#format wiki #language en ||<>|| == About Me == Roman Yepishev lives in Kiev, Ukraine and is a huge Ubuntu fan. {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/104365238/face21-192.jpg}} He installed my first Linux distribution in 2003, switched several of them - Mandrake, Redhat, Slackware. Then in 2006 he found himself in need of a server distribution that required much less time to install, configure and maintain than Slackware. He picked Ubuntu. == Contact Information == ||Launchpad || https://launchpad.net/~rye || ||Blog || http://rtg.in.ua || ||E-Mail || <> || ||IRC || rye @ FreeNode and Canonical || ||XMPP|| xmpp:roman.yepishev@gmail.com || == Contributions == During the first years I spent very little time participating in Ubuntu life even though I depended on Ubuntu for my job. In 2009 I switched to actively participate in bug reporting and testing and the first merge proposal was made for ubuntuone-client's missing icons. In 2010 I started working for Canonical on Ubuntu One project officially as "Support Engineer" handling multiple tasks, such as various helper applications (most of these are in [[https://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us | ubuntuone-scripts]]), [[UbuntuOne/Indicator|indicator-ubuntuone]] and other internal services. I advocated the use of Trash folder for Ubuntu One synchronization service to delete files to instead of unlinking and provided the initial code. I spent most part of 12.04 release period testing the packages on all my machines, that resulted in [[http://g.ua/ChBX|quite a few bug reports]] in various packages ranging from OpenStack components to Unity. == Ongoing activities == * Testing IPv6 connectivity in applications included in Ubuntu since I am running a full IPv6 network at home. * Ubuntu One support duties and testing. * Testing OpenStack on my home Ubuntu 12.04-based server. == Future goals == * Help Ubuntu One become a better service. * Dive into short movie making using only the tools available for Ubuntu to see how a user would feel ([[https://code.launchpad.net/~rye/openshot/stringify-none/+merge/110771|+first OpenShot MP]]).