About Me

I'm a free software user since 1996. I'm a free software developer since 1998. I'm a free software consultant since 2005.

I'm married and have a son (born in 2009). I'm 31 years old.

Contact Information




buxy on Freenode/OFTC




http://raphaelhertzog.com & http://raphaelhertzog.fr


I am a long-time Debian developer (since 1998) and according to MarkShuttleworth: “Every Debian developer is also an Ubuntu developer, because one way to contribute to Ubuntu is to contribute to Debian.”.

More concretely:

Future Goals

My main goals will always be implemented in Debian first and will benefit Ubuntu automatically.

But my reasons to apply for Ubuntu Membership are the following:


Lucas Nussbaum

Raphael is a long time and very experienced Debian Developer, and has been interested in improving collaboration between both projects for a longggggg time. He was part of various efforts like Utnubu, and I even convinced him to send the famous For those who care about their packages in Ubuntu email (OK, that might not have been a good idea, due to the flamewar it generated). It would be great to see him becoming more involved in the Ubuntu community, as he is always good at providing insightful ideas.

Colin Watson

I've worked with Raphaël on and off on all kinds of things, including the dpkg features he mentions under Contributions. He's always been helpful in my dealings with him, and has come up with several quite inventive ways to reduce divergence between Debian and Ubuntu. He clearly cares about the health of the whole Debian ecosystem, including the Ubuntu segment of it, and has been consistent in offering assistance for several years now. I'm very happy to recommend him for Ubuntu membership.

RaphaelHertzog (last edited 2010-06-25 14:09:37 by soleymieux)