#QA Team Meeting - 2010-09-22 ## page was copied from QATeam/Meetings/20100908 ||<>|| = Summary = * SRU Testing -- jibel * Over the past week 102 packages have been published to stable releases mainly security updates. * A total of 48 packages have been published to lucid: * 10 packages published to lucid-updates, * 15 packages published to lucid-security, * 23 packages published to lucid-proposed * A total of 15 packages have been published to karmic: * 1 package published to karmic-updates, * 14 packages published to karmic-security * A total of 14 packages have been published to jaunty: * 1 package published to karmic-updates, * 13 packages published to jaunty-security * A total of 17 packages have been published to hardy: * 1 packages published to hardy-updates, * 14 packages published to hardy-security, * 2 packages published to hardy-proposed * A total of 8 packages have been published to dapper * A total of 8 packages have been published to dapper-security (apache2, bzip2, clamav, dpkg, dump, linux-source-2.6.15, openssl, php5) * Complete report is available at [[QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-22]] * As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated! * Bug Day status -- pvillavi * bug day organized next week: * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100930|September 30th]] will be targeted to 'jaunty bugs' trying to reproduce them before jaunty goes EOL * It is happening at #ubuntu-bugs. * New QA page, suggestions and feedback -- ara * ara announced that it is a wordpress instance with some static pages (accessible from the top menu) with the QA documentation * vish suggested we have a link for irc, why not have an webchat irc? like this > http://loco.ubuntu.com/irc/ * vish will file a bug for this to keep it from getting lost * Blogs can now be aggregated to qa.ubuntu.com * Next meeting on September 29th, Chair will be Ameetp. = Meeting opened by charlie-tca at 17:01 = [17:02:02] [TOPIC] Todays meeting agenda [17:02:06] # review previous action items (all) [17:02:06] # SRU testing -- jibel [17:02:06] # Bug Day status -- pedro_ [17:02:06] # New QA page, suggestions and feedback -- ara [17:02:06] # Selection of new chair -- charlie-tca [17:02:51] [TOPIC] review previous actions items == Pending actions == [17:03:09] As far as I know, all items are closed from last meeting [17:03:29] yes, I think so [17:03:31] Does anyone know of any open items? [17:03:42] not me [17:03:47] [TOPIC] SRU testing == SRU testing == [17:03:58] jibel: floor's yours [17:04:05] Hi all! [17:04:17] hi :) [17:04:22] Over the past week 102 packages have been published to stable releases mainly security updates. [17:04:32] The complete list is available at [17:04:41] [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-22 ||<#FF5555>'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-22''|| [17:04:51] * A total of 48 packages have been published to lucid: 10 packages published to lucid-updates, 15 packages published to lucid-security and 23 packages published to lucid-proposed [17:05:00] * A total of 15 packages have been published to karmic: 14 packages published to karmic-security and 1 package published to karmic-proposed [17:05:07] * A total of 14 packages have been published to jaunty: 13 packages published to jaunty-security and 1 package published to jaunty-proposed [17:05:14] * A total of 17 packages have been published to hardy: 1 package published to hardy-updates, 14 packages published to hardy-security and 2 pckages published to hardy-proposed [17:05:22] * A total of 8 packages have been published to dapper-security: apache2, bzip2, clamav, dpkg, dump, linux-source-2.6.15, openssl, php5 [17:05:35] Thanks to aslam karachiwala, Andrea Denzler, Ben Stokes, Chris Siebenmann, mike rodent, CvB, Nigel Jones (G), Connie, Jonathan Thomas (JontheEchidna), Emil Styrke, Isa, Jean-, jts, Joke de Buhr (joke), Brandon Bell, Iain Lane (Laney), [17:05:44] Mark Fraser (mfraz74), Laurent Bonnaud, LKaestner, Leo, Nicolas Delvaux, Anouar Mansour (Hankyone), fjodor_d, Michal, mohi (IAmNotThatGuy), Mike Savory, Nicolas Boulesteix, poloshiao, Rolf Leggewie, bryan lambert, R. Jones, Vadim Rutkovsky, madbiologist, [17:05:50] Scott Lavender (ScottL), aanno, Tjisse van der Heide, Vish (vish), vishvananda (vishy), wenhui, Benjamin and yajo for testing packages in -proposed. [17:06:02] As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated! [17:06:30] That's a lot of testing [17:06:35] Any question about the packages published this week ? [17:07:19] Thanks, jibel [17:07:28] thank you [17:07:40] [TOPIC] Bug Day status == Bug Day status -- pedro == [17:07:54] I don't see pedro, does anyone have an update for this? [17:08:10] Hello, skaet [17:08:13] nothing.. there is lost [17:08:21] charlie-tca, I was surprised as well, I didn't know he was off [17:08:29] there/he/g [17:08:30] * skaet_ waves [17:09:24] umm, well, we did have a very successful BugDay on the 16th for brassero [17:09:49] The list is there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100916 [17:09:50] (confirmed, he's on holidays) [17:10:07] yes, I remember now [17:10:33] I don't have all the numbers, but we did have a couple of new people get involved and quite well on both new bugs (about half) and incompletes [17:11:00] charlie-tca, one of the concerns was the need of spending CDs for testing [17:11:05] how did that go? [17:11:12] It would have been better, but the person that organized it messed the listing up [17:11:21] ara: against brasero? [17:11:32] yes [17:11:48] I don't think it came up, as far as I recall [17:11:54] OK, good [17:12:30] I take full credit for messing up the listing. It may have been better than shown, since bugs could not be updated with the hugday tools until the listing was redone late in the day [17:13:04] Anyone have anything to add to this ? [17:13:48] Anyone want to take a shot at organizing this weeks bug day? [17:14:21] going once [17:14:29] This week or next week? [17:14:40] this week, like in two days [17:14:55] We'll take next week, too? [17:15:01] Isn't Thursday tomorrow? [17:15:24] well, okay. Maybe we won't quite make it, then [17:15:33] What about next week? [17:15:36] hmm [17:15:44] okay :) [17:15:49] Great! [17:15:55] do we have a target? [17:16:14] [ACTION] devildante will organize the bug day for sept 30 ||<#FF5555>'' devildante will organize the bug day for sept 30''|| [17:16:20] not really. [17:16:56] I proposed before to target jaunty bugs [17:17:08] trying to reproduce them before jaunty goes EOL [17:17:15] Great idea [17:17:22] lets do that one, then [17:17:56] Thanks, devildante [17:18:05] you're welcome! :) [17:18:29] [TOPIC] New QA page, suggestions and feedback == New QA page, suggestions and feedback --ara == ||<#FF5555>'' http://qa.ubuntu.com/ ''|| [17:18:38] it's great :) [17:18:39] Ara did a terrific job on the new QA page [17:18:41] looks good! [17:18:49] ara: your turn [17:18:58] thanks charlie-tca [17:19:15] ara: you rock! [17:19:22] so, basically, it is a wordpress instance with some static pages (accessible from the top menu) [17:19:28] with the QA documentation [17:19:29] ara: +1 [17:19:41] ara: did you see my suggestion to the ML ? about http://qa.ubuntu.com/bugs/ , we have a link for irc, why not have an webchat irc? like this > http://loco.ubuntu.com/irc/ [17:19:47] ara: page looks awesome! [17:19:54] vish, yes, I saw that, thanks for the suggestion [17:20:01] ara: if it's wordpress now, what was it before? [17:20:02] vish, can you file a bug, please? so I don't forget [17:20:10] cr3, it was plain HTML [17:20:20] ara: sure! i thought the Mail dint go through :) [17:20:26] wordpress should be much easier to maintain [17:21:13] also, if you guys maintain blogs and want them aggregated to qa.ubuntu.com, let us know! [17:22:16] any other suggestions? [17:22:28] going... [17:23:02] going twice... [17:23:25] [TOPIC] Any other business? == AOB == [17:23:46] Does anyone have anything else they would like to bring up? [17:24:00] this meeting is great :) [17:24:07] Thanks, devildante [17:24:11] We try hard. [17:24:40] Thank YOU, it does look hard to bring up this awesomeness :) [17:25:02] [TOPIC] Selection of new chair == Selection of new chair == [17:25:28] That wonderful time of each meeting, when we ask for a volunteer to chair the next meeting... [17:26:05] It will be at 19:00 UTC - [17:26:22] charlie-tca: the room is awfully quite. I will bail you out :) [17:26:30] thanks, ameetp [17:26:34] np [17:26:44] It seems to go quiet at this point, doesn't it? [17:26:48] yeah :p [17:27:07] [ACTION] ameetp will chair the meeting on Sept 29 ||<#FF5555>'' ameetp to chair next meeting.''|| [17:27:11] no one likes responsabilities :p [17:27:24] Thank you all for attending! [17:27:36] [endmeeting] [17:27:38] Thank you charlie-tca for chairing [17:27:42] charlie-tca: thanks for chairing [17:27:45] Thank you :) [17:27:51] [#endmeeting] [17:27:57] charlie-tca: #en... :) [17:27:58] You are welcome [17:28:19] charlie-tca: thanks! [17:28:23] charlie-tca, thanks for chairing! [17:28:26] Thank you charlie-tca [17:28:36] I still haven't got the bot to accept the end [17:28:42] * vish stops being lazy.. [17:28:44] without the brackets [17:28:45] charlie-tca, #endmeeting without the bracket [17:28:51] #endmeeting Meeting ended. == People Present == People Present: 1. charlie-tca 2. ara 3. jibel 4. devildante 5. kamusin 6. skaet_ 7. cr3 8. vish 9. ameetp == Actions Recorded == * devildante will organize the bug day for sept 30 * ameetp will chair the meeting on Sept 29