Hello Folks!

My name is Sascha Morr. I was born in July, 1976 in Heidelberg, Germany.

I started tu use Linux 1997 on my secound computer. In the beginning i was using Red Hat/Halloween Linux than switching to Debian (potato, woody, sarge, sid) and now i using Ubuntu.

In Oktober 2004 i start the german ubuntu forum at UbuntuUsers.de and after some problems it's now reachable at ubuntuusers.de and ubuntu-de.org. We have teams for moderation, support, wiki, webdesign etc.

You can reach me by email mail@saschamorr.de, by jabber sascha@ubuntu-jabber.de, by ICQ 171473545 and via IRC at irc.freenode.net nick sturmkind.

Thats all folk

Cheers Sascha

SaschaMorr (last edited 2008-08-06 16:27:55 by localhost)