## page was renamed from QATeam/Meetings/20120118 Meeting started on Weds Jan 18 2012 at 17:00:09 UTC. balloons chaired the session. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-18-17.00.log.html == Meeting summary == *Previous Actions ''ACTION:'' alourie to feature AutomatedTesting wiki page prominently in wiki, based upon list discussion (balloons, 17:10:04) *Blueprints Updates and Community Tasks ''ACTION:'' gema discuss case conductor with mozilla folks and provide update (balloons, 17:13:50) ''ACTION:'' balloons to review test cases for i386,x64 and coordinate updates (balloons, 17:23:09) *Ubuntu Derivative Updates *Other Discussions Meeting ended at 17:54:14 UTC. == Votes == == Action items == * alourie to feature AutomatedTesting wiki page prominently in wiki, based upon list discussion * gema discuss case conductor with mozilla folks and provide update * balloons to review test cases for i386,x64 and coordinate updates == Action items, by person == * alourie ** alourie to feature AutomatedTesting wiki page prominently in wiki, based upon list discussion * balloons ** balloons to review test cases for i386,x64 and coordinate updates * gema ** gema discuss case conductor with mozilla folks and provide update == People present (lines said) == * balloons (83) * alourie (63) * gema (43) * txomon|nqas (19) * ScottK (17) * njin (11) * hggdh (7) * astraljava (7) * meetingology (6) * phillw (5) * highvoltage (5) * albrigha (4) * jibel (4) * nuclearbob (2) * bil21al (1) * retoaded (1) == Full Log == 17:00:09 #startmeeting 17:00:09 Meeting started Wed Jan 18 17:00:09 2012 UTC. The chair is balloons. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. 17:00:09 17:00:09 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 17:00:35 o/ 17:00:45 o/ 17:00:48 o/ 17:00:54 so I see we have at least a few folks.. everyone ready? 17:00:59 yep 17:01:05 and me too 17:01:13 \o 17:01:18 [TOPIC] Previous Actions 17:01:21 howdy 17:01:32 ok, so there were a couple previous actions, one of which was mine :-) 17:01:43 and one was mine :-) 17:01:52 kubuntu and ubuntu studio are on the agenda now, so that should be good going forward 17:02:13 alourie, how did the wiki migration go? 17:02:21 balloons: it went fine 17:02:30 ~ô~ 17:02:34 since about couple of hours we have a new wiki page 17:02:44 so everyone is invited to provide a feedback 17:02:50 can you let us know how you did it? I know we were wondering if it was possible to copy, etc... 17:02:57 I actually like this layout 17:03:00 balloons: ah 17:03:46 well, considering that you already merged a hefty part of it, it went quite fast 17:03:46 I just copied over relevant parts 17:03:49 alourie: to be clear, is this the page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam 17:03:56 albrigha: yes 17:04:01 there are still a lot of digging required for the nested stuff, I'm on it 17:04:12 but it'll take some time, as there's a /lot/ of stuff 17:04:16 ... 17:04:37 I was going to ask about that..it seemed like AutomatedTesting has a lot of info and is rather hard to get to. but sounds like you are already looking at it :) 17:04:49 albrigha: yes, I am 17:05:22 I am looking into all things /QA wiki/, so if anyone has ideas/suggestions/questions, fire them up to me 17:05:28 yes, I agree.. General page cleanup is next and the more eyes on it the better 17:05:39 alourie: link AutomatedTesting in a visible place 17:05:50 I am taking care of linking all the important new stuff we do for automation there 17:06:14 thanks ! 17:06:15 .. 17:06:26 gema: there's an "Actions" link on the main page, that leads to all activities 17:06:30 including Automation 17:06:49 would you like Automation to be special and have a separate link on the main page? 17:06:58 I don't find the Actions link 17:07:06 I don't see it either 17:07:18 i see activities 17:07:30 sorry 17:07:34 and it's there.. it's not a prominent link though on the main page 17:07:35 I meant Activities 17:07:45 that may be it, yep, it needs to be on the main page not just under activities 17:07:48 imo 17:07:55 * balloons likes the beaker graphic with the cd in it 17:08:11 balloons: for ISO testing? :-) 17:08:23 maybe a bullet point under What kinds of things does the Ubuntu QA Team do or so 17:08:41 .. 