- Maverick RC ISO testing status -- ara
RC testing ( ) is going very very well, but a few things could use some attention:
- Xubuntu wubis
- LTSP server configuration in the alternates
- Live session in netbooks for kubuntu desktop
- The "run at least once" testcases (e.g. Rescue i386, iSCSI Unauthenticated Root Installation, UEC install, Installation Broken Internet, etc.)
- [ACTION] Ara will the QA team her proposal for "mandatory, run once, optional" test options
- SRU testing -- jibel
56 packages have been published to stable releases. The complete list is available at
- Lucid
- A total of 41 packages have been published
- 13 packages published to lucid-updates: cheese, cloud-init, fglrx-installer, gnome-terminal, hamster-applet, linux, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-meta, mupen64plus, psimedia, pyroom, qt4-x11, software-properties
- 3 packages published to lucid-security: ant, chromium-browser, quassel
- 25 packages published to lucid-proposed: apache2, dell-recovery, desktopcouch, gdecrypt, gdm, gjs, gnomescan, gnu-smalltalk, grub2, landscape-client, libgksu, libzip, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-fsl-imx51, linux-mvl-dove, lirc, mplayer, mtd-utils, nspluginwrapper, ooo-thumbnailer, openssl, python-imaging, python3.1, shutter, sugar-0.88
- Karmic
- A total of 7 packages have been published
- 2 packages published to karmic-updates: fglrx-installer, oregano
- 1 package published to karmic-security: quassel
- 4 packages published to karmic-proposed: landscape-client, linux, linux-ec2, linux-mvl-dove
- Jaunty
- 4 packages have been published
- 1 package published to jaunty-updates: fglrx-installer
- 2 packages published to jaunty-security: apache2-mpm-itk, quassel
- 1 package published to jaunty-proposed: landscape-client
- Hardy
- 4 packages have been published
- 2 packages published to hardy-updates: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24, linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24
- 1 package published to hardy-security: apache2-mpm-itk
- 1 package published to hardy-proposed: linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24
- Dapper
- Nothing published to Dapper
- Bug Day status -- pedro_
- Bug Day
Target is Jaunty bug reports and the page is at:
- Team will be in #ubuntu-bugs
- Kernel Bug Day on October 5th
- Bug Day
- Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo
- Blueprints look good and on track.
- New meeting chair -- ameetp
- charlie-tca will chair the next meeting at 17:00 UTC
Meeting opened by ameetp at 19:00
<ameetp> Welcome everyone to the welcome to the weekly QA meeting.
<ameetp> The agenda for today is available at
<ameetp> # review previous action items (all)
<ameetp> # Maverick RC ISO testing status -- ara
<ameetp> # SRU testing -- jibel
<ameetp> # Bug Day status -- pedro_ (no Bug Day 2010-09-23)
<ameetp> # Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo
<ameetp> # Selection of new chair -- ameetp
<ameetp> [TOPIC] Action items
Action items
<ameetp> I don't believe there were any left action items from the last meeting
<ameetp> so if there are no objections I will move to the next topic
ameetp waits
<charlie-tca> none I remember
<marjo> ameetp: none
<ameetp> excellent [TOPIC] Maverick RC ISO testing status -- ara
<ara> excellent topic, I agree
<ara> :P
<ara> hello all!
charlie-tca nods
<skaet> o/
<ara> hey skaet
<JFo> I thought it was Topic: ara?
<JFo> :-D
<ara> So RC testing is going very very well, much better than other cycles
<ara> most of the testcases are already covered
<ara> \o/
<marjo> ara: excellent!
<ara> and no respining in the horizon
<ara> fingers crossed
skaet fingers crossed as well...
<ara> there are some stuff that need some love
<ara> 1. Xubuntu wubis
<marjo> bladernr: wubi?
<charlie-tca> gonna need help with that
<bladernr> marjo: just getting ready to hit those
<ara> 2. LTSP server configuration in the alternates
<bladernr> the xubuntu ones
<fader_> bladernr: masochist
<marjo> bladernr: thx
<davmor2> ara: just finished the m-a's
<ara> davmor2, cool
<bladernr> fader_: you have no idea dude...
<ara> 3. live session in netbooks for kubuntu desktop
<ara> (anyone with a netbook and working usb keys?)
<fader_> ara: I can hit that on my netbook but it'll likely be a few hours before I have time
<fader_> So if nobody gets them before I do, sign me up
<ara> fader_, great, thanks
<ara> and
<bladernr> are there any 64bit netbooks out there?
