<> = ScreencastTeam Meetings = The ScreencastTeam meetings are scheduled for every two weeks. Meetings are held at #ubuntu-meeting, irc.freenode.net. They are open for everyone interested and/or participating in the ScreencastTeam. == Meeting == * '''When''': 24 September 2007 * '''Start''': 19:00 * '''End''': 20:00 * '''Timezone''': [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=9&day=24&year=2007&hour=19&min=0&sec=0&p1=0|UTC]] * '''Where''': #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net * '''Chaired By''': AlanPope == Agenda for this meeting == * Action points from last meeting * Current status * Month Of Screencasts 2007 progress * Next meeting schedule * Consider a meeting to assist Aus members attendance == Summary == We are behind in the MoS2007 project * Popey blames it all on himself and his family... * So the MoS will become two months so that no 11 - 30 can be released when they are ready * Andrew Gee, iGadget are unable to contribute in the near future * Possibility of the use of mebeam.com, or other voip service to host meetings instead of irc * Was mentioned that Ubuntu-UK team uses asterisk, SIP * Translations of screencasts into other languages * Noted that subtitles in screencasts only appear for 2 seconds * Mentioned OGG's support of multiple audio tracks, but having to "remaster" the ogg every time another language track is recorded will bloat the ogg file * Possibility of putting screencasts for each app on the ubuntu DVD. Suggestion of accessing them in Help>Videos menu in any application * Possibility of using Festival (Text to speech) for the screencasts raised * Noted that 1024x768 is fine for non-MoS screencasts, but higher resolution is needed for MoS screencasts * Side note: What resolution is used for the MoS screencasts anyway? * Next meeting to aid Australian Member's attendance (yay, that's me!). * Next meeting to occur on the weekend of Oct 13 2007 * 4am UTC time proposed as a joke * Side note: 4am UTC = 2pm AEST ;) == IRC Log == {{{ 20:00:27 < popey> Bong! 20:00:33 < popey> Screencast Team meeting starts 20:00:50 < popey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/Meeting20070924 20:00:57 < popey> short agenda for today :) 20:01:04 < popey> anyone here for the meeting? 20:01:18 < spd106> I'm here again 20:01:36 -!- bryce_ [n=bryce@c-67-169-207-142.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 20:01:48 < popey> yay 20:01:58 * iGadget here :) 20:02:05 < popey> * Action points from last meeting 20:02:12 < popey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/Meeting20070910 20:02:45 < popey> hmm, most of that will become part of the next item, so will just jump to it 20:02:53 < popey> * Current status 20:02:59 < popey> We are behind again :( 20:03:06 < popey> I blame 3 things:- 20:03:16 < popey> 1. Having two children whose birthdays are in september 20:03:21 < popey> 2. Having a week holiday 20:03:28 < popey> 3. Me being lazy ;) 20:03:59 < popey> So it looks like I won't be able to make 20 more screencasts before the end of the month to take us from the last one (10) to the 30th 20:04:20 < popey> So I suggest that instead I will carry on making them, numbering them 11-30 but releasing them when they're ready 20:04:33 < popey> Which means the month of screencasts lasts for about 2 months 20:04:56 < popey> which is of course disappointing 20:05:00 < popey> but it was a mad plan anyway 20:05:22 < popey> I would rather continue to make high quality screencasts than churn out 20 small ones of low quality 20:05:30 < popey> how does that sound? 20:05:30 < spd106> I agree 20:05:47 < popey> should I put an announcement on the site? 20:06:00 < popey> we have already had people asking in comments about when the next ones will be out, where they are, what has happened.. 20:06:24 < popey> I have one that I made today that I will upload tomorrow, I propose uloading then posting a comment afterwards detailing the revised plan 20:06:41 < iGadget> sounds like a plan 20:06:45 < popey> we have also lost Andrew Gee which is a resource less for making screencasts 20:06:47 < popey> which doesn't help 20:07:09 * iGadget coughs 20:07:12 -!