== Meeting summary == *Previous Actions ''ACTION:'' patrickmw to publish a list of launchpad projects that conform our automated testing in jenkins (gema, 17:04:05) *Blueprints Update Precise *https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-builds-smoke-testing (gema, 17:04:30) ''LINK:'' https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20Daily%20ISOs/ (gema, 17:07:53) *#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-boot-speed-testing (gema, 17:12:40) *https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-kernel-sru (gema, 17:13:47) *https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-standard-sru-testing (gema, 17:16:52) *https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-test-case-management-tool (gema, 17:17:20) ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TestCase (gema, 17:18:29) *https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-backlog (gema, 17:19:06) *https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-qa-regression-testing (gema, 17:32:00) *https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-automated-test-submissions (gema, 17:33:33) *https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-metrics (gema, 17:34:53) *Community Tasks - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TasksPrecise (gema, 17:35:24) *Update Xubuntu *Update Lubuntu *Update Ubuntu *Other Topics ''LINK:'' https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-problems-check/ (patrickmw) ''LINK:'' http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html (jibel) Meeting ended at 17:44:00 UTC. == Votes == == Action items == * patrickmw to publish a list of launchpad projects that conform our automated testing in jenkins == Action items, by person == * patrickmw ** patrickmw to publish a list of launchpad projects that conform our automated testing in jenkins == People present (lines said) == * gema (134) * alourie (33) * patrickmw (14) * charlie-tca (12) * kalosaurusrex (8) * sconklin (8) * brendand (7) * nuclearbob (5) * meetingology (4) * txomon (2) * kamusin (2) * roadmr (1) == Full Log == 17:00:45 #startmeeting QA Meeting 17:00:45 Meeting started Wed Dec 7 17:00:45 2011 UTC. The chair is gema. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. 17:00:45 17:00:45 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 17:00:50 * kamusin :) 17:01:01 hello everyone, who's present for the QA meeting? 17:01:07 hi 17:01:11 o/ 17:01:13 hello! 17:01:16 * kamusin o/ 17:01:55 let's summon some others hggdh jibel_ nuclearbob patrickmw , are you guys there? 17:02:02 yep 17:02:06 sure am 17:02:19 ok, let's get started 17:02:31 #topic Previous Actions 17:02:39 * gema gema to add lubuntu and Xubuntu testing updates to the agenda (gema, 17:08:59) 17:03:01 I did that , we are discussing those , you can check the agenda in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings 17:03:12 we can move them around if that's preferred 17:03:24 * gema patrickmw to publish a list of launchpad projects that conform our automated testing in jenkins (gema, 17:16:20) 17:03:37 in progress 17:03:48 ok, so we'll keep it there for next week 17:04:05 #action patrickmw to publish a list of launchpad projects that conform our automated testing in jenkins 17:04:05 * meetingology patrickmw to publish a list of launchpad projects that conform our automated testing in jenkins 17:04:18 #topic Blueprints Update Precise 17:04:30 #subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-builds-smoke-testing 17:04:45 ok, any updates on this, anyone? 17:05:11 hello Aaron here 17:05:20 hi kalosaurusrex , go ahead 17:06:49 kalosaurusrex: do you want to give us an update? 17:07:03 I don't have an update exactly. but is there someone who checks the builds daily anyway? I was thinking about setting up a script that would pull down the daily and I could do a quick check as we add to the smoke test etc 17:07:37 kalosaurusrex: we are doing that in jenkins, let me paste a link to it 17:07:53 https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20Daily%20ISOs/ 17:08:07 you can see there whether our basic install and little more testing passed or not 17:08:41 awesome thanks! 17:08:53 patrick will be publishing the list of launchpad projects that have the code we are running 17:09:17 o/ 17:09:21 I don't think there's any update from us either, except that patrick and myself are trying to get jenkins to show the results in a nicer fashion 17:09:27 charlie-tca: go ahead 17:09:54 I am not sure, but it looks to me like a run on jenkins 9 hours ago was yesterday's images, or am reading times wrong? 17:10:07 * alourie just barely made it 17:10:27 charlie-tca: if I count well, 9 hours ago are 8am london time 17:10:43 So it is me? 17:10:52 charlie-tca: that is the usual time by when the new images are ready and jenkins starts automagically 17:11:07 Okay. Then I got confused again on times 17:11:35 charlie-tca: no probs 17:11:43 alourie: welcome 17:12:08 ok, other thing we are doing is trying to put together a bug report that shows which defects we've found on these executions 17:12:16 nuclearbob and I are working on that one too 17:12:23 we'll let you know when it is ready 17:12:30 moving on to the next topic then 17:12:40 #subtopic #subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-boot-speed-testing 17:12:43 patrickmw ? 