= Approval Application for Ubuntu Romania Group (ubuntu-ro) = || [[LoCoTeams|Home]] || [[LoCoTeamList|Teams List]] || [[LoCoTeamJoining|Join a Team]] || [[LoCoTeamHowto|Start a LoCo Team!]] || [[LoCoTeamMentoring|Team Mentoring]] || [[LoCoFAQ|FAQ]] || [[LoCoTeamContacts|Contacts]] || Ubuntu Romanian team is responsible for local Ubuntu promoting activities, offering support in Romanian on local web forums and IRC channel it is also responsible for the Ubuntu package translations into Romanian + spellcheckers and dictionaries. == Key Details == * '''Date''' - 15 June 2010 * '''Team Contact''' - [[Alexandru.Cucu]] * '''Membership''' - 6 active core members as of 14rd June 2010 * '''Mailing List''' - ubuntu-ro on lists.ubuntu.com * '''IRC''' - #ubuntu-ro on Freenode * '''Launchpad page''' - [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ro | Ubuntu Romanian Team]] * '''webpage''' - www.ubuntu.ro * '''wiki''' - RomanianTeam , (for collaboration, most of the content is on ubuntu.ro) * '''Forum''' - forum.ubuntu.ro (main support channel) == Statistics == * forum.ubuntu.ro is one of the most popular support forums in Romania with 6369 users and 65895 posts on http://forum.ubuntu.ro as of 14rd June 2010 (2000 users and 28000 post in 24 September 2008) * 2000 visits/day for forum.ubuntu.ro and 550 for www.ubuntu.ro * 52% translations (http://people.ubuntu.com/~dpm/ubuntu-10.04-translation-stats.html) * Release party in at least 5 cities on each Ubuntu release. * Good relations with more than 10 Romanian LUGs and local communities (http://softwareliber.ro/despre/harta/) == Roadmap == * Continue improving Ubuntu translations and documentation, together with offering support via forum.ubuntu.ro * Take part in all major Romanian FLOSS event - next one will be FLOSS Camp 2010 (http://camp.softwareliber.ro/2010/) * Migrate the LoCo website from Drupal to Wordpress to lower the barrier for new webmasters. * Improve the collaboration with Ubuntu Moldova Team started last cycle and help them become an official LoCo. == Experience == We keep track of our previous activites by reporting them via TeamReports for [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanianTeam/TeamReports/2008 | 2008]], [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanianTeam/TeamReports/2009 | 2009]] and [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanianTeam/TeamReports/2010 | 2010]]