- hoora [i=hoora@gateway/tor/x-0fc3ba3afaa5395c] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 20:07:13 < popey> Ok, I will publish this next one "Updates & Upgrades" tomorrow and put an announcement in 20:07:33 < popey> yeah, I also need to upload some of the queue that built up 20:07:41 < iGadget> Alan, there's a chance I'll have to step down as well :( 20:07:47 < popey> oh dear 20:07:58 < iGadget> Allthough I haven't contributed that much yet 20:08:03 < popey> heh :) 20:08:19 < popey> Hey, I'm happy to get any contributions at all, no pressure on anyone 20:08:33 < popey> It's not like the screencasts are going to delay the release of Ubuntu :) 20:08:37 < popey> (not this release anyway ;) 20:08:53 < popey> I am pragmatic if nothing else 20:09:08 < popey> I need to also look at revising the plan now I am back from holiday 20:09:26 < popey> I shall mail the list with the plan I had and see if we can get a discussion going on what screencasts people want 20:09:31 < popey> or maybe ask on the site? 20:09:43 < iGadget> Perhaps both? 20:09:45 < popey> Post a message asking for requests as comments? 20:09:47 < popey> yeah, good idea 20:10:01 < spd106> Are we going to use 7.10 for all screencasts? 20:10:08 < popey> good question 20:10:10 < popey> yes and no 20:10:20 < popey> the updates & upgrades one I did today uses dapper, edgy, feisty and gutsy :) 20:10:33 < popey> for the most part 7.10 would seem like a good target 20:10:42 < spd106> It's just the background in Gutsy changed recently 20:10:45 < popey> as it will soon be released, so it means the screencasts are "relavent" 20:10:51 < popey> yeah, i noticed that today :) 20:10:56 < popey> these things will happen 20:11:02 < iGadget> it's an improvement, though 20:11:13 < popey> on all screencasts that feature gutsy I do try to mention that its based on a development release 20:11:18 -!- bryce_ [n=bryce@c-67-169-207-142.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 20:11:38 < popey> And I don't expect gutsy to change _that_ much between now and oct 19th 20:11:40 < popey> 18th 20:11:52 < popey> a few cosmetic things isn't a major deal 20:12:03 < iGadget> maybe it's a bit far off, but should we focus on moving to 8.04 as soon as it's usable, since it'll be an LTS? 20:12:11 < popey> heheh 20:12:20 < popey> it won't be usable until the end of the year :) 20:12:27 < popey> at least 20:12:30 < iGadget> okay, too far off then ;) 20:12:54 < popey> in my experience the delta between one release and the next is actually pretty small 20:13:09 < popey> if you compare dapper and gutsy there's quite a difference, but compare edgy and feisty and the difference is much less 20:13:18 < popey> there are changes of course, and we should be aware of them 20:13:21 < spd106> It's not like we'll be using KDE 4 20:13:24 < popey> but I don't think we should fret about it too much 20:13:26 < popey> no, indeed 20:13:38 < popey> ok, that's current status 20:13:45 < iGadget> what about (I'm brainstorming here)... 'scripting' the screencasts so they can be redone easily in another version? 20:13:55 < popey> they are _kinda_ scripted 20:13:57 -!- bryce_ [n=bryce@c-67-169-207-142.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 20:14:02 < popey> but not too much 20:14:08 < popey> you mean a storyboard type thing? 20:14:22 < iGadget> no, I mean an automated kind of thing 20:14:27 < popey> oh 20:14:28 < iGadget> I don't know if it's possible 20:14:34 < popey> me neither 20:14:43 < iGadget> would it be worth investigating? 20:14:48 < popey> worth a thought, yes 20:15:18 < popey> sorry, i was thinking then :) 20:15:28 < popey> will note that and we could have a chat on the list about it 20:15:28 < iGadget> np, I'm a slow reader ;) 20:15:34 < popey> g o o d 20:15:56 < popey> any questions/comments about the curent status? 20:16:23 < popey> * Month Of Screencasts 2007 progress 20:16:36 < popey> 10 of 30 complete, to be 11 of 30 tomorrow 20:16:44 < popey> more ideas needed - as mentioned 20:17:13 < popey> will mail the list and canvas opinion on the site 20:17:28 < popey> blimey, that's it 20:17:38 < popey> fastest meeting ever 20:17:48 < popey> any further questions, comments or points you guys want to talk about 20:17:49 < iGadget> geez... and it's my first :) 20:17:50 < popey> we have some time 20:18:27 < popey> ok 20:18:35 * iGadget thinks 20:18:51 < spd106> Where's the MoS schedule again? I've lost it 20:19:15 < popey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MonthOfScreencasts 20:19:29 < spd106> Oh yeah 20:19:33 < popey> :) 20:19:51 < popey> i should be uploading two tomorrow 20:19:59 < popey> assuming I get a nice quiet house to work in :S 20:20:16 < popey> (which is a big issue here - screaming babies in the background of a screencast don't sound good) :) 20:20:44 -!- Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 20:20:55 < popey> Matthew Rossi asked if we could have a meeting that was at a time when he could attend - he is in Aus 20:21:03 < popey> so he ideally wanted one on a weekend 20:21:11 < iGadget> just a suggestion about meeting on IRC... you guys know mebeam.com? 20:21:32 < popey> I didn't, but I do now 20:22:01 < popey> thing about irc is that it has a very low barrier to entry 20:22:13 < popey> many of the web conferencing systems require flash, a webcam, a mic etc 20:22:19 < iGadget> true, if you're a good typist ;) 20:22:19 < spd106> Do you need a camera? 20:22:27 < popey> looks like it 20:22:31 < iGadget> for mebeam.com, you do yes 20:22:56 < spd106> That'll be tricky then 20:23:11 < popey> it reduces the potential people who could join I guess? 20:23:26 < popey> given every other team meets on irc.. 20:23:27 < iGadget> okay, perhaps that's too much then. But what about audio converencing? 20:23:35 < popey> iGadget: interesting point 20:23:44 < popey> the Ubuntu-UK loco team are looking at using asterisk 20:23:51 < popey> to do call conferencing via SIP or something 20:24:02 < iGadget> I figure most people involved in screencasts would have a mic... ;) 20:24:03 < popey> needs a mic and a reasonable net connection 20:24:06 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Mez 20:24:07 < popey> heh :) 20:24:20 < popey> the problem with all the video/audio conferences is logging though 20:24:27 < popey> i can easily copy/paste this log into the wiki, job done 20:24:35 < iGadget> true, true 20:24:35 < popey> with the audio/video ones someone has to transcribe it 20:24:44 < Daviey> SIP: ^ anybody wanna help test? 20:24:49 < popey> heh :) 20:25:07 < popey> I will test with you another time yes Daviey :) 20:25:18 < popey> for those that don't know, Daviey is the expert on Asterisk around here 20:25:22 < popey> and voip in general 20:25:27 < iGadget> cool 20:25:30 < Daviey> 'expert' hmm :P 20:25:40 * iGadget should get his audio setup working first ;) 20:25:54 < spd106> What about a SIP screencast Davey? 20:26:00 < popey> heh 20:26:03 < iGadget> hehe :) 20:26:08 < popey> we have that scheduled actually 20:26:16 < Daviey> Isn't there already an ekiga screencast? 20:26:17 < popey> one all about voip 20:26:22 < popey> not one of ours no Daviey 20:26:32 < popey> i was thinking something more general, not necessarily just ekiga 20:26:32 < iGadget> ekiga would be nice... since it's already shipping with ubuntu 20:26:37 < popey> agreed 20:26:44 < popey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MonthOfScreencasts 20:26:47 < iGadget> (never got it working, though) 20:26:49 < popey> ^ look at the bottom of that page :) 20:26:54 < iGadget> okay, will do 20:26:59 < popey> "ekiga" :) 20:27:08 < popey> just needs someone to make it :) 20:27:11 * iGadget should check the page more often 20:27:19 < popey> you could subscribe to it :) 20:27:21 < Daviey> Well i'm not sure how much you could cover.. Would either need to be reallly high level - or pretty lowlevel (technical and ~20mins) 20:28:00 < popey> 30 mins isn't unreasonable 20:28:06 < popey> i made a 40 min one today :) 20:28:13 < Daviey> eager beaver 20:28:24 < popey> anyway, can I just get the next meeting date out of the way 20:28:33 < popey> I propose the weekend of the 13th october 20:28:40 < popey> to allow the aussies to join in 20:28:50 < popey> thats over 2 weeks away 20:29:03 < popey> but with our slim agenda I don't think that's an issue? 20:29:09 < iGadget> I have one proposal about subtitles, if we're done with the SIP thing :) 20:29:21 < popey> go ahead 20:29:42 < iGadget> there are a lot of subs now that are on screen for less than 2 secs now 20:29:46 < iGadget> thats _really_ fast 20:30:01 < popey> hmm, I talk too fast? 20:30:01 < iGadget> most people I checked can't read that fast 20:30:05 < iGadget> maybe 20:30:09 < spd106> yep 20:30:19 < iGadget> but what I usually do is merge two subs together 20:30:33 < iGadget> in most cases, that's enough 20:30:36 < spd106> It's either short time or they take up too much screen space 20:30:45 < iGadget> indeed, that does occur 20:30:49 < popey> so it would be better if I talk slower, say less? 20:30:59 < popey> leave big gaps :) 20:30:59 -!