<ara> bladernr, good point
<ara> bladernr, maybe we should just drop that testcae
<ara> se
<bladernr> if I can find my other USB stick, I'll hit the 32bit one in a moment...
<ara> bladernr, great
<bladernr> after I start the wubi xubuntu stuff
<ara> for the "run at least once" testcases, there are some still uncovered
<ara> Rescue i386 0 tests done
<ara> iSCSI Unauthenticated Root Installation 0 tests done
<ara> UEC install (separate networks topology) 0 tests done
<ara> Installation Broken Internet 0 tests done
<fader_> Yeah, good point -- my netbook is 32 bit
<marjo> ara: just drop 64bit netbook test case
<ara> marjo, OK, will do
<ara> ameetp, VMWare easy install? 0:-)
<ameetp> ara: yes, already started
<ara> ameetp, awesome!
<marjo> cyphermox: did you say you can help with server UEC?
<persia> There are 64-bit netbooks.
<ara> persia, outside japan?
<cyphermox> marjo, not uec. ec2
<ameetp> ara: Thanks for the update!! Anything else for your topic?
<marjo> cyphermox: ack
<ara> one more thing!
<cyphermox> server jeos as well , but I'd need to reinstall a windows VM
<ameetp> sure
<persia> ara, Yes. Anyway, easy way to fake it is to attach an old or small screen that can only do 800x600 to hit the autodetection routines.
<ara> I am going to propose at UDS another change on the "mandatory" "optional" testcases
<ara> many people actually need "optional" (really optional) testcases
<ara> so the "run once" does not work for them
<ara> so my suggestion is going to be to have yet another kind
<ara> so it would be
<ara> mandatory / run once / optional
<ara> I will work on a proposal and I will send it to ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-qa to see what people think
<marjo> ara: sounds reasonable
<bladernr> persia: I thought the routine required both small screen and no optical drive
<ameetp> ara: sounds good
<persia> bladernr, Perhaps. remove the optical drive (or use a machine without one anyway)?
<ara> marjo, skaet: but, if you agree, you have to promise that the optional are really going to be optional
<ara> marjo, skaet: not optional but, "hey, it would be great to cover them all"
<marjo> ara: yes, that's the definition of "optional"
<ameetp> [ACTION] propose mandatory / run once / optional tests and send to qa team- ara
propose mandatory / run once / optional tests and send to qa team- ara |
<bladernr> persia: probably, just curious... I remember discussing the autodetect stuff around alpha time.
<ara> ameetp, and that's all from me
<ameetp> ara: thanks!
<ara> ameetp, my pleasure
<ameetp> any questions for ara?
<skaet> ara, thanks.
<ameetp> going once...
<ameetp> twice
<ameetp> [TOPIC] SRU testing -- jibel
SRU testing -- jibel
<jibel> Hello all
<jibel> Over the past week 56 packages have been published to stable releases. The complete list is available at
<jibel> [LINK]
<jibel> * A total of 41 packages have been published to lucid
<jibel> * 13 packages published to lucid-updates: cheese, cloud-init, fglrx-installer, gnome-terminal, hamster-applet, linux, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-meta, mupen64plus, psimedia, pyroom, qt4-x11, software-properties
<jibel> * 3 packages published to lucid-security: ant, chromium-browser, quassel
<jibel> * 25 packages published to lucid-proposed: apache2, dell-recovery, desktopcouch, gdecrypt, gdm, gjs, gnomescan, gnu-smalltalk, grub2, landscape-client, libgksu, libzip, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-fsl-imx51, linux-mvl-dove, lirc, mplayer, mtd-utils, nspluginwrapper, ooo-thumbnailer, openssl, python-imaging, python3.1, shutter, sugar-0.88
<jibel> * A total of 7 packages have been published to karmic
<jibel> * 2 packages published to karmic-updates: fglrx-installer, oregano
<jibel> * 1 package published to karmic-security: quassel
<jibel> * 4 packages published to karmic-proposed: landscape-client, linux, linux-ec2, linux-mvl-dove
<jibel> * 4 packages have been published to jaunty
<jibel> * 1 package published to jaunty-updates: fglrx-installer
<jibel> * 2 packages published to jaunty-security: apache2-mpm-itk, quassel
<jibel> * 1 package published to jaunty-proposed: landscape-client
<jibel> * 4 packages have been published to hardy
<jibel> * 2 packages published to hardy-updates: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24, linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24
<jibel> * 1 package published to hardy-security: apache2-mpm-itk
<jibel> * 1 package published to hardy-proposed: linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24
<jibel> * Nothing published to Dapper
<jibel> Thanks to Anders Kaseorg (andersk), Artur Rona (ari-tczew), Derek, Daniel J Blueman, Tim, deltatux, Jonathan Thomas (JontheEchidna), Eric Swenson, Frank Ryan, Gerald E Butler, Greg Hanley, Christophe Dumez (chris-qBT), Ian Adams, Irihapeti, Jaromir Obr,
<jibel> Joe McDonagh, Kmassada, tekstr1der, AlmaTlust, Mitch Penrod, Michael S. Yeager , rgururaj, Reuben Thomas, Roman Shtylman (shtylman), Stefano Rivera (tumbleweed), tgates81, Tormod Volden, Catanius and wodny for testing packages in -proposed.
