Meeting items 2008.10.10

Bugs to highlight

Bug #



compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV

Comment: Many users are finding that this crash occurs almost immediately after startup (bug seems to be getting a few me-toos daily), and that it seems correlated to a previous update, perhaps requiring system restart. The crash doesn't seem to affect anything as compiz appears to function normally, however. A secondary concern is that someone moved bug 151200 and about 40 of its duplicates over to being a duplicate of 145360 without any explanation; there may actually be multiple metabugs within this one bug.


ipw2200 firmware moved to restricted

Comment: What can be done to ensure smooth upgrades?



Potential severe regressions

Testing infrastructure status

QATeam/ReleaseReports/20081010 (last edited 2008-10-09 17:07:54 by c-24-21-234-111)