were going to have more participation due that the previous was about apt which is totally connected to u-m/n The bugs list was about failures in maverick. so no really combination of packages. ok let's try to fix that for the next time :-) pedro_, jibel: do you want an action item to "organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week"? for example we see from that list that fglrx, blcr, and other kernel modules doesn't build in maverick. I don't think the list was looked at, tbh. People think of upgrade as meaning they have to install an old version first. We need to explain better, maybe? ameetp, that'd be nice to have , yes please based on charlie-tca comments maybe we need more education on this.. charlie-tca, agreed [ACTION] "organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week" ACTION received: "organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week" alright since tomorrow is Thursday, we have another bug day planned which was also proposed by charlie-tca, the target for tomorrow is Brasero https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100916 there's plenty of bugs waiting to be triaged so if you have some time and want to learn more about bug triage and Brasero, please join us tomorrow at #ubuntu-bugs if you don't have too much time to participate but you'd like to do some testing, please help us to test the latest Brasero on Maverick and file bugs if the application is not working correctly for you thanks pedro_! Anything else for us? ameetp, that's all from here unless there's a question/comment Seems to me brasero bugs will also require a media investment all the bugs I ever filed against it were due to burn failures :( * Hoaas (~hoaas@84-16-209.201.3p.ntebredband.no) has joined #ubuntu-quality bladernr_, some of them are related to the interface or file management, so you can collaborate without expending a CD ara: ack... just commenting on my own experience ara: good point bladernr_: thanks. we'll keep that in mind during testing any other comments/questions for pedro_? going once... twice... 500$!! alright, [Topic] Maverick Work Items -- marjo http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html nice looking burn-down chart; lots of green above the line and red below the line! \o/ nice looking burn-down chart; lots of green above the line and red below the line! * davmor2 has quit (Quit: I'm outta here) great work everybody :-) it would look even better if the burndown line was set to 38 initially https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-automated-server-testing hggdh will focus on finishing the last two remaining test cases https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-bugsquad-roadmap pedro has postponed the update / make a new reporting bugs video to next release when we'll know what would make for better information https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-improving-communication https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-mago-daily ara is making good progress on both any questions? otherwise, looking good for release! ameetp: that's all from me thanks marjo! marjo, hi skaet just a heads up lots of churn today on the X/mesa front. skaet: yes, as expected cool. skaet: Thanks for the FYI. Anyone else have questions/comments for marjo? we went through a similar experience after the move to mesa 7.6 okay then skaet, do we have a bug number? good to know. skaet, I have been hearing all day about the "white screen of death" mixing intel & unity, but I haven't heard of a bug number * ara asks at ubuntu-x ara, lots of them. will get them in background skaet, OK skaet: fyi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Mesa7.6 last I saw there was a workaround for the "white screen of death", but its pretty active right now on the #ubuntu-x channel. skaet: sounds good. I'll move up. Just chime in with the bug number(s) anything else... going once. twice ammetp, ack. [Topic] Misc. Items - anything people want to discuss New Topic: Misc. Items - anything people want to discuss o/ ara, white screen bug is 638808 fader: go ahead I want to mention something that cjohnston was asking about (and posted to the mailing list) Specifically https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityContributePages o/ ara has offered to fill out some of the tester info but I'm sure she wouldn't object to help :) fader, I already posted it, but any review is more than welcome And I think there may be some other areas on that wiki page that the QA community might want to provide input on and everyone, feel free to edit * brianchidester has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) ara: You're fast! :) thanks ara ! That's it from me. fader, bits missing: the picture (working on it, thanks to bladernr_) and the "specific case" * Hoaas (~hoaas@84-16-209.201.3p.ntebredband.no) has left #ubuntu-quality but I have seen that the other sections haven't fill that either cjohnston, is something that are you requesting? or finally is going to be out= ? reviews welcome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityContributePages#Testers I have sent emails to all ML's that haven't yet filled theirs out.. Hoping to get the rest done, and then get everything put into place cjohnston, thanks for organizing this cjohnston, ara: thanks for starting this process :-) thanks for helping cjohnston: thanks for organizing this any other topics? maverick x related bugs: 602899, 607490, 625239, 628077, 633593 skaet, thanks fader: we should double check that we don't need to add "pcert" tag to those bugs alright. Looks like there are no other Misc. topics going once... twice... ameetp: good idea alright, our favorite topic [Topic] select a new chair I will... learning by doing. charlie-tca: thx! wow that was fast You are welcome charlie-tca thanks!! You are welcome bladernr_ please note that as an example of volunteerism * fader high fives charlie-tca. that was fast. Well, all of you have been a great audience marjo: I'm old enough to know better about volunteering I will end the meeting... #endmeeting