||<>|| = 10.10 Agenda = * Actions from Last Meeting: * None * Bugs and Features Summary: * Milestoned bugs * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+bugs?field.milestone=27563 * Release-targeted bugs * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+bugs * Known regressions * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+bugs?field.tag=regression-potential * Bugs with patches * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+patches * Nominated bugs * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+nominations * Milestoned features * https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-10.10-beta * Burn-down Charts * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/FeatureStatus == Team reports == === QA === * [[http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current.html|Hardware testing]] * [[http://people.canonical.com/~cr3/desktop/daily-bootcharts/|Boot Performance]] * UbuntuSpec:qa-maverick-mago-daily - 17% complete === Security === * [[SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick|Release Status]] * Milestoned Features * None * Critical/High Milestoned Bugs * None * Critical Release Targeted Bugs * None * Targeted Regression Bugs * None * Bugs with Patches * Bug:545795:apparmor driver blocks access to hostdev and pcidev devices === Kernel === * [[KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick|Release Status]] * Milestoned Features * UbuntuSpec:kernel-maverick-apparmor - 83% complete * UbuntuSpec:kernel-maverick-pv-ops-ec2-kernel - 75% complete * Critical/High Milestoned Bugs * Bug:591941:SDHC card not recognized * Bug:595489:lvm snapshot causes deadlock in 2.6.35 * Bug:605488:BUG: scheduling while atomic: mmcqd/46/0x00000002 * Bug:605739:BUG: Bad page state in process swapper pfn:94d23 * Critical Release Targeted Bugs * None * Targeted Regression Bugs * Bug:595489:lvm snapshot causes deadlock in 2.6.35 * Bugs with Patches * Bug:554569:[lucid] Blank screen with KMS on Thinkpad X201 with Arrandale (i915) === Foundations === * [[FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick|Release Status]] * Milestoned Features * UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-cd-build-speed - '''0% complete''' * UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-btrfs-support - 36% complete * UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer - 50% complete * UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-installer-redesign - 60% complete * UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-package-culling - 80% complete * UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-python-versions - 65% complete * UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-robust-python-packaging - 60% complete * UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-uefi-support - 80% complete * UbuntuSpec:foundations-maverick-buy-something - 68% complete * UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-spring-cleaning - 20% complete * Critical/High Milestoned Bugs * Bug:563916:[details.so] No prompt for [S]kip or [M]anual recovery on server boot * Bug:600551:mknbi fails to build from source in maverick on amd64 * Bug:601030:broken configuration test with fortify source * Bug:605042:[armel] java fails to start with eglibc-2.12-0ubuntu4 * Bug:613008:failed to install oem-config from CD * Critical Release Targeted Bugs * None * Targeted Regression bugs * Bug:613008:failed to install oem-config from CD * Bugs with Patches * None === Server === * [[ServerTeam/MaverickReleaseStatus|Release Status]] * Milestoned Features * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-community - '''0% complete''' * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-cloud-gluster - 57% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-cloud-images-sans-cloud - 42% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-cloud-utils - ''100% complete'' * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-daily-vcs - 90% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-ehcache-integration - 83% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-hypervisor - 83% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-papercuts - 87% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-puppet-bootstrap - 45% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-qa-workflow - 79% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-uds-cloud-loadbalancing - 76% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-uds-seed-review - 59% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-uec-liveusb - 57% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-uec-monitoring - 85% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-uec-testing - 80% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-upstart-conversion - 74% complete * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-workitemtracker - 60% complete * Critical/High Milestoned Bugs * Bug:572317:image-store does not support images without a ramdisk * Bug:610479:Instance fails to start * Bug:613033:eucalyptus-cloud: cloud fails to start on separate install * Bug:615646:cannot attach a volume to an instance * Critical Release Targeted Bugs * None * Targeted Regression Bugs * None * Bugs with Patches * Bug:313812:umount of ecryptfs does not automatically clear the keyring (can be mounted by root later) * Bug:570870:pxe boot doesn't work with kvm === Desktop === * [[DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus|Release Status]] * Milestoned Features * UbuntuSpec:desktop-maverick-xorg-gpu-freeze-reports - 65% complete * Critical/High Milestoned Bugs * None * Critical Release Targeted Bugs * None * Targeted Regression Bugs * Bug:595555:screensaver can't be interrupted once fade begins * Bugs with Patches * Bug:524454:Networking is disabled on boot (usually after suspend/hibernate) === Desktop Experience === * [[DesktopExperienceTeam/MaverickReleaseStatus|Release Status]] * Milestoned Features * UbuntuSpec:dx-m-gtk-enhancements - 79% complete * UbuntuSpec:dx-m-indicator-clock - 81% complete * UbuntuSpec:dx-m-indicator-messages - 22% complete * UbuntuSpec:dx-m-indicator-network - 50% complete * UbuntuSpec:dx-m-sound-menu-v2 - 83% complete * UbuntuSpec:dx-m-unity-une-integration - ''100% complete'' * Critical/High Milestoned Bugs * None * Critical Release Targeted Bugs * None * Targeted Regression Bugs * None * Bugs with Patches * None === User Experience === * Milestoned Features * UbuntuSpec:design-m-heuristics-and-bugs - '''0% complete''' * UbuntuSpec:design-m-meeting-ubuntu - '''0% complete''' * UbuntuSpec:design-m-generative-wallpaper - 33% complete * UbuntuSpec:design-m-light-theme-enhancements - 81% complete * UbuntuSpec:design-m-papercuts - 36% complete * Critical/High Milestoned Bugs * None * Critical Release Targeted Bugs * None * Targeted Regression Bugs * None * Bugs with Patches * None === ARM === * [[ARMTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick|Release Status]] * Milestoned Features * UbuntuSpec:mobile-m-omap-edid-autodetection - 40% complete * UbuntuSpec:mobile-maverick-arm-improved-subarch-detection - 33% complete * Critical/High Milestoned Bugs * None * Critical Release Targeted Bugs * None * Targeted Regression Bugs * None * Bug with Patches * None === MOTU === * Critical/High Milestoned Bugs * None * Critical Release Targeted Bugs * None * Targeted Regression Bugs * None * Bugs with Patches * Bug:511585:Unable to start pump server because of python version mismatch * Bug:610975:Can not start pgadmin3 === Derivatives === * [[https://wiki.linaro.org/Releases/WeeklyReleaseMeeting/2010-08-12|Linaro Weekly Status]] = 10.04.1 LTS Agenda = * '''RELEASE DATE: August 17, 2010''' * Hardware Re-certification Status * Related Blueprints * [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-eucalyptus-10.04|server-maverick-eucalyptus-10.04]] - ''100% complete'' * Milestoned Bug Summary * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?field.milestone=27565 * '''ALL''' Milestoned Bugs * Desktop * Bug:569879:Non-admin user logout fails on Lucid * MOTU * Bug:572018:enigmail-locales weren't updated for 1.0.1 enigmail release = IRC Meeting Log = * [[attachment:ubuntu-meeting.html|HTML Version]] * MootBot logs available at http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ubuntu-meeting.log.20100813_1000.html = ACTIONS = * Foundations needs to review Bug:617359 -- '''DONE''' (robbiew) * Foundations needs to follow-up on Bug:563916 and Bug:613562 -- '''DONE''' (robbiew) * robbiew to discuss postponing Python 2.7 as supported with barry and doko -- '''DONE''' * dyfet to work on Kubuntu armel build issues * robbiew to work on growing the release team * robbiew to talk to pitti about if the SRU tracker can "spit out a warning about significant size increases in packages in main"