17:08:47 gema: maybe we could bulletlist activities alltogether? 17:08:55 alourie: indeed 17:08:59 great 17:09:01 do we want aactivities on the top of the page next to roadmap, schedule 17:09:13 balloons: I'm not sure 17:09:18 I say so..it seems like it's pretty important.. 17:09:27 testing is not the only thing we do 17:09:27 I think we should discuss this on the list 17:09:29 and move on 17:09:34 or else we won't get through :) 17:09:42 ok, so no actions right now 17:09:47 +1 17:09:47 balloons: put this on my actions list 17:10:04 [ACTION] alourie to feature AutomatedTesting wiki page prominently in wiki, based upon list discussion 17:10:04 * meetingology alourie to feature AutomatedTesting wiki page prominently in wiki, based upon list discussion 17:10:11 thanks 17:10:21 let's move on then 17:10:27 great 17:10:34 thanks for the feedback! 17:10:37 [TOPIC] Blueprints Updates and Community Tasks 17:10:50 alourie, your welcome.. at a glance the wiki is already nicer 17:11:24 yep 17:11:48 ok, does anyone have any updates on tasks to sharE? 17:11:56 let's start with you alourie 17:12:00 ahm 17:12:12 ok 17:12:18 :-) 17:12:52 I think we need to get moving with test cases rework. I have no updates yes, but I intend to get started with rewriting. gema - is there any update on the meeting with Mozilla folks? 17:13:08 alourie: on my todo list 17:13:15 alourie: I need to talk to them this week 17:13:20 balloons: give me an action 17:13:22 alourie, I also wanted to discuss the rework. 17:13:25 oh, great 17:13:29 balloons: go ahead 17:13:50 [ACTION] gema discuss case conductor with mozilla folks and provide update 17:13:50 * meetingology gema discuss case conductor with mozilla folks and provide update 17:14:05 * txomon|nqas has arrived 17:14:18 sure. So I wanted to make sure I understood the process for how the test cases were being reworked 17:14:25 txomon|nqas, welcome :-) 17:14:32 balloons: ok 17:14:43 let me find my steps.. 17:15:08 so we have decided to rewrite them, mainly because wiki doesn't seem to be a good management tool 17:15:34 yes.. in a nutshell, essentially using the gdoc to rewrite then place back in the wiki 17:15:41 no, we have decided to rewrite them because they were wrong 17:15:54 and we are moving to case conductor because the wiki is not a good management tool :) 17:15:56 they where old 17:16:10 njin: +1 17:16:11 yes gema is correct there 17:16:15 rewriting allows us to review them, fix ambiguities, update the content to a more relevant one, and remove the obsolete ones 17:16:15 because many of them are not relevant anymore 17:16:17 and just not clear enough 17:17:05 so I'm up to speed on that now :-) So the next step is to get some traction going on re-writing them, reviewing them, and getting them back into the wiki 17:17:09 alourie,exact 17:17:19 balloons: wiki, for now 17:17:33 and CC later on (or any other system of choice) 17:17:40 * gema nods 17:17:46 +1 17:18:03 balloons: so action here would be getting on with it :-) 17:18:52 yes, I will take an action to solicit some folks on the list and get some cases written for next week 17:18:52 balloons: maybe you could make it a bit easier for people by making sure we have a list of test cases that haven't been worked on yet available 17:19:07 gema: +! 17:19:12 that's +! 17:19:14 +1 17:19:17 because now that we've started the whole thing got a bit messy x) 17:19:35 I was going to focus on an app or two at a time -- what do you think? 