17:12:48 * New info available on reports: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/boot-speed/dell-vostro-3400/index.html 17:12:48 * Still need to add Lucid benchmark to all systems 17:12:48 * Adding more systems over the next few months 17:12:55 .. 17:13:13 good, thanks 17:13:33 if anyone has questions please interrupt me, I won't be asking explicitely 17:13:47 #subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-kernel-sru 17:13:51 sconklin ? 17:14:20 I've been doing two main tasks. 17:15:00 The first is an initial look at some performance tests that may be useful for measuring kernels for uses like Ubuntu Studio and other critical audio and video apps 17:15:10 Nothing conclusive has come out of that yet 17:15:41 The second is take perform a comprehensive look at LTP (Linus Test Project) 17:15:58 and determine what we should be running out of that test suite that we are not already running 17:16:22 as well as getting a better handle on our management of that test suite as part of our automated testing 17:16:31 That's about it. 17:16:33 .. 17:16:41 cool, thanks a lot 17:16:52 #subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-standard-sru-testing 17:16:55 jibel_: ? 17:17:11 I don't think he is around, so let's move on 17:17:20 #subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-test-case-management-tool 17:17:33 I had a conversation with the mozilla guys and they seem to be moving away from litmus and are developing a new tool, called CaseConductor that seems to be improving litmus 17:17:45 we are considering to go for that one, especially because they are finishing development now and are willing to accommodate our requirements. I am in the process of gathering those to be able to talk to them 17:18:03 So we may have to do some beta testing of their tool in exchange, whenever they are at that stage, in January 17:18:20 for the time being, it would be good if we used for our work of improving existing test cases, just spreadsheets, find a template at the bottom of the test case page 17:18:29 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TestCase 17:18:42 .. 17:19:06 #subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-backlog 17:19:24 does anyone have an update on backlog tasks? 17:19:31 or wiki improvements or similar? 17:19:37 o/ 17:19:41 alourie: go ahead 17:19:44 alright 17:19:57 so, we've started working on 7 items list 17:20:22 yep, brendand named it Wiki x) 17:20:34 (he didn't like my numbers, they are impersonal) 17:20:39 :-) 17:20:48 personally, I'm not sure that wiki itself should update much 17:20:54 but qa.ubuntu.com may 17:20:56 gema - you're welcome ;) 17:21:13 brendand: you should send the list with names :-) 17:21:40 ok, alourie , this is the wiki we are talking about right: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam 17:21:49 yes 17:22:02 it's quite up to date, maybe couple of things should be updated 17:22:11 I think it doesnt' really reflect what we are doing, does it? 17:22:13 but the qa.u.c site seems to be abandoned 17:22:16 well 17:22:36 gema, why not? 17:23:20 alourie: because it seems to talk about bugsquad tasks which we are not necessarily focussing on 17:23:31 and it doesn't touch on the changes we are working on 17:23:41 what we are trying to achieve 17:23:50 I don't think we are doing good PR with that page 17:23:53 if you know what I mean 17:24:01 we are not inviting many people to help :D 17:24:01 gema: oh, so you want to split it, so QATeam would specifically be concentrated on testing? 17:24:06 ^^ 17:24:18 yep, that's what we've done already with the meeting and stuff 17:24:26 it is good to have a link to the bugsquad page 17:24:35 but we need to be clear on what our objectives are 17:24:38 which we are not 17:24:45 ah, ok, got you 17:24:47 agreed 17:25:12 so, I haven't had time to think about this 17:25:17 nor our tasks page is linked 17:25:25 or the active members are mentioned 17:25:28 Wouldn't it be better to rename the teams, QA testing and QA bugsquad? 17:25:31 but this needs some thinking 17:25:43 charles: that would be a bit misleading I think 17:25:50 the bugsquad is already the bugsquad, they have a name 17:25:55 BugSquad should be just that 17:26:00 brendand: +1 17:26:01 the problem is that we seem to imply we are doing the same thins 17:26:02 things 17:26:05 but both teams are what QA is 17:26:14 no, bug triaging is one thing 17:26:17 QA is another thing 17:26:24 both important 17:26:26 but different 17:26:26 * brendand agrees 17:26:26 gema: wait a sec 17:26:37 * kalosaurusrex agrees 17:26:42 you mean that QA and BugSquad would split totally? 17:26:55 alourie: I think we have split totally 17:26:56 So, QA is only TESTING, it has no other functions? 