This page is meant to show all the things that I have started some amount of work on and will finish when they become a priority. Some may be already done, and some may be obsolete

Wiki pages that should be written up

Other Gnome Tasks

Other non-Wine tasks

Post UDS-Jaunty items

It seems like I come away from every UDS volunteering to do more and more work. UDS-Jaunty was no different. I need to:

Other items

Current Wine Goal

Most of the needed upstream work for BetterIntegratedWineSpec is being tackled, most notably the ability to configure Wine and remove software from the command line. What we need now is for someone to design and make the Gnome applets (as well as modify gnome-app-install). At the Wine developer conference, I was the only one willing to do it.

Neat ideas to think about doing at some point

Todo list:

Wine todo list:

Miscellaneous tasks for myself:

Older tasks that have been tabled

One Click Install from SuSE


Good ideas someone else should code unless I get a lot more time:

Somewhat finished tasks with more work left to do

I have a giant penboard in my room with a todo list on it. It's constantly full, and I never erase things until they're done or at least copied to one of my wiki pages. Sometimes something is done but might require followup; in that case it goes here.

ScottRitchie/Work (last edited 2009-04-29 22:19:07 by ppp-69-228-156-10)