17:19:42 sounds good to me 17:19:45 gema, balloons: I recommend going for ISO testing actually 17:20:08 alourie: indeed, so that we are ready for alpha 2 17:20:19 say, begin with simple desktop 386 17:20:26 and continue from there 17:20:39 or it is x64 now? 17:20:53 did we go default 64-bit? 17:21:02 I don't know 17:21:15 doesn't matter, none of them are simple by any stretch of imagination, if we are talking installs 17:21:22 yea 17:21:31 and they would be quite similar 17:21:38 in terms of test cases 17:21:46 sure 17:21:58 balloons: just pick one :-) 17:22:34 sure, so I will take an action to review what's out there for i386 and x64 17:22:40 yep 17:22:43 and send to the list asking for help on rewrites 17:22:55 all archs are important -- and we will need people to work on PPC, ARM, etc 17:23:08 hggdh: true, but we need to start somewhere 17:23:09 [ACTION] balloons to review test cases for i386,x64 and coordinate updates 17:23:09 * meetingology balloons to review test cases for i386,x64 and coordinate updates 17:23:28 hggdh, I agree, and as long as we get one arch done we can model the rest after it 17:23:34 indeed 17:24:01 balloons, if you start with intel you'll need to cover mac too 17:24:17 mac as in efi boot? 17:24:22 or as in ppc? 17:24:29 mac intel 17:24:38 yes efi. amd64 17:24:46 but the test cases are similar, aren't they? 17:24:52 are we discussing test cases or execution? 17:25:41 if you're talking about test case there should be no difference between intel archs 17:26:07 that's what I thought, we were just talking test cases, then balloons will need to move to the execution phase 17:26:16 and help coordinate that 17:26:21 with you, probably, jibel 17:26:27 I still say we pick one, handle its test cases, see next 17:26:37 alourie: +1 17:27:56 ok, so yes test cases first 17:28:07 jibel can help coordinate execution 17:28:27 that's probably an discussion point for next week 17:28:30 make sure we followup 17:28:55 ok, let's move on 17:29:28 [TOPIC] Ubuntu Derivative Updates 17:29:38 Anyone from kubuntu on? 17:29:40 * alourie is out for few minutes 17:29:45 Sure. 17:29:56 Although Kubuntu isn't really a derivative. 17:29:56 hello ScottK 17:30:12 As I mentioned last week, we've got KDE SC 4.7.4 in oneiric-proposed for testing. 17:30:19 I never know what to call them.. spins, etc.. can someone give me the right term? 17:30:25 It's the last planned 4.7.x update. 17:30:32 will 4.8 be in precise? 17:30:36 I prefer flavors or siblings. 17:30:37 Yes. 17:30:51 It's a 4.8 rc now and 4.8 final due out soon. 17:31:08 IMO something like Mint is a derivative. 17:31:26 ScottK, noted. I'll use flavors 17:31:30 Thanks. 17:31:33 balloons, flavors is good as per http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/derivatives 17:31:41 jibel, perfect thank you 17:32:08 how about lubuntu? phillw? 17:32:51 fairly quiet, still working on one bug. the other bug that we shared with xubuntu re:language being altered when hitting return seems resolved 17:32:55 BTW, the new multitouch stack is about to land on precise and if someone has appropriate hardware it'd be great to get some testing with Qt apps. None of the Kubuntu developers have hardware. 17:33:25 ScottK, ohh really? I've been waiting for it to land to try out with my chromebook which has a multitouch pad 17:33:32 but my daily buold from yesterday has just failed after install. 17:33:51 balloons: I understand the qt4-x11 build on armel is the last thing they are waiting for. 17:33:58 It takes about a day and a half to build. 17:34:15 phillw, do you know why it failed yet? 17:34:19 I think this needs a touch screen though. 17:34:49 balloons: no, It just sent my VM crazy when I 1st launched it. I've only just put it on so need to have a dig around. 17:34:59 * alourie I must leave now, sorry, will read logs later 17:35:16 * alourie thanks balloons for the chairing :-) 17:35:28 goodbye alourie! 17:35:40 phillw, ScottK thanks for the updates 17:35:49 How about xubuntu? 17:36:05 charlie-tca doesn't seem to be here 17:36:12 yep 17:36:24 astraljava, anything on ubuntu studio? 17:36:30 unity-greeter[1589] trap int3 ip:7fec4fbe4b3b sp:7fff55e32490 error:0 17:36:51 Nothing much. We're picking up speed in getting our first ever live-dvd developed soon-ish. 17:36:57 phillw:^^ 17:37:10 Other than that, it's been slow. 17:37:19 .. 17:37:54 just curious, how much kernel testing does your team undertake? 17:38:05 Xubuntu today install like a charm 17:38:18 Somewhat, as we're going to include the -low-latency kernel. 