
Web Admin Log

I've been using Drupal for at least 2 years now. I've done multiple update over time, i added and removed many modules, changed the settings many times before i could find something that works well for us. If you have any problems or questions, dont hesitate to contact me.


P.S. After Sep 8, 2008 we started what is now known as Ubuntu Drupal. Keeping this page up to date was no longer needed since we now have the launchpad/bazaar changelog.

Sep 8, 2008

More bug fixes

Fixed a bug with Opera Browsers

Sep 6, 2008

New blogger and more bug fixes

Added a new blogger and fixed a problem when adding feeds from wordpress.

Sep 4, 2008

Created a new page

Created an 'How to become a member' page.

Sep 3, 2008


Upload of the New Drupal 6 site to ubuntu-qc.org. Created Ubuntu download links. Installed Google Analytics.

Sep 2, 2008

New features and more bug fixes

Added support for Site Name, Mission and Slogan. Fixed various bugs with sidebars. Fixed bad links in the html archives.

Aug 30, 2008

Archived the old site to html format

In the preparation of switching to drupal 6, i decided to archive the old site using httrack and some manual editing of all pages using regexxer.

Aug 28, 2008

More bug fixes

Fixed bug #262170

Aug 27, 2008

More bug fixes

Made some change on the css file and announced the release of the Ubuntu LoCo Theme for Drupal 6.

Aug 26, 2008

More bug fixes

All The biggest bugs have been fixed. The only thing missing is some css cleanup and some serious testing afterward.

Aug 25, 2008

Created a new drupal 6 theme

In the past week i've been working on a new drupal 6 theme for the ubuntu-qc.org web site as well as other Local Community Teams. And i finished uploading the first version to the test site. And made some bug fixes after that. A week before that i also found 4 bloggers that are willing to put some of their content in our own planet. Although i still did the usual administration of the web site, i know i haven't been around to much this past year. Let's just say i had personnal problems...

Oct 25, 2007

Installed new loco-drupal ubuntu-blue theme

After some complain about the theme of the web site that was'nt blue, i decided to change it to blue. The new branch is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qc/loco-drupal/5.xt

Oct 24, 2007

Installed the loco-drupal ubuntu theme

After working on https://code.launchpad.net/~loco-drupal-dev/loco-drupal/5.xt, to correct the major bugs, i decided to install it on our web site.

0ct 22, 2007

Modified rsvp.module to send text/plain emails.

Changed line 1222 of rsvp.module to use text/plain instead of text/html

Added Flickr Module - http://drupal.org/project/flickr

Provides a filter for inserting photos and photosets and blocks for a user's recent photos and photosets.

Added Event and RSVP Module - http://drupal.org/project/event http://drupal.org/project/rsvp

Keep track of events and lets users invite people.

Added Taxonomy Introduction(taxonomy_intro) - http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_intro

"Enables you to display an introduction at taxonomy term pages where normally only the list of nodes related to this term is shown." This enable me to add an introduction to my "how to participate" page.

Added Taxonomy Introduction(taxonomy_intro) - http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_intro

"Enables you to display an introduction at taxonomy term pages where normally only the list of nodes related to this term is shown." This enable me to add an introduction to my "how to participate" page.

Added the Tasklist(tasks) Module. - http://drupal.org/project/tasks

"Tasks can be assigned to users, who can also colour code their tasks by editing their account settings. Tasks can also be reordered and when complete, a completion date set. Tasks with sub-tasks become tasklists themselves. There can be an infinite depth of tasks with sub-tasks, but only one 'master' (top-level) tasklist."

Added Translation template extractor(potx) module. - http://drupal.org/project/potx

Now that i know i cannot be sure that the translation indicator is accurate, i decided to review the modules one by one. The POT extrator will enable me to do it more easily.

Locales Pruning - http://drupal.org/node/171646

Because of the last mentionned bug, i had lots of content in the locales_source table that was if french. So i did a little locales pruning. I did not added the patch, but i did this on the database to clean it up a bit:

DELETE locales_source, locales_target FROM locales_source, locales_target WHERE locales_source.lid=locales_target.lid AND locales_target.translation='';

Removed i18n module and added the localizer module instead. - http://drupal.org/project/localizer

After noticing a serious bug in the way that drupal handle variable, i found this bug report: http://drupal.org/node/61065. Witch is exactly what i was experiencing. Since the bug comes from the i18n module, i replaced it with the localizer module. Which is much better by the way.

Added CCK Taxonomy Fields(cck_taxonomy) module - http://drupal.org/project/cck_taxonomy

I installed this to be able to select a default category for specific content types. You need at least one node with the desired category and node type. Go to Content Management, Categories and edit vocabulary. Remove the node type from the vocabulary. This will remove the default category field for that vocabulary but since there is at least one node left with that type and category, you will be able to create more with the custom field. After that go to content types, edit the node type, add field, enter a name for the field and select the Field type. After that manage field select configure, you will be able to select a default value. After that go to Display field and select Hidden for the label, teaser and Full. Press submit.

Added Content Construction Kit (CCK) module - http://drupal.org/project/cck

This was needed for the CCK Taxonomy Fields module.

0ct 21, 2007

Added the Poormanscron Module - http://drupal.org/project/poormanscron

This is needed because we dont have access to a shell.

Before That.. ;)

Added the Taxonomy Menu Module. - http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_menu

This is gives a menu of the categories.

Enabled the Taxonomy Module.

This is to be able to categorize content. Go to Content Management and click on add vocabulary. Enter a name for the vocabulary(Ex. content). Select the types of nodes you want to be able to select categories from this vocabulary. For the rest i used a Single Hierarchy and Multiple select. Press Submit and start to add terms(categories).

Added the Google Sitemap Module - http://drupal.org/project/gsitemap

Submit the site map to Google (Also supports Yahoo and Ask.com) whenever it is changed and can log when your site map is downloaded by a search engine.

Installed and configured these modules:

After installing drupal, enabled and configured these modules:

  • aggregator
    Drupal (optionnal)

QuebecTeam/WebAdminLog (last edited 2010-02-12 04:21:15 by 69-196-158-209)