- lbm [n=lbm@0x555373ab.adsl.cybercity.dk] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 20:31:00 < iGadget> especially in languages that need 'more space' :) 20:31:03 < popey> heh 20:31:13 < popey> like Deutsch? 20:31:18 < Daviey> Did you guys find a solution to multi-audio track? 20:31:21 < iGadget> like nederlands ;) 20:31:24 < popey> ahhh 20:31:32 < iGadget> deutsch probably as well 20:31:33 < popey> Daviey: ogg does support multiple audio tracks 20:31:47 < popey> but the problem is we would have to keep remastering every time someone made a new audio track 20:31:49 < popey> and re-encode 20:32:00 < popey> and they would bloat up with multiple languages on board 20:32:04 < iGadget> it would be very sweet if we could figure out a way to do that smoothly 20:32:07 < popey> likely easier to keep them separate 20:32:18 < iGadget> mmmkay... true 20:32:25 < popey> ok iGadget and spd106 I will endeavour to speak slower 20:32:31 < popey> and leave some pauses for text 20:32:34 < popey> sorry about that 20:32:44 < iGadget> no prob, we all live and learn ;) 20:32:50 < popey> indeed 20:32:56 < spd106> The applications screencast was particularly bad 20:32:57 < popey> this is exactly why we have these meetings :) 20:33:09 < popey> because there is a lot in it done very quickly? 20:33:09 < iGadget> precisely :) 20:33:21 < spd106> yes, too much really 20:33:25 < popey> ok 20:33:37 < popey> I will bear that in mind for future screencasts 20:33:53 < popey> one problem I worry about is that if I go to slow it might get boring 20:33:54 < spd106> It was still very good 20:33:57 < popey> people might nod off 20:34:02 < popey> it's okay spd106 I can take it ;) 20:34:46 < iGadget> Well it's quite easy to see - if you're making english subtitles which are on screen less that 2 seconds, that's suspicious 20:34:56 < popey> haha 20:35:00 < iGadget> usually that's too fast 20:35:02 < popey> like small print on a tv advert 20:35:16 < iGadget> ghehe... something like that ;) 20:35:19 < popey> "Warning, the value of your house may go down as well as up,..." 20:35:38 < popey> ok, point taken, will fix that in future ones 20:35:44 < iGadget> * toll free number, only connection charges apply ($10,-) 20:35:46 < popey> lucky we're only 1/3rd the way through then :) 20:35:49 < popey> :) 20:36:07 < spd106> Did you get the flash streaming working? 20:36:14 -!- Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 20:36:28 < popey> the subtitles in the flash streaming? 20:36:31 < spd106> yes 20:36:34 < popey> no, not yet 20:36:47 < popey> but I haven't spent much time on that 20:36:54 < spd106> ok 20:36:56 < popey> will do though 20:37:20 < spd106> Don't spend too much on that, it can be sorted out later 20:37:26 < popey> sure 20:37:34 < popey> I spent too long on it the week before holiday 20:37:46 < popey> will concentrate on making the screencasts for now 20:37:49 < iGadget> so... what about the long term - how are we going to keep track on screencasts that are no longer acurate and need to be updated? 20:38:01 < popey> well iGadget that's a very good point# 20:38:10 < popey> the one I made today in effect replaces one I made a year ago 20:38:22 < popey> and the installing one supplements the installation one I did a year ago too 20:38:34 < spd106> deja vu 20:38:41 < popey> I guess I could put a note on the old ones "obsolete - please see this screencast" with a link to the newer ones 20:38:57 < iGadget> perhaps it would be a good idea to mention which ubuntu versions are affected by the screencast? 20:38:58 < popey> the ones this year are more comprehensive though 20:39:05 < iGadget> in the screencast itself? 