12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) Weekly Meeting

Upcoming Dates

Release Overview

Meeting Format

To make this meeting efficient for everyone (and hopefully reduce confusion), would appreciate it if everyone tried to follow these conventions.

I'll try to call on folks in the order I see "o/"s showing up after the Q&A session starts.

Once there are no more "o/"'s in the queue, we'll end the meeting, there won't be an any other business topic, etc.

Suggestions on improving the above conventions are most welcome.

Hardware Certification team update - brendand

QA team update - jibel

Community testing update - balloons

Security team update - jdstrand

Kernel team update - ogasawara

Foundations team update - cjwatson

Server team update - arosales

Linaro update - fabo

Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover

Desktop Team update - seb128

Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth

Kubuntu Team update - Riddell

Edubuntu Team update - stgraber or highvoltage

Xubuntu Team update - madnick or knome

Ubuntu Studio update - scott-work

Lubuntu Team update - gilir

Mythbuntu Team update - superm1

MOTU Team Q&A - tumbleweed, iulian or Laney

Other Topics

Q&A by the teams on the above status

ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2012-06-15 (last edited 2012-06-26 19:09:04 by 99-191-111-134)