<jibel> As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated!
<jibel> Any question/comment ?
<devildante> thanks for this insight
<ameetp> thanks jibel
<ameetp> going once...
<jibel> that's all for this week then
<ameetp> alright
<ameetp> [TOPIC] Bug Day status -- pedro_
Bug Day status -- pedro_
<devildante> what, you think I'm not worthy of tali
<devildante> talking about it? :p
<pedro_> hello
<pedro_> devildante organized the bug day for this week
<pedro_> devildante, wanna talk briefly about it ?
<devildante> nope, just want to thank charlie-tca for helping me, and bdmurray for making me a graph
<pedro_> heh
<pedro_> The target is Jaunty bugs reports and the page is at:
<pedro_> so if you have some time to work during that day please join us
<pedro_> will be hanging out as always in #ubuntu-bugs
<ameetp> pedro_, devildante: thanks
<devildante> I will *not* be hanging around all the time, studying as usual :p
<devildante> ameetp: you're welcome!
<ameetp> pedro_: anything else?
<pedro_> devildante, skip school that's not important
pedro_ hugs devildante
<charlie-tca> \o/
<pedro_> ameetp, just one more
<ameetp> go ahead pedro_
devildante hugs pedro_ back
<pedro_> If you didn't hear about it , the Kernel Team is organizing a bug day for next Tuesday
<pedro_> our rocking manager already blogged about it here:
<pedro_> so if you have some time on Tuesday to triage some bugs and make JFo happier please help the kernel team with that task
<devildante> of course I'll be helping... a little :p
<JFo> :-D
<pedro_> see JFo is already smiling ^
JFo feels the love
<charlie-tca> I'll probably be there, too
<JFo> excellent!
<pedro_> that's all from here ameetp
<ameetp> pedro_: thanks!
<ameetp> any questions/comments for pedro_?
<pedro_> my pleasure
<ameetp> going once...
devildante hugs pedro_ again
<ameetp> twice
<ameetp> [TOPIC] Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo
Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo
<marjo> Beautiful very productive graph
<ameetp> \o/
<marjo> ara on track for end-of-release
<marjo> We are getting some help from JamesPage on packaging Hudson.
<marjo> JamesPage is with the Ubuntu Server Team
<marjo> ameetp: that's it from me
<marjo> thx
<ameetp> thanks marjo!
<ameetp> any questions/comments for marjo?
<ameetp> once
<ameetp> twice
<ameetp> [TOPIC] Misc.
<ameetp> anyone have anything they would like to bring up?
<hggdh> for Hudson, the packaging idea is at
<ameetp> cool. thanks hggdh
<ameetp> anyone else?
<ameetp> going once...
<ameetp> twice
<ameetp> [TOPIC] Selection of new chair -- ameetp
Selection of new chair -- ameetp
<ameetp> the next meeting will be next week at 1700 UTC in this channel
<ameetp> any volunteers?
<ameetp> hggdh?
<ameetp> fader_, bladernr, pedro_, marjo
<charlie-tca> You want me to chair it, ameetp ?
fader_ whistles innocently.
<ameetp> charlie-tca: sure
<charlie-tca> Okay
<ameetp> [ACTION] charlie-tca to chair the next meeting at 1700 UTC
charlie-tca to chair the next meeting at 1700 UTC |
<ameetp> thanks charlie-tca!
<charlie-tca> and in the meantime, maybe the rest can think about which days they can take it, huh?
<charlie-tca> You are welcome
<ameetp> alright. You all have been a nice audience. Let's say we end this
<ameetp> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 19:32
People Present
- ameetp
- charlie-tca
- marjo
- ara
- skaet
- JFo
- bladernr
- fader_
- davmor2
- persia
- cyphermox
- jibel
- devildante
- pedro_
- hggdh
Actions Recorded
- propose mandatory / run once / optional tests and send to qa team- ara
- charlie-tca to chair the next meeting at 1700 UTC