



Sunshine State

Ubuntu Forums profile


Launchpad profile


About me

Hello my name is Robert most of my friends call me Rob, I use RobGoss most of the time for my on line ventures.

I am Happily married to my lovely wife for the past 25 years, we currently live in Florida but originally I'm from New York City, a great state in every aspect. We moved here because we needed a change and this seemed like a good place to start over so we packed our bags and headed to the Sunshine State.

After living here for about 18 years we've adapted to the climate change and the palm trees. We also have 5 children and 9 grandchildren, which we truly love.

Computer History

I have been active online for about 18 plus years, I enjoy providing my services and try to those in need. I enjoy interacting with the members of the Ubuntu forums because I feel this is where I can be the most useful seeing that I love the Ubuntu's platform and Linux in general.

I started learning about computers in the late 90’s, when Windows XP was around thanks to trouble shooting that system that was the gateway for me becoming an Advanced Computer Technologist. Performed numerous maintenance on various desktop/laptop PC's, which included trouble shooting, replacing hardware, software installation/ maintenance, back-ups / recoveries,and basic computing tutoring. All providing my assistance absolutely free of charge never charging anyone for my services, simply because I enjoy helping people and that's what it's truly about right?

After using Windows for many years I was intrigued by Linux and also the way things were done. This experience encouraged me to give Linux a try. I believe it was in 2002, when Fedora 2 or 3, was released don't quote me, it's been a while. So I took about $6.00 and ordered my Fedora DVD's and gave it a shot but it was not user friendly so I continued using Windows a bit longer.

After giving Ubuntu a try in 2014, I realized Linux is what I truly love using and have advanced my Linux skills to where I feel comfortable helping others. I decided to join the Ubuntu's forum in hopes of becoming a part of a great group of Linux users.

I now have about 8 machines here in my home office with a number of Linux distributions mostly Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu mate along with Mint and Fedora. I have these machines setup so I can trouble shoot issues that may arise and help the users of the forums. I thought this would be a good way to address any problems by having the actual operating system on a machine to trouble shoot.

Using Ubuntu made me think about what I've been missing all these years. I've been using Linux / Ubuntu exclusively for about two and a half years now as my primary choice of desktop. I no longer use Windows anymore because I feel Linux has everything I need to be productive on line so I decided to remove Windows all together.

The day I started using Ubuntu it all changed for me, it sparked my interest and I became more intrigued by Linux and decided to become a full time Linux user-and loving it every step of the way.

Hobbies and Interest

I enjoy spending time with my wife and family, this brings me real joy. I also love the outdoors going to the beach and site seeing.

I love building websites along with specializing in HTML and CSS, I don't claim to be an expert because everything I've learned was self-taught. I enjoy building things with my hands and do a lot of home improvements. It's great to see something come to life as you build it, it's a gift I guess. Technically not a handyman by trade but this is something enjoy, if it breaks, I fix it!

Enjoy repairing cars I have been doing it for years and it’s saved me thousands it's better doing things like this on your own you can learn plenty.

Always had a true passion for animals, I love all kinds of animals anything that has a heartbeat I love. There's a special place in my heart for them and I think they know this because their always attracted to me and I've had animals since I was a child and can't imagine being without any.


I'm an Operating Room Technician and I enjoy what I do because I get to save lives and doing this makes me grateful I’m a part of something that means so much to me as you learn to be thankful for everyone and everything around you.

Future Goals

Although I may be new and have been contributing for about two years or so, I hope to be a part of the Ubuntu forums team and donate some of my extra time and knowledge helping with questions for both new and old users. I truly believe Ubuntu / Linux, is a great resource and will be the new desktop in every home.

My intentions are to further my education and learn all I can about Ubuntu / Linux, I have been educating acquaintances and people I cross paths with spreading the word about Ubuntu and how great this operating system truly is.

I plan to expand my knowledge about Linux and Ubuntu in order to be more valuable to the forums and community so I can help trouble shoot in a variety of areas. I spend most of my time in the General help, New to Ubuntu and Installation and upgrades, sections. I do access other sections of the forums as well to learn the problems people may be having.

I feel I have the knowledge to help users and would be grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the Ubuntu forums team.

Forum Contributions

I joined the Ubuntu's forum in 2015, in hopes of learning the fundamentals of Linux, after seeing how dedicated the forum members were and so helpful I decided this is what I wanted to do in my spare on line time help the user of the Ubuntu community.Ubuntu has made me more interested in becoming a mentor in a field most people don't understand if granted. I will do all I can to help people understand how simple it is to use Ubuntu a platform that really works.

Trying to spread the word about Ubuntu / Linux is one of my main goals and I will focus on helping others see what a great operating system it really is if Ubuntu can convince me a along time Windows user like my self, to give Ubuntu a try I'm sure there are more people that will also find this distribution as valuable as I have.

I’m as also sign up at AskUbuntu, Ubuntu mate forum ,along with a few other Linux forums but I find Ubuntu's forum one of my favorites so I devote most of my time here.

I have been able to get Ubuntu installed on just about any machine with out problems sure! I know every OS has issues but I find Ubuntu much easier to trouble shoot, with that said. I feel I have a good understanding and can helps new users also be successful and getting Ubuntu installed and up and running.

I will also respect the values of Ubuntu Code Of Conduct, and perform is a professional manner.

When I signed up I never realized there was so much to learn but at the same time enjoying it all the same. Ubuntu has opened a whole new world for me and for that I'm truly thankful.

Feel free to write a testimonial if you can it would be much appreciated thank you so much.


Note: This section is for existing Ubuntu members to leave testimonials in favor of the application.

Feel free to write a testimonial if you can it would be much appreciated thank you so much.

RobGoss (last edited 2017-03-22 23:53:46 by wildmanne39)