17:38:23 in my test 17:38:35 But it hasn't reached the repositories yet. 17:38:38 .. 17:38:41 njin: I'll wait for todays build. Mine is dated 17th. 17:38:53 I too 17:38:54 * txomon|nqas would like to ask a question at the end 17:39:21 also the build useed to report the bug is 17 17:39:23 ok great.. thank astraljava 17:39:39 One more update njin and txomon|nqas :-) 17:39:47 highvoltage, anything from edubuntu? 17:40:32 or anyone else care to comment on edubuntu? stgraber? I know they said they were not usually around 17:40:38 we'll move on then 17:40:47 hey balloons 17:40:55 ah sorry I forgot about this meeting 17:41:03 hello :-) 17:41:12 no worries -- anything to share? 17:41:26 nothing that I have prepared now, but I'll give an update next time! 17:41:37 sounds great 17:41:37 how often does this meeting occur? 17:41:44 weekly 17:41:45 every weds at 1700 utc 17:41:49 ok 17:41:56 [TOPIC] Other Discussions 17:42:11 ok, lastly anything from the list or otherwise anyone wants to bring up 17:42:16 fire away njin 17:43:18 txomon|nqas, how about your question? 17:43:23 just that today kubuntu and Xubuntu installs ok in every modality 17:43:34 on real hardware 17:44:02 I have been thinking about this for a large time. I have several computers that I don't use, and that would like to use for testing, is there any app the qa has to make automated installs? 17:44:35 I mean, automatically running tests, and sending reports 17:44:53 njin: sweet! 17:45:13 txomon|nqas: not yet 17:45:23 have been looking at the Orchestra project, but that is mainly focused on server deployment 17:45:34 gema, what work would need to be done to enable such things? 17:45:50 balloons: we are working on a project that will allow people to do this at home 17:46:01 balloons: but we are barely gathering requirements at the moment 17:46:09 gema: good to know. 17:46:10 gotcha 17:46:17 balloons: having an orchestra server would be good for the time being 17:46:24 and I have been told it is very easy to use 17:46:30 but not everyone will be up for it 17:46:42 * txomon|nqas tryed orchestra... 17:46:48 txomon|nqas: and? 17:47:21 puf, that was difficult to use in a home enviroment. It was very focussed on servers, and 17:47:35 This week I'm expecting we'll get postfix 2.8.7 into precise and then there will be post-release updates for natty and oneiric that need testing. 17:47:49 there were lots of things not quite modularized 17:48:08 txomon|nqas: agreed 17:48:26 I mean, the orchestra-provisioning 17:48:45 txomon|nqas, any other thoughts on tools? certainly I would encourage you to see what you could come up with to do the automated testing, even if there wasn't a good way (yet) to feedback 17:48:45 which is what I mainly wanted, is quite strange to my eyes (alone at least) 17:49:16 balloons: I have been using apt-cacher-ng to cache, instead of squid 17:49:27 and speeds up quite a lot installations 17:49:38 easy to configure (doesn't need btw) 17:49:46 and your mainly looking at iso installing or ? 17:50:17 balloons: I was intending to create automatic installation systems, with kickstart files 17:50:23 ScottK: do we have tests available for postfix, or is it ad-hoc? 17:50:35 * hggdh wonders if the meeting lost focus 17:50:47 just dual convo's :-) 17:51:16 hggdh: +1 :D 17:51:18 hggdh: I think it's ad hoc, but postfix upstream is one of the most careful and reliable there is. 17:51:56 txomon|nqas, i would say keep us informed of your work and progress.. Gema as you can use feedback on requirements gathering let's plan to share and make sure txomon|nqas sees it 17:51:58 ScottK: k 17:52:09 balloons: ok 17:52:17 I would be quite interested on that 17:53:04 nothing more on my side 17:53:10 scottk? 17:53:13 will discuss this in #ubuntu-testing 17:53:31 No. Nothing more. 17:53:40 alright -- our time has come to an end then.. great meeting everyone. thanks for coming 17:53:52 thanks for chairing 17:53:53 thanks for chairing! 17:53:54 ok yw 17:53:57 and for dealing with me as the chair ;-) See you all next week 17:54:14 #endmeeting