12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) Weekly Meeting

Upcoming Dates


Round Table

Hardware Certification team update - mlegris

QA team update - jibel

Done this week

What's about to land that might impact the other teams

Dependencies on other teams, blocking items

Blueprints and Status

Security team update - jdstrand



We've gotten our blueprints and work items in shape this week (which is evident from the wild ride that is our burndown atm ;). Like in previous releases, the security team gets to development work as time allows and we only commit to completing work items that have an 'Essential' priority.

In that light, this cycle we have done things differently than in the past and moved all of our essential work items into their own essential blueprints. We then created the topic-precise-security-essential blueprint, that depends on our essential blueprints. This gives us and others the ability to more easily see our progress on things we are committed to implementing. (this can of course be seen in http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-security.html) We have no trend line on the burn down, so I will interpret that as us being below it. Smile :)

Bugs of concerrn

Kernel team update - ogasawara

What was done engineering wise?

This past week the Ubuntu kernel team has rebased the Precise kernel to upstream v3.2-rc2. Some additional highlights include consolidating the amd64 server and generic flavors, pulling an updated seccomp patch set, building in ahci, and moving ext2 from being built in to enabled as a module. We plan to upload these changes by EOD Fri Nov 18, 2011. This will be the first upload based on a v3.2 kernel.

From my own observations, we appear to be making good progress on our Alpha-1 work items, but it's hard to give a definitive answer without the burn down charts.

We've also been working to get some power consumption measurements for a proposed upstream patch. See the following wiki for more information:

What's about to land that might impact the other teams?

After we've uploaded, we would appreciate any testing feedback particularly from the server team since this will have consolidated the amd64 server flavor into generic.

Additionally, there is a thread on the ubuntu-devel/ubuntu-kernel mailing lists regarding a proposal to drop support for the i386 non-pae kernel flavor for the 12.04 LTS release. Discussions are still ongoing.

Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable)

As we're haven't yet uploaded a v3.2 based kernel, we're tentatively keeping an eye on the following bugs and will add the rls-p-tracking tag to any that are not be resolved via v3.2.

Dependencies on other teams, blocking items




Foundations team update - cjwatson

Done this week

About to land

Summary of bugs

We have a lot of items on the rls-p-tracking list, which I think is partly because Steve has been efficient about putting things there. Smile :-) However, almost all are for later milestones. The only alpha-1 bug is:

A related bug which I want to call out as well:

Other non-rls-p-tracking bugs we've been working on:

Server team update - Daviey

Tasks Undertaken

Bugs pertinent to Precise Server release that we are working on

Bugs we are tracking for server release, that other teams are working on:

Something Missing?

ARM team update - ogra

Linaro update - fabo

Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover

Desktop Team update - pitti

What was done engineering wise?

What's about to land that might impact the other teams?

Dependencies on other teams, blocking items


Release targetted bugs being worked on/monitored

Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth

What was done engineering wise?

== What's about to land that might impact the other teams? ===

Dependencies on other teams, blocking items



Burndown and spec completion levels:

Release targetted bugs being worked on/monitored

Stalled, waiting for a reset after the quality situation is resolved.

Kubuntu Team update - Riddell

Edubuntu Team update - stgraber or highvoltage

What was done engineering wise?

Jonathan is preparing the re-election of the Edubuntu Council and a plan to change the term to 2 years after this election. Also finalizing the plan for LTS status, to be proposed at the next TB meeting.

What's about to land that might impact the other teams?

LTSP upstream is currently going through a pretty big code cleanup and moving things around. I expect an upload of ldm and ltsp in Precise as soon as things have calmed down. This will impact both Edubuntu and Ubuntu Alternate as both ship LTSP.

Currently LTSP won't boot on Precise due to lack of support for overlayfs.

Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable)

Haven't started doing much in Edubuntu at this point, most changes are currently done upstream in LTSP and epoptes to bring them to a state where we're comfortable getting them in the archive.

Dependencies on other teams, blocking items

Edubuntu is AFAIk the only flavor that's currently not building. This is caused by fuse/sshfs, blocked on the merge of fuse. This is not critical for us at this point but we'd definitely like that fixed within a week or so or we may need to start moving some work items to alpha-2 instead.


I think it's all covered above.

Xubuntu Team update - madnick

Ubuntu Studio update - scott-work

what was done engineering wise?

we began talking about redefined seeds but have not finalized anything yet

what's about to land that might impact the other teams?

nothing at this time

summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable)

* missing indicator-sound-gtk2 in -desktop seed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-meta/+bug/891456

dependencies on other teams, blocking items

none at this time


nothing at this time

Lubuntu Team update - gilir

What was done engineering wise?

What's about to land that might impact the other teams?


Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable)

Still nothing, work in progress to use rls-mgr-p-tracking instead of our wiki page.

Dependencies on other teams, blocking items

We closely follow the discussion about the PAE kernel. Depending on the hardware affected, it could be big support drop for Lubuntu.

It seems that the future of powerpc will also be discussed later. We have some people interesting in this architecture, and able to test the ISO during this cycle. Depending on this discussion, we may request to add a new powerpc ISO to ISO testing.


Not yet Smile :)

Mythbuntu Team update - superm1

MOTU Team Q&A - tumbleweed or Laney

== Other Topics ==

= Q&A by the teams on the above status =

ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-11-18 (last edited 2011-11-18 22:37:42 by bd3de96e)