Topic: review previous action items (all)
No previous items
Topic: SRU Report -- jibel
- not a very active week on the SRU front with 63 packages published to stable releases
- The complete list is available at
Thanks to Alan N, Kenny, bcbc, Benjamin Drung (bdrung), David Bercovitz (berco), Ross Ashley, Daniel Nicoletti (dantti), aftertaf (aftertaf), Luca Ferretti (elleuca), NoOp, Jim Richards, Guy Thouret, I Kovalev, Gianvito Cavasoli (Janvitus), jayseye, Jussi Schultink (jussio1), Eric Hough, Anton Kudris, leighman (leighman), Mauro, Gediminas Paulauskas (menesis), Micah Gersten (micahg), Dmitry Shachnev, Martin Wildam, Naty Bidart (nessita), Petr A. Sokolnikov (New_Wind), Rolf Leggewie, Srecko Toroman (misreckoning) and Scott Salley (ssalley) for testing packages in -proposed.
As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated!
Topic: Bugday -- pedro_
- Last Thursday we had a bug day for Banshee , the particion was ok, ~45 of 81 bugs were triaged during the bug day
The progress is on
- Thanks a lot rocking contributors kamusin and micahg for working on it, great work folks!
- 2010-12-02 we are not having a bug day because of Natty Alpha1. We rather want to be focused on ISO Testing, so if you have time help us with ISO testing
Topic: Any Other Business
According to hggdh & pedro, all TODO work items are still on-track for Alpha-1
QA Dashboard has been moved to:
- With the change to unity and compiz, we need hardware testing. Trying to test in virtual machines will fail.
- Chair for next meeting will be charlie-tca
Meeting Log
Meeting opened by charlie-tca at 17:15
<marjo> charlie-tca, jibel: let's do it now; google-calendar is still showing 1800 UTC
<charlie-tca> [TOPIC] review previous action items (all)
review previous action items (all)
<charlie-tca> Do we have any ? I don't think we do
<pedro_> i don't recall any
<jibel> skaet_, hggdh, bdmurray, ara, and all meeting time.
<charlie-tca> great. Let's keep going then
<skaet_> o/
<charlie-tca> welcome, skaet_
<ara> hey!
<charlie-tca> [TOPIC] SRU Report -- jibel
SRU Report -- jibel
<charlie-tca> Go for it, jibel
<jibel> thank you charlie-tca
<jibel> not a very active week on the SRU front with 63 packages published to stable releases
<jibel> The complete list is available at
<jibel> [LINK]
<jibel> * A total of 28 packages have been published to maverick
<jibel> * 13 packages published to maverick-updates: appmenu-gtk, gparted, hebcal, openldap, packagekit, pyparted, pype, qt4-x11, samba, update-inetd, utouch-grail, virt-manager, vlc
<jibel> * 7 packages published to maverick-security: apache2, apr-util, linux, linux-backports-modules-2.6.35, linux-meta, openjdk-6, openjdk-6b18
<jibel> * 8 packages published to maverick-proposed: banshee, debian-installer, emacs23, gnome-system-tools, gwibber, msttcorefonts, rhythmbox-radio-browser, telepathy-haze
<jibel> * A total of 18 packages have been published to lucid
<jibel> * 5 packages published to lucid-updates: dpkg, hebcal, packagekit, pango1.0, pidgin
<jibel> * 10 packages published to lucid-security: apache2, apr-util, linux, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-ec2, linux-meta, linux-meta-ec2, openjdk-6, openjdk-6b18, php-htmlpurifier
<jibel> * 3 packages published to lucid-proposed: gnome-system-tools, pidgin, rhythmbox-radio-browser
<jibel> * A total of 8 packages have been published to karmic
<jibel> * 1 package published to karmic-updates: hebcal
<jibel> * 6 packages published to karmic-security: apache2, apr-util, linux, linux-ec2, openjdk-6, php-htmlpurifier
<jibel> * 1 package published to karmic-proposed: gnu-smalltalk
<jibel> * A total of 7 packages have been published to hardy
<jibel> * 1 package published to hardy-updates: hebcal
<jibel> * 6 packages published to hardy-security: apache2, apache2-mpm-itk, apr-util, linux, openjdk-6, openjdk-6
<jibel> and
<jibel> * A total of 2 packages have been published to dapper-security: apache2, linux-source-2.6.15
<jibel> Thanks to Alan N, Kenny, bcbc, Benjamin Drung (bdrung), David Bercovitz (berco), Ross Ashley, Daniel Nicoletti (dantti), aftertaf (aftertaf), Luca Ferretti (elleuca), NoOp, Jim Richards, Guy Thouret, I Kovalev, Gianvito Cavasoli (Janvitus), jayseye, Jussi Schultink (jussio1), Eric Hough, Anton Kudris, leighman (leighman), Mauro, Gediminas Paulauskas (menesis), Micah Gersten (micahg), Dmitry Shachnev, Martin Wildam, Naty
<jibel> Bidart (nessita), Petr A. Sokolnikov (New_Wind), Rolf Leggewie, Srecko Toroman (misreckoning) and Scott Salley (ssalley) for testing packages in -proposed.
<jibel> As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated!
<jibel> Any comment or question ?
<charlie-tca> Thanks, jibel
<jibel> thanks all.
<charlie-tca> Everyone is invited to help with testing those packages
<charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Bugday -- pedro_
Bugday -- pedro_
<charlie-tca> pedro_, your turn
<pedro_> thanks charlie-tca
<pedro_> Last Thursday we had a bug day for Banshee , the particion was ok, ~45 of 81 bugs were triaged during the bug day
<pedro_> you can see the progress on
<pedro_> the graph as always is at the bottom of that page
<pedro_> Thanks a lot rocking contributors kamusin and micahg for working on it, great work folks!
kamusin want a nice present from santa
<charlie-tca> That's great for the americans having a holiday!
<pedro_> Tomorrow we are not having a bug day because of Alpha1, we rather want to be focused on ISO Testing, so if you have time help us with ISO testing
<pedro_> that's all from here charlie-tca unless there's a question/comment
<charlie-tca> Great! We can use help with the testing, since many of the images just got rebuilt.
<charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Any Other Business
Any Other Business
<charlie-tca> For those testing, we are seeing failures because there is no 2d fallback yet
<marjo> charlie-tca: yes, please
<charlie-tca> Go ahead, marjo
<marjo> according to hggdh & pedro, all TODO work items are still on-track for Alpha-1
<marjo> QA Dashboard has been moved to:
<marjo> thx to bdmurray
<marjo> charlie-tca: thx
<charlie-tca> Great job! Thanks for bringing that up, marjo
<charlie-tca> so, anything else?
<charlie-tca> I do want to bring up testing yet again.
<charlie-tca> With the change to unity and compiz, we need hardware testing. Trying to test in virtual machines will fail.
<charlie-tca> I suspect we will see this all through Natty, too.
skaet_ nods
<charlie-tca> So, if you have spare hardware and can help out, please jump in.
<charlie-tca> And then we have the chair for the next meeting... It will be 2010-12-08 at 18:00 UTC
<marjo> charlie-tca: also please note:
<charlie-tca> Noted
<skaet_> o/
<ubot4`> Launchpad bug 683356 in compiz (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "Unity lost the 2D failback feature (affects: 5) (heat: 24)" [High,Fix released]
charlie-tca nods
<skaet_> is now fixed and is being picked up in the new images being rebuilt - so look for it when the images are published please. need to know if we need to release note it or not.
<UndiFineD> how adventures it testing natty atm ? without spare hardware
<charlie-tca> UndiFineD, I am going to say I wouldn't do it if you need your system for productive work. It is quite tricky at times.
<UndiFineD> ie, could i expect it to burn my processor
<charlie-tca> Once you move to natty, it is a complete reinstall to get back to maverick
<charlie-tca> I don't know of any "going to hurt the hardware" issues, myself
<UndiFineD> second partition would do the trick
<charlie-tca> Yes, it will.
<charlie-tca> Any volunteers yet for next week?
<jibel> UndiFineD, you can always dual boot on separate partition.
<UndiFineD> so alpha1 is ready today ?
<skaet_> alpha1 will be published tomorrow.
<UndiFineD> ok
<charlie-tca> We are testing the images today for alpha1
<UndiFineD> i will get it and install on second drive / partition
<marjo> UndiFineD: please see:
<marjo> for untested images:
<charlie-tca> hm, Well then. Same place next week. Let's get back to testing!
<charlie-tca> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 17:40
People Present
- marjo
- charlie-tca
- pedro_
- jibel
- skaet_
- ara
- kamusin
- ubot4`
- UndiFineD
Actions Recorded