Meeting started by smartboyhw at 14:00:18 UTC. The full logs are available at . == Meeting summary == *Ubuntu updates *Ubuntu Flavors ''LINK:'' (phillw, 14:14:31) *Other topics Meeting ended at 14:21:46 UTC. == Votes == == Action items == * (none) == People present (lines said) == * smartboyhw (44) * balloons (17) * phillw (12) * meetingology (3) == Full Log == 14:00:18 #startmeeting 14:00:18 Meeting started Wed Aug 1 14:00:18 2012 UTC. The chair is smartboyhw. Information about MeetBot at 14:00:18 14:00:18 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 14:00:33 Okay, welcome to the Ubuntu QA meeting 14:01:08 [TOPIC] Ubuntu updates 14:01:29 Thank you all for testing Ubuntu 12.10 Alpha 3.... 14:02:08 We hope that the follwing few weeks we will have good testing from everybody 14:02:49 Clearly Balloons has started a Webapps testing for both 12.04 and 12.10 14:03:03 * balloons waves 14:03:10 Thank him for that, hope everyone will enjoy the testing... 14:03:35 We will have Ubuntu 12.04.1 on week 17 (August 23rd) 14:03:50 Did anyone test these builds, the Precise ones? 14:04:36 We'd better test those builds in the coming weeks ahead 14:05:22 So that's all from me, then... 14:05:34 Balloons please add more information, if you would like to 14:07:24 No info from Balloons, so let's move on 14:07:26 Sure, next week we'll be testing the daily iso's as part of our testing cadence, but as smartboyhw mentioned, during this week you have the oppurtunity to help with webapps 14:07:38 .. 14:07:44 Fine, thank you 14:07:56 Moving on to Ubuntu Flavors, shall we? 14:08:23 * phillw is here for lubuntu 14:08:29 [TOPIC] Ubuntu Flavors 14:08:41 Good, phillw, lubuntu updates please 14:09:19 our a3 went well, just a couple of minor niggles that are being investigated. 14:09:26 Good, then 14:09:47 Any other flavors to discuss 14:09:48 ? 14:09:48 our main apps are all now in, some artwork still to come in. 14:10:03 Wow, we are waiting for the beautiful artwork 14:10:49 Any other flavors, e.g. Xubuntu and Edubuntu? 14:10:51 o/ 14:11:16 Clearly there's not, right? 14:11:43 So should we move on to Other Topics? 14:12:15 Any Q&As? 14:12:39 Go ahead and say, balloons 14:13:01 phillw, how's the ppc stuff? 14:13:13 it now installs!!! 14:13:14 the ff build is working now, is the installer ok? 14:13:18 yay! 14:13:40 we have a 3rd ppc tester :) 14:13:45 Whom? 14:13:57 he he - I've forgotten his name! 14:14:28 phillw, :-p 14:14:31 14:14:39 him ^^ (Ron) 14:14:40 I agree, :-) 14:14:46 that's good.. so no bugs atm that need attention? 14:15:04 iso's are still over sized, Julien is looking into it. 14:15:18 Yeah, they are all out of 703MiB 14:15:32 .. 14:15:36 Hopefully you can fix it before Beta 1. 14:15:46 So moving on now? 14:15:46 that is the p 14:15:52 plan 14:16:01 Good. 14:16:45 .. 14:17:01 Moving on... 14:17:09 [TOPIC] Other topics 14:17:20 Anyone had other topics to discuss? 14:17:56 o/ 14:18:06 Please say, balloons... 14:18:44 Go ahead, balloons 14:19:03 i wanted to mention august is going to have some interesting opportunities for us in testing. In the coming weeks we'll be testing unity, other applications 14:19:24 and the work for the community hardware database should be unveiling 14:19:42 UserInterfaceFreeze of Ubuntu 12.10 is on August 30th 14:19:49 Also for Beta 1 14:20:09 FeatureFreeze coming on 23rd August 14:20:31 also, i'd like to get a feel of how everyone perceives quality for this cycle -- look for an email soon 14:20:31 .. 14:20:54 OK, so end the meeting now? 14:21:29 if there's no other questions or things to discuss yes 14:21:32 :-) 14:21:35 Next chair is phillw on August 8th 14:21:42 So end meeting 14:21:46 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (