<> = Ubuntu Global Jam - Montréal, QC - 3 & 4 Sept, 2011 = || ||<:99%> {{attachment:Ubuntu_11.10.jpg}}|| || L'événement '''[[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1011/detail/|Ubuntu Global Jam]]''' est une opportunité incroyable où les membres et contributeurs de la communauté Ubuntu se réuniront autour du monde. Cette activité, bien que centrée sur l'amélioration d'Ubuntu, n'est pas qu'ouverte aux développeurs. N'importe qui pouvant contribuer au Jam est bienvenu. The '''[[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1011/detail/|Ubuntu Global Jam]]''' event is an incredible opportunity for members and contributors of the Ubuntu community to gather around the world. This activity, while focusing on the quality of Ubuntu, is not only open to developers. Anyone can contribute to the Jam is welcome. = Themes = ||{{attachment:IconsPage/IconBug.png}} [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Bugs|Bugs]]||{{attachment:IconsPage/IconHammer2.png}} [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Testing|Essais/Testing]] || ||{{attachment:IconsPage/documentation.png}} [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Documentation|Documentation]] ||{{attachment:IconsPage/package.png}} [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Packaging|Pacquetage/Packaging]] || ||{{attachment:IconsPage/IconGlobe.png}} [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Translations|Traductions/Translation]] ||{{attachment:IconsPage/example.png}} [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Presentations|Presentations]] || = Registration = Nous pouvons accueillir jusqu'à 15 personnes, alors inscrivez-vous tôt! S'il vous plaît laissez savoir de toute allergie ou les préférences alimentaires. We can host up to 15 people, so register early! Please let the organizers know of any allergies or food preference. * [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-qc/1162/detail/|Ubuntu LocoTeams - Global Jam Registration]] = Organisateurs/Organizers = || '''Nom/Name ''' || '''IRC name''' || || [[Mtrudel|Matt Trudel]] - Organisateur/Organizer || cyphermox || || [[komputes]] - Organisateur/Organizer || komputes || = Location = {{attachment:map.png}} Canonical Offices Montreal @ 4200 Saint Laurent #1200 = Programme/Schedule = '''Samedi/Saturday 3 Sept.''' || 9-13 || [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Testing|Testing]] Oneric, Hardware Support (Ammenez votre materiel - Bring your Hardware)|| || 13-14|| Lunch (Sponsored by Canonical) || || 14-18|| [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Bugs|Bug Management Mentoring]] || || 18-20|| [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Packaging|Pacquetage/Packaging]] deb, PPA || || 20-21 || Party/Movie || '''Sunday/Dimanche 4 Sept.''' || 9-13 || [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Testing|Testing]] Oneric, Hardware Support (Ammenez votre materiel - Bring your Hardware) || || 13-14|| Lunch (Sponsored by Canonical) || || 14-18|| [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Bugs|Bug Management Mentoring]] || || 18-20|| [[QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09/Translations|Traductions/Translation]] || || 20-21 || Party/Movie || = Circulaire/Flyer = {{attachment:pdf.png}} [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=EN.pdf|EN Flyer (PDF)]] {{attachment:pdf.png}} [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuebecTeam/GlobalJam11.09?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=FR.pdf|FR Circulaire (PDF)]] = Badge = {{attachment:badge.png}} {{attachment:ubuntu_global_jam_badge_v1.png}}