## page was renamed from RomanianTeam/Comunicare/Raport/2008 <> Această pagină conține rapoartele echipei Ubuntu România pentru anul 2008. Este scris în limba engleză deoarece aceste rapoarte sunt incluse în rapoartele internaționale Ubuntu. În ziua de 22 a fiecărei luni ele vor fi incluse în rapoartele Ubuntu de la adresa TeamReports. This page contains monthly report for Ubuntu Romanian team. By the 22nd of each month they will be included in the Ubuntu TeamReports. = Decembrie 2008 = * KiwiLinux 8.12 was released. http://kiwilinux.org * the second series of IRC meetings [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanianTeam/Proiecte/Suport/SerileDeschiseDec2008|„Ubuntu Romania Open evenings”]], held between 17s and 19s of December un #ubuntu-ro IRC channel = November 2008 = * Ubuntu 8.10 and Ubuntu Romanian Team presentation in Targu Mures - http://www.softwareliber.ro/2008/11/04/prezentare-ubuntu-la-targu-mures/ * Romanian Ubuntu web services migrate to a new server * thanks to Stas forum.ubuntu.ro and www.ubuntu.ro were updated and note they are more easy to use * the first meetings between local Ubuntu Romanian Team members and Romanian users in a series of sessions named [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanianTeam/Proiecte/Suport/SerileDeschiseNov2008|„Ubuntu Romania Open evenings”]]. The meetings took place on #ubuntu-ro IRC channel. = October 2008 = * Doru has created a first draft of the complete translation for Ubuntu Desktop Course * Ubuntu 8.10 Release notes translated * Preparing Ubuntu 8.10 release party in Romanian major cities. = September 2008 = * Translation of Ubuntu Desktop Course started