## page was copied from QATeam/Meetings/QA/20120328 #title #ubuntu-meeting: QA Meeting Meeting started by phillw at 14:12:05 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-04-04-14.12.log.html . == Meeting summary == *Ubuntu Updates *Flavour Updates *Lubuntu *Flavours *Xubuntu *Ubuntu Studio *Ubuntu Updates *Any Other Business *Ubuntu Update Meeting ended at 14:44:53 UTC. == Votes == == Action items == * (none) == People present (lines said) == * phillw (37) * astraljava (21) * skaet (14) * BEC (12) * EffenbergAway (8) * ubottu (4) * meetingology (3) * kanliot (1) == Full Log == 14:12:05 #startmeeting QA Meeting 14:12:05 Meeting started Wed Apr 4 14:12:05 2012 UTC. The chair is phillw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 14:12:05 14:12:05 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 14:12:05 phillw: Use hash. 14:12:23 hi, you'll have to put up with me! 14:12:42 can all present please say aye (or the usual o/) 14:12:48 o/ 14:14:08 this will be a really short meeting :/ 14:14:13 Heh, indeed. 14:14:51 #topic Ubuntu Updates 14:15:02 is there anyone in from the Ubuntu team? 14:16:09 #topic Flavour Updates 14:16:21 #topic Lubuntu 14:16:52 All testing is going well, so nothing to really report 14:17:39 kanliot: will be liasing with QA during my absence, I know he will be extended the help & support you have given me 14:17:53 thanks phillw 14:18:19 #topic Flavours 14:18:41 Any one in from other flavours who can give an update? 14:18:52 * astraljava is in for Xubuntu and Ubuntu Studio 14:19:02 #topic Xubuntu 14:19:09 astraljava: the floor is yours. 14:19:37 Thanks phillw. Some small changes regarding artwork. 14:19:48 There's been a change to mixer settings. 14:20:04 We now prefer pavucontrol over xfce4-mixer for Xubuntu session. 14:20:19 It partially works, unmuting still isn't fool-proof. 14:20:38 There was also an icon issue found in indicator-plugin. 14:21:12 There are _no_ icons if T-bird is not running, but placeholders when it is. It also concerns Evolution, so not technically Xubuntu-related only. 14:21:45 New translations were requested for Abiword. 14:22:08 I'm working on it together with the Debian maintainer, but expecting to just update the po/ directory. 14:22:18 Nothing more for Xubuntu, IIRC. 14:22:20 .. 14:22:27 astraljava: thanks 14:22:43 #topic Ubuntu Studio 14:23:02 New -lowlatency kernel is landing soon-ish, needing lots of testing. 14:23:19 Just found out that ubuntustudio-audio meta-package isn't installed by default, which worries me greatly. 14:23:32 Also wanting to make the mixer change like Xubuntu. 14:23:52 I'm working on the issue together with mr_pouit and other Xubuntu devs. 14:24:13 Nothing more that I can think of right now. 14:24:15 .. 14:24:24 astraljava: thanks 14:24:35 #Ubuntu Updates 14:24:49 #topic Ubuntu Updates 14:25:08 skaet: could you give us any news on Ubuntu, please? 14:26:21 * phillw did ask in -release if anyone was available, it seems not. 14:26:43 #topic Any Other Business 14:27:07 has anyone got any thing to add, with the exception of why no one is here! 14:27:15 * astraljava wonders if this new schedule is actually working out for everyone... 14:27:48 I'll catch up with balloons and find out what has happened... the email was sent! 14:28:10 I got no reply from Ballons in e-mails today, maybe he's busy with some other urgency 14:28:15 * skaet waves, just a sec 14:28:54 skaet: of course. do you want topic changing back to Ubuntu Updates? 14:28:57 Ubuntu will be kernel freezing on tomorrow at 2100 UTC. Am wondering how the low latency kernel state. 14:29:09 #topic Ubuntu Update 14:29:21 phillw, no matter. 14:30:06 Dates upcoming, Kernel Freeze - April 5, Final Freeze - April 12 (all important bug fixes should be added by this date) 14:30:52 Release Candidate Week starts - April 19 (all images produced after this point will need testing), as they could be the one we ship. 14:31:01 April 26 - Release :) 14:31:09 that's the schedule for the month coming up... 14:31:33 skaet: has any progress been made on bug 972285 if there is a kernel freeze coming up? 14:31:35 Launchpad bug 972285 in linux (Ubuntu) "segmentation fault when start on linux 3.0.0-18-generic" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/972285 14:32:09 A big thank you to the folks who got the last bug fixes in and tested. Beta 2 is looking good overall - not seeing any serious spikeds. 14:32:46 s/spikeds/spikes where we aren't expecting them in bug traffic ;) / 14:33:02 the whole of this cycle has been outstandingly stable :) 14:33:25 o/ 14:33:27 :) 14:33:39 EffenbergAway: the floor is yours 14:33:44 phillw, just know about that one, what is in the bug. Looks like the kernel team is on it. 14:33:51 my first time testing & it seems going smooth after my first run :D 14:33:55 and a possible reversion would work. 14:34:05 * skaet ends 14:34:07 There is a growing number of users complaining about bug 951404 (and dups). 14:34:09 Launchpad bug 951404 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) "Ubuntu 12.04 session don't open with lightdm" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/951404 14:34:13 I'm worried about it 14:35:00 Forum staff members asked for advice. It looks like removing unity-greeter for gtk is the only workaround for some 14:35:17 EffenbergAway: it has been allocated to the Canonical Desktop Team, so I'm sure it is being worked on 14:35:29 Thanks Philw :) 14:35:49 I mailed yesternight about LyX; could someone check the package in the Software Center plz? 14:36:51 skaet: could you ask the Desktop team for an update and put it onto the bug? 14:37:28 BEC: 455.aMB/761.5MB 14:37:49 exactly; isn't that too big? on 10.04 it is around 10.5M 14:37:51 total 14:38:22 BEC: yeah, I saw that bug in my emails... a bit odd, to say the least. 14:38:30 phillw, have put out some pings. will ask. 14:38:34 btw didn't bug it 14:38:39 should i? 14:38:47 BEC: yes please 14:38:52 thx 14:38:59 i will 14:39:23 any one else? 14:39:23 Build includes debug info? Probably strip and o3? 14:40:42 the following bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/969485 & https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/969700; are they gona be fixed? 14:40:44 Launchpad bug 969485 in linux (Ubuntu) "Fan working non-stop" [Medium,Confirmed] 14:40:45 Launchpad bug 969700 in linux (Ubuntu) "Sound imbalance" [Medium,Confirmed] 14:42:15 btw, a a few months ago I lost the suspend & hibernate features on 10.04; when I use them the system shutdowns instead; not sure of the reason 14:42:29 any idea of its possible cause? 14:42:43 BEC: I've found that getting a few 'affects me' people onto a bug gets it noticed as it raises the heat. 14:44:00 i noticed that too; so they might not get a fix soon? 14:44:14 Well, thanks to those who made it. Hopfully for next week more people will have read their e-mails about the new time of the meeting. 14:44:53 #endmeeting