20:39:05 < popey> i try to tag them on the site 20:39:25 < popey> http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/taxonomy/term/43 <- only gutsy ones 20:39:33 < spd106> Tag them with Ubuntu release or just the date? 20:39:41 < iGadget> maybe both :) 20:39:46 < popey> http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/taxonomy/term/35 only dapper 20:39:55 < iGadget> there might be screencasts which can last for ages 20:40:01 < iGadget> like the one about free software 20:40:05 < popey> yeah 20:40:30 < iGadget> other ones can become obsolete in the next version, there's no way to be sure in advance I guess 20:40:35 < popey> indeed 20:40:44 < spd106> New ones every six months 20:40:44 < popey> although to be fair the ones about dapper are still accurate 20:40:50 < popey> dapper is a current supported release 20:40:53 -!- fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 20:41:11 < popey> there is a wider plan here 20:41:17 < popey> don't know if I explained previously did I? 20:41:26 < popey> to put screencasts directly in ubuntu 20:41:37 < spd106> On the DVD? 20:41:48 < popey> not sure yet, probably online, streamed 20:41:57 < popey> so you can go to Help --> Videos in any app 20:42:01 < iGadget> sweet! 20:42:06 < popey> and get a window come up with a selection of videos 20:42:18 < popey> that would need some major management 20:42:27 < iGadget> that would surely beat the crap out of MS online support 20:42:30 < popey> and all the stuff we are learning about during MoS can feed into this 20:42:38 < popey> so the feedback I get from you guys is great 20:42:48 < popey> it's still an early plan 20:43:01 < iGadget> but... that will require massive amounts of work 20:43:06 < popey> yup :) 20:43:11 < iGadget> do we have enough manpower to do this? 20:43:13 < popey> they would be short videos 20:43:23 < popey> seconds or minutes long 20:43:32 < spd106> It's more online integration too 20:43:34 < popey> showing how to do specific tasks 20:43:36 -!- airjump [n=MZ@p508AC547.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 20:43:39 < popey> yeah, needs a lot of work 20:43:42 < iGadget> which... can be combined to create entire screencasts? 20:43:45 -!- asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 20:43:54 < popey> yeah, watch them all back to back 20:43:55 < popey> :) 20:44:08 < iGadget> a 'lego' sort of screencast-building? nice :) 20:44:23 < popey> yeah, I like the building blocks analogy 20:44:31 < popey> they could be tagged and rated 20:44:36 < spd106> Going back to the scripting thought... would festival be any use? 20:44:47 < popey> festival the text to speech thing? 20:44:54 < spd106> yeah 20:44:57 < popey> useful for? 20:45:06 < spd106> automating screencast 20:45:14 < popey> I don't know. how do you mean? 20:45:21 < iGadget> my idea about scripting was about the visual part only, but if festival is good? 20:45:33 < iGadget> I haven't played with it yet 20:45:39 < spd106> It cuts the work down a little 20:46:01 < iGadget> yes, but if it cuts down the quality too much, I'm not sure if it's an improvement... 20:46:23 < iGadget> the audiotrack is key to getting the user involved IMHO 20:46:28 < popey> you mean, get festival to "read" the script? 20:46:35 < spd106> Yes 20:46:37 < popey> ahhh 20:46:53 < popey> is festival any good? :) 20:47:04 < popey> i haven't tried it for some time 20:47:07 < spd106> No idea, just read about it recently 20:47:20 < popey> to be honest the audio part is not that time consuming 20:47:22 < iGadget> do you know radiohead's 'OK computer'? ;) 20:47:31 < popey> its prep, recording the video and editing it that takes the time 20:47:39 < popey> the audio takes about as long as the video is in length 20:47:49 < popey> if I make a 40 min video the audio takes 40 mins to make (roughly) 20:48:04 < popey> but it takes 2+hours to make a 30 min video 20:48:31 < iGadget> so I guess we'd gain much more time in getting the video part smoothed out.. right? 20:49:25 < popey> yeah, and that's not easy 20:49:45 < popey> some of it is planning - figuring out what I am going to video.. 20:49:47 < iGadget> besides of automated scripting making re-recording a lot easier, could it help save time in the initial recording process? 20:49:48 < popey> some of it is videoing 20:49:59 < popey> i doubt it would help much to be honest 20:50:12 < popey> one day I will create the "how to make a screencast, screencast" that people keep asking me for 20:50:44 < spd106> You could then run a competition for the final screencast 20:50:48 < iGadget> well, if you really want users to assist you, I suppose that one has a top priority... 20:51:08 < popey> iