||<>|| = About Me = * Proud Franco-Ontarian (Ontarian Francophone), living in Kingston, Ontario, Canada * Born September 15th 1992 * Student * Have been using Linux since December 2004 when I installed Debian onto a Pentium 2 I had just bought. * Interests are Bagiping, Computers and reading == My Goals == * Learn C++ + Qt4 * Become MOTU by 2009-01, focusing in KDE apps, and looking at [[https://launchpad.net/~uncommonproglang|MOTU Uncommon Programming Languages]] * Join Core in 2009 == Contact Me == * IRC: ''ryanakca'' on ''irc.freenode.org'' * IRC: ''ryanakca'' on ''irc.oftc.net'' * EMail: <> (Please use gpg when possible if you are emailing me) * GPG Key: [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4EBE56CB0EFECBED2A928D4F7BD15207E95EDDC9|0xE95EDDC9]] * [[https://launchpad.net/~ryanakca|Launchpad]] * [[http://blog.ryanak.ca/|Blog]] = Ubuntu Stuff = == My contributions == * [[http://www.kubuntu.org|Kubuntu]] webmaster. * Bug [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ryanakca/+reportedbugs|reports]] & triaging: [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ryanakca/+assignedbugs|assigned]], [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ryanakca/+subscribedbugs|subscribed]] * [[https://translations.launchpad.net/~ryanakca/+translations|A bit of translation on Launchpad / Rosetta]] * [[https://launchpad.net/people/ryanakca/+packages|Packages]] * Answer questions here and there on the forums as well as in #kubuntu / #ubuntu * Answer [[https://answers.launchpad.net/~ryanakca/+tickets|support requests]] * Organised the IdeaPool (It's now in alphabetical order, to my great awe).<> * Helped found the Ubuntu Classroom along with hybrid. -> [[Classroom]] * Designed Kubuntu Edgy's [[http://www.kubuntu.org/images/kubuntu-edgy-rc.png|RC Release Image.]] * Spread the word about Kubuntu and Linux in general through out my school and family, installed Kubuntu for those who wanted to try it out, and check in every now and then to see if they were having any trouble. * Ran the NUN meeting in #ubuntu-meeting on January 7th 2007 * Wrote a HOWTO on getting GPG to work with KMail * Packaging/merging/syncing, see tables below (As you can tell, I'm working towards MOTU) * Added support for Debian schroots to mk-sbuild-lv (ubuntu-dev-tools) and wrote the missing manpages for ubuntu-dev-tools == Current work == * Kubuntu Webmaster * Port Matthew East's ubuntunew help.ubuntu.com/community/ theme to wiki.kubuntu.org * Merges * Keep all this balanced with my school work. == The Future == * Continue to spread the word about Kubuntu * Become more proficient in packaging * Get proficient enough in python to do a bit of programming for Kubuntu (System Settings maybe?) * Look into writing some more documentation (See if it's something that I find interesting) == Bettering Kubuntu and Ubuntu == We could improve kubuntu bug triaging by having ubugtu paste new kubuntu bugs in #kubuntu-devel, #kubuntu-testing, or #kubuntu-bugs. That way people would see kubuntu bugs as they come in, instead of having to search for them on launchpad. It might help to re-add http://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs to the topic in #kubuntu-devel. It would also be an interesting idea to have a Kubuntu-QA team, that takes care of triaging kubuntu bugs, and bugs in KDE apps. They would have the same permissions on LP as Ubuntu-QA. I would love a glossy, polished kubuntu with as little bugs as possible, so that we might fix Ubuntu bug #1. == Packaging == For an up to date list, please see [[https://launchpad.net/~ryanakca/+related-software|Launchpad]]. === Maintained === || Package || Description || Version || Distribution || Comment || || basic256 || educational BASIC programming environment for children || 0.9.2-0ubuntu1 || Hardy || Approved || || basic256 || educational BASIC programming environment for children || 0.9.2-2 || Debian Untable / Intrepid - Jaunty || Approved || || mcdp || mini CD player || 0.4-5 || Debian Unstable || Approved || || aoeui || lightweight, unobtrusive, Dvorak-optimized text editor || 1.1.1-1 || Debian Unstable || Approved || || aoeui || Lightweight, unobtrusive, Dvorak-optimized text editor || 1.1.0-2 || Debian Unstable || Approved || || aoeui || Lightweight, unobtrusive, Dvorak-optimized text editor || 1.1.0-2 || Gutsy - Intrepid || Approved || || aoeui || Lightweight, unobtrusive, Dvorak-optimized text editor || 1.2-1 || Debian Unstable / Jaunty || Approved || || eqonomize || personal accounting software for the small household economy || 0.4-0ubuntu1 || Edgy - Feisty || Approved || || qcomicbook || A viewer for comic book archives containing jpeg/png images || 0.3.4-0ubuntu1 || Edgy - Feisty || Approved || || slingshot || simple 2D shooting strategy game set in space, with gravity || 0.8.1p-1 || Debian Unstable / Intrepid - Jaunty || Approved || || knmap || KDE interface to nmap, the Network Mapper || 2.1-2 || Debian Unstable || Approved || === Merged === || Package || Distribution || Comment || || kiosktool || Intrepid || 2008-05-11 || || mon || Intrepid || 2008-05-12 || || xterm || Jaunty || 2008-11-28 || === Sync requests === || Package || Distribution || Version || Comment || || rsync || Intrepid || 3.0.2-2 || 2008-05-11 || || bsdgames || Intrepid || 2.17-15 || 2008-05-11 || || clustalw || Intrepid || 2.0.6-1 || 2008-05-11 || === Removal requests === || kiosktool || Jaunty || 2008-11-28 || <>