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About me

Name: Riccardo

Surname: Padovani

Nickname: WebbyIT

Hometown: Ferrara, Italy

City of residence: Milan, Italy

Birthdate: 03 July 1993

E-Mail: rpadovani@ubuntu-it.org

Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~rpadovani

Google+: http://goo.gl/pPrGt

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/WebbyIT

About me

Technology addicted, Ubuntu fan, student.

Love challenges.

Me and Ubuntu

Ubuntu Phone

I'm very interesting in Ubuntu Phone, and I try to help the development filling bug and writing some lines of code.

My works in Italian LoCo Team

I became a member of Italian LoCo Team December 2, 2012.

Web Group

I collaborate with Web Group since May 2012. Our goal is to keep the site up to date and add new features.


Since April 2012 I help users on Italian Forum, with the nickname WebbyIT.

FCM Group

I helped the FCM Group from June 2012 to February 2013, mainly like translator.

Promotion Group

Newsletter I wrote some articles for Italian Blog and Italian Newsletter from September 2012 to February 2013.

Social Media With Marco Buono, Dario Cavedon and Andrea Colangelo, I founded the Social Media Group in January, 2013. Our goal is to manage presence of Italian LoCo on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook .


I wrote a couple of guide for Italian Wiki

Ask Group

I'm a member of team (with Giuseppe Terrasi and Milo Casagrande) which launched chiedi.ubuntu-it.org, an Italian service of Q&A, like Ask Ubuntu. I edited the graphic theme with Leo Iannacone. At the moment I continue to manage the development and I'm one of the administrators.