17:27:01 ahh 17:27:08 we have bdmurray helping us with our bug classification problems 17:27:08 I haven't thought about it like that 17:27:09 etc 17:27:12 so we collaborate 17:27:23 * alourie agrees 17:27:27 charlie-tca: QA is about ensuring the quality of the OS 17:27:28 now I get it 17:27:31 not just testing 17:27:40 there is more to it than just testing 17:27:48 gema: well, ensuring by means of testing... 17:27:49 :-) 17:27:50 we may care about counting how many bugs we find, for instance 17:27:59 ok, I get it now. 17:27:59 but not about triaging them as such 17:28:07 what kind of bugs we are missing, etc 17:28:15 brendand: +1 17:28:19 +1 17:28:44 cool, alourie , can you give it a thought on this light 17:28:49 and see what you come up with? 17:29:02 re qa.u.c, I agree, we should be posting more often 17:29:02 sure. I think that we need a our "mission statement" to be refreshed 17:29:09 alourie: agreed 17:29:15 ok, then I'll do that. 17:29:23 charlie-tca: are you happy with this? 17:29:47 So, is that split documented with all that involves somewhere, or are we deciding it no? 17:29:50 I am confused than anything else. I will just have to see how it all ends up. 17:30:01 charlie-tca: ok 17:30:06 s/no/now 17:30:11 txomon: we are trying to document it 17:30:16 o/ 17:30:18 sorry guys, baby needs to go to sleep, I must leave now. I will read logs later. 17:30:24 txomon: and we will need collaboration with the bugsquad for that 17:30:32 ok alourie 17:30:34 brendand: ? 17:31:11 gema: great then 17:31:14 just to say that bug triaging can be considered a bridge between QA and the 'debugging' aspect of development 17:31:47 brendand: noted, we may continue this discussion on the list, we need to keep going 17:32:00 #subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-qa-regression-testing 17:32:05 nuclearbob: ? 17:32:20 I've got an auotest package now 17:32:38 I'm getting it into better shape so it'll do al the necessary configuration and support upgrading and removal correctly 17:32:57 when we get the new hardware in the lab, we can install it and setup some test nodes to run the qrt scripts through autotest 17:33:18 .. 17:33:26 thanks! 17:33:33 #subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-automated-test-submissions 17:33:37 patrickmw: ? 17:34:08 This is the next priority item for me. I've started on it since boot speed is coming together 17:34:29 Nothing major to report 17:34:45 cool, thanks 17:34:53 #subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-metrics 17:35:13 nothing to report on this apart from the bug report nuclearbob and I are working on 17:35:24 #subtopic Community Tasks - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TasksPrecise 17:35:38 anything on the tasks that needs discussing and we haven't touched base on yet? 17:35:55 o/ 17:36:01 kalosaurusrex: go ahead 17:36:39 so I have created a list of applications and verified against the manifest. All good there. My question is there set of criteria that we want to start with for applications to test during the smoke test? 17:37:02 kalosaurusrex: what I said in the email is what we have 17:37:10 developers needs need to be covered 17:37:15 and testers needs too 17:37:29 so any app that a dev or a tester would need to do their job needs to be smoke tested 17:37:52 so that we find the problems as early as they are introduced 17:38:11 does that make sense? 17:38:36 Okay makes sense. I was defiantly going to have a separate test for each. I guess I was wondering if anyone had anything specific or I can start building a list and email it out for suggestions. 17:38:39 making sure unity is up and running, for instance, with a ps or a top command 17:38:43 all simple things 17:38:52 Okay gotcha :) 17:39:27 ok, thanks for the work you are doing :) 17:39:32 moving on then 17:39:39 #topic Update Xubuntu 17:39:46 charlie-tca: ? 17:40:06 tested images this week. Today, all Xubuntu 64bit images fail to install 17:40:31 This appears to be a transmission uninstallable bug 17:40:34 .. 17:40:50 charlie-tca: thanks 17:40:58 #topic Update Lubuntu 17:41:12 anyone from Lubuntu with an update for us? 17:41:27 ok, next week then 17:41:35 #topic Update Ubuntu 17:41:42 hggdh, jibel_ ? 17:42:10 ok, resting after A1, I guess 17:42:20 #topic Other Topics 17:42:28 anything else anyone? 17:42:29 o/ 17:42:35 go for it patrickmw 17:42:40 Thanks to jibel for sharing http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html 17:42:45 This page gets updated with known Precise stability issues 17:42:51 I created this job: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-problems-check/ 17:42:56 The job runs every hour and checks for issues. If issues are found, the job will fail and send an email to ubuntu-testing-notifications@lists.ubuntu.com 17:42:57 .. 17:43:25 patrickmw: excellent, thanks a lot to you and jibel 17:43:42 anything else? 17:43:54 ok, we are done then 17:44:00 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot)