== Summary == === SRU Update === The complete list is available at [LINK] http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sru/latest.html LINK received: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sru/latest.html * A total of 24 packages have been published to maverick * 3 packages published to maverick-updates: apparmor, eglibc, indicator-sound * 7 packages published to maverick-security: chromium-browser, chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, dovecot, openoffice.org, postgresql-8.4 * 14 packages published to maverick-proposed: aptdaemon, awstats, banshee, dell-recovery, fuse, linux-meta-mvl-dove, linux-mvl-dove, pgdesigner, tar, thunderbird-locales, util-linux, varnish, xdg-utils, xserver-xorg-video-intel * A total of 787 packages have been published to lucid * 4 packages published to lucid-updates: openjdk-6, openjdk-6b18, thunderbird-locales, xserver-xorg-video-geode * 7 packages published to lucid-security: chromium-browser, chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, dovecot, openoffice.org, postgresql-8.4 * language-pack-*, kernel and ubuntu-font-family-sources have been published to lucid-proposed the huge number of packages is the langpacks * A total of 4 packages have been published to karmic * openjdk-6 published to karmic-updates * 2 packages published to karmic-security: openoffice.org, postgresql-8.4 * ubuntu-font-family-sources published to karmic-proposed * A total of 3 packages have been published to hardy * 2 packages published to hardy-security: openoffice.org, postgresql-8.3 * ubuntu-font-family-sources published to hardy-proposed * A total of 2 packages have been published to dapper-security: linux-source-2.6.15, postgresql-8.1 === Natty Alpha 2 Test Results === From Feb. 2nd at 20:34UTC to Feb. 4th at 01:12UTC, 42 contributors have executed a total of 312 test cases. That's an impressive participation for an Alpha release * Image Coverage: 100% (52/52) * Mandatory Testcase Coverage: 94.92% (168/177) * Optional Testcase Coverage: 55.00% (22/40) * 38 Test Failures * Failure Rate: 20.00% (38/190) 80 bugs unfixed * 2 Critical * 28 High * 7 Medium * 6 Low * 37 Undecided 8 bugs fixed * 4 High * 1 Medium * 3 Undecided The complete report is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/NattyAlpha2TestReport [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/NattyAlpha2TestReport LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/NattyAlpha2TestReport === Burndown Updates === http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-platform-qa-natty-alpha-3.html No work items started yet. Two additional items were carried over from Alpha-2 LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-platform-qa-natty-alpha-3.html = Testing for the current release = http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/desktop-testing/natty/index.20110128.html 1 failure under investigation by hggdh == Logs == {{{ #startmeeting Meeting started at 17:01. The chair is patrickmw. Commands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [TOPIC] review previous action items (all) New Topic: review previous action items (all) any action items? I don't recall any <-- ara has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [TOPIC] SRU Report -- jibel New Topic: SRU Report -- jibel hi all! Over the past week 820 packages have been published to stable releases The complete list is available at [LINK] http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sru/latest.html LINK received: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sru/latest.html * A total of 24 packages have been published to maverick * 3 packages published to maverick-updates: apparmor, eglibc, indicator-sound * 7 packages published to maverick-security: chromium-browser, chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, dovecot, openoffice.org, postgresql-8.4 * 14 packages published to maverick-proposed: aptdaemon, awstats, banshee, dell-recovery, fuse, linux-meta-mvl-dove, linux-mvl-dove, pgdesigner, tar, thunderbird-locales, util-linux, varnish, xdg-utils, xserver-xorg-video-intel * A total of 787 packages have been published to lucid * 4 packages published to lucid-updates: openjdk-6, openjdk-6b18, thunderbird-locales, xserver-xorg-video-geode * 7 packages published to lucid-security: chromium-browser, chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, dovecot, openoffice.org, postgresql-8.4 * language-pack-*, kernel and ubuntu-font-family-sources have been published to lucid-proposed the huge number of packages is the langpacks * A total of 4 packages have been published to karmic * openjdk-6 published to karmic-updates * 2 packages published to karmic-security: openoffice.org, postgresql-8.4 * ubuntu-font-family-sources published to karmic-proposed * A total of 3 packages have been published to hardy * 2 packages published to hardy-security: openoffice.org, postgresql-8.3 * ubuntu-font-family-sources published to hardy-proposed * A total of 2 packages have been published to dapper-security: linux-source-2.6.15, postgresql-8.1 Thanks to Angel Abad (angelabad), Chauncellor (cornwall), Charlie_Smotherman (porthose) (porthose), cybero2912, Andy Doan (doanac), Dan Mundy, dino99, Fabri Velas, Edvinas, Jan de Haan, Jonathan Marsden (jmarsden), knap, Kenyon Ralph (kenyon), Lars Fehr, MartinE, brayer benoit, Amine Brikci-N, Nicolas Becker, Pat Gauthier, Scott Money and Thomas Wagnwe for testing packages in -proposed. As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated! any question ? patrickmw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings ah yes I forgot to post the agenda sorry all fyi Agenda: * review previous action items (all) * SRU Report -- jibel * Burndown updates -- marjo * TestLink update -- patrickmw * Any Other Business * Selection of new chair -- patrickmw [TOPIC] Burndown updates -- marjo New Topic: Burndown updates -- marjo patrickmw: Natty Alpha 2 Test Results -- jibel and Natty Alpha 2 Test Results -- jibel http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-platform-qa-natty-alpha-3.html No work items started yet. Two additional items were carried over from Alpha-2 LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-platform-qa-natty-alpha-3.html = Testing for the current release = http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/desktop-testing/natty/index.20110128.html 1 failure under investigation by hggdh LINK received: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/desktop-testing/natty/index.20110128.html LINK received: Not much more to report, since it's early in Alpha-3 cycle that's it from patrickmw thx i see I didn't refresh my wiki page in time back to you jibel [TOPIC] Natty Alpha 2 Test Results -- jibel New Topic: Natty Alpha 2 Test Results -- jibel Hi again From Feb. 2nd at 20:34UTC to Feb. 4th at 01:12UTC, 42 contributors have executed a total of 312 test cases. That's an impressive participation for an Alpha release * Image Coverage: 100% (52/52) * Mandatory Testcase Coverage: 94.92% (168/177) * Optional Testcase Coverage: 55.00% (22/40) * 38 Test Failures * Failure Rate: 20.00% (38/190) 80 bugs unfixed * 2 Critical * 28 High * 7 Medium * 6 Low * 37 Undecided 8 bugs fixed * 4 High * 1 Medium * 3 Undecided The complete report is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/NattyAlpha2TestReport [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/NattyAlpha2TestReport LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/NattyAlpha2TestReport Thanks to all the contributors who helped testing Alpha2 On the ISO Testing side, next week we will be testing Lucid 10.04.2 and 2 weeks after it will be Natty Alpha3. and thank you jibel for managing the iso testing process That's all for me. [TOPIC] TestLink update -- patrickmw New Topic: TestLink update -- patrickmw quick summary managing our test suites in wiki format is a pain so we've been researching tools to help us manage our tests better teamst.org is TestLink's official site hggdh was kind enough to let me borrow a server to do prototype testing on I have started installing it this morning and when I'm done I will send an announcement and make sure those interested have accounts any questions on that? http://teamst.org/ LINK received: http://teamst.org/ [TOPIC] Any Other Business New Topic: Any Other Business 3 2 1 [TOPIC] Selection of new chair -- patrickmw New Topic: Selection of new chair -- patrickmw * patrickmw plays drumroll volunteers? I select hggdh patrickmw: i second the motion alright, everyone have a productive day! thank you patrickmw: thx for chairing! }}}