This page provides basic installation instructions that should work on most GNU/Linux systems, and also has links to instructions for certain distributions. == Requirements == * A Python installation (tested with 2.5, but may also work on lower versions). * Qt4 and it's Python bindings (PyQt4). * The youtube-dl script, version 2007.03.27 or higher. == Running QtTube == If you have all the requirements installed (see the section "Detailed Instructions" for details on how to get them), [[|download QtTube]], extract it somewhere, enter it's folder and execute the "qttube" executable you will find in it (on the terminal, ''cd'' to the folder and type "./qttube"; with Nautilus, double-click it and choose ''"Run in a terminal"''). == Installing QtTube == QtTube doesn't provide a installations script yet (although it will, in future versions). However, you can install it manually following this instructions: [[QtTube/Installation/ManualInstall|Manual Installation]]. Alternatively, you can also grab a .deb package from [[|GetDeb]].