Maverick Beta Test Report - 3rd September 2010


Test Coverage

Test Failure Analysis

Bugs summary

Summary of Unfixed Issues

74 bugs unfixed

See section titled "Details of Unfixed Issues" below.

Summary of Fixed Issues

3 bugs fixed

Summary of test failures

Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize)

Tester's comment:

Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session

Tester's comment: Case ID dls-001 dls-002: is OK, but there is a problem.

Case ID dls-003: is KO, becouse do not start the persistent live session.

Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (auto-resize)

Tester's comment: Using for both guided and auto resize since the test case for guided is missing.

Guided passes with 628864. IMO this should be a release blocker, but up to Riddell to decide.

Autoresize fails since it's missing. That's 628897.

Ubuntu Alternate amd64 - Install (entire disk)

Tester's comment: Kernel panics, major issues trying to install. Seems to be related to Intel ICH10R southbridge with chipset based RAID.

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (OEM setup)

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Migration Assistant

Tester's comment: I have a 32 bit Win XP install and although the installer recognises it the option to migrate settings is not give. We are also not given the option to name the host PC and the slideshow does not fit within the box.

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Wubi (Windows installer)

Tester's comment: wdi-001, once wubi has installed from CD and PC rebooted I select the Ubuntu option on the Grub menu and it then exits to the a grub prompt, grub>

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (auto-resize)

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (auto-resize)

Tester's comment: While I was able to install successfully I just can't give this a pass due to the confusing options offered in the new ubiquity. Please see post #4 in bug #626299. Sorry :^(

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (entire disk)

Tester's comment: While I was able to install successfully I just can't give this a pass due to the confusing options offered in the new ubiquity. Please see post #4 in bug #626299. Sorry :^(

Ubuntu Netbook armel+dove - Install (entire disk)

Tester's comment: Installation cannot proceed due to bug 628582.

Ubuntu Netbook Edition - Install (OEM setup)

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Netbook Edition - Live Session

Tester's comment: Like previous images, the interface fail to load with an NVIDIA and ends with just the default backgound image without any error message.

Ubuntu Netbook Edition - Live Session

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Server amd64 - UEC install (minimal topology)

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Server amd64 - UEC install (minimal topology)

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Server i386 - UEC install (minimal topology)

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Studio Alternate i386 - Install (entire disk)

Tester's comment:

Upgrade Ubuntu amd64 - Upgrade

Tester's comment: have to mark this failed due to 629162. I had no working X after fixing 628264 (which was due to iscan). The nVidia drivers for Maverick are downlevel and do not support the newer ABI, thus, you get no graphics at all after upgrading Lucid -> Maverick.

Upgrade Ubuntu i386 - Upgrade

Tester's comment: Upgrade failed using wubi.

1. It installed grub to my MBR due to user error. Computer wouldn't boot windows or Ubuntu. Repairing bootloader makes computer bootable.

2. Wubi still fails to boot.

Error: unknown command: loadfont

Error: unknown command: gfxterm


Error: file not found


1. Installed wubi 10.04.1 on drive E: (fat32) with a 5GB install.

2. Ran updates

3. Checked for more updates - none

4. Ran 'update-manager -d -c'

5. Update manager showed "New Ubuntu release '10.10' is available"

6. Click on Upgrade

7. Showed Release notes "This is a ALPHA release. Do not install it on production machines"

8. Clicked on upgrade

prompted to download 510MB of data etc. clicked to proceed

Getting new packages - 1053 files downloaded.

9. Installed grub bootloader:


Eventually a screen popped up:

Title: Debconf on ubuntu

Banner: Configuring grub-pc

Checkbox: Continue without installing GRUB?

Button: Help

I clicked on Help:

You chose not to install GRUB to any devices. If you continue the boot loader may not be properly configured and when your computer next starts up it will use whatever was previously in the boot sector. If there is an earlier version of GRUB 2 in the boot sector, it may be unable to load modules or handle the current configuration file.

If you are already running a different boot loader and want to carry on doing so, or if this is a special environment where you do not need a boot loader, then you should continue anyway. Otherwise you should install GRUB somewhere.

Button: Close

I clicked Forward

it presented three options

/dev/sda (78518MB, ST98823AS)

/dev/sdb (100256 MB, OneTouch_II)

/dev/loop0 (1472MB, ???

Since I don't know what a boot loader or boot sector is, so I selected /dev/sda (my internal drive) and hit forward. Now my computer won't boot. No such device.

Bootinfoscript reports: Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #256 for /boot/grub

10. Repaired drive MBR


Reinstalled correct bootloader

11. Rebooted


Wubi install will not boot due to unknown commands and file not found.

Upgrade Wubi amd64 - Upgrade

Tester's comment: Unable to boot after the upgrade.

Xubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

Tester's comment: The system is very buggy and slow, fix it soon

Details of Unfixed Issues






Details of Fixed Issues




Test Coverage Details by Category

QATeam/ReleaseReports/MaverickBetaTestReport (last edited 2010-09-03 07:58:46 by p54BE14D8)