#format wiki
#language en

== Saïvann Carignan ==

=== Personal Information ===

  * I'm a computer addict who loves to learn everything about computers since my very young age. All the potential of computers and all the possibilities that Internet and the computer can bring to individual people as much as the whole human society has always been a passion to me. After a lot of years of exploration of the old Mac OS 9 system and Windows 95/98/XP, I became the one who's asked by everybody for solutions with their computers. It became my work since I got a incredible habit to diagnose a problem and to find a solution, as much as knowing all good programs. During this time, I got a chance to explore computer world deeper and to expand my knowledge days after days. I discovered Linux Ubuntu and the name "GPL" 2 years ago, while I was about to admit that computers were sometime pretty limited. Free software introduced me to a brand new vision of computers which I was waiting for a very long time. Once I got sufficient knowledge of Linux Ubuntu, I started to give free ubuntu installation and complete support to my customers who loves this operating system!
  * When my head is over-loaded of codes and computers terms, I temporarily transform into a photographer. sometime, I  also become the author of an upcoming fantastic/philosophical novel.

=== Contribution ===

  * Since the beginning of the 2007 year, I promote ubuntu by showing ubuntu to my customers and offering free installation of ubuntu to customers who are interested. I also give support for that operating system as much as I do with Microsoft Windows.
  * My contribution to ubuntu extended very fast in the last year. I am a brand new bug triager and I take a valuable portion of my time to triage bugs and help around improving ubuntu. 
  * Since I'm regularly in touch with people who are new ubuntu users, I get some knowledge of people needs/problems with ubuntu I use this knowledge to improve ubuntu via launchpad. I also give free support for people who experience bugs with ubuntu which I can report and work within launchpad.
  * I provided fixes for some bugs that were not too hard to fix.
  * Sometime, I go to #ubuntu-fr and give some free help to users that are searching for answers.
  * I'm the maintainer of sunbird-locales, lightning-extension-locales packages and all brother-cups-wrapper-* packages which provide Brother printer drivers since Hardy.
  * I'm looking to become a ubuntu french translator in a near future.

=== Work ===

  * I give very good technical services for people ( not business ) remotely via VNC or to people who lives in Granby/Bromont in Québec, Canada. http://www.leservicetechnique.com/ . My involvement with free software represent my commitment that softwares and computers will always give more and more possibilities available to all my customers and the entire world.

=== Contact ===

  * Email = oxmosys@gmail.com
  * IRC = saivann on the freenode servers
