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Această pagină conține rapoartele echipei Ubuntu România pentru anul 2009. Este scris în limba engleză deoarece aceste rapoarte sunt incluse în rapoartele internaționale Ubuntu. În ziua de 22 a fiecărei luni ele vor fi incluse în rapoartele Ubuntu de la adresa TeamReports.

This page contains monthly report for Ubuntu Romanian team. By the 22nd of each month they will be included in the Ubuntu TeamReports.

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

  • Ubuntu Romanian Localisation helped to push the GNOME translation over 80% and Romanian became an official language in GNOME. The translations were made in Launchpad and uploaded upstream to the GNOME project, so those translations are available for Ubuntu too. It was a milestone, but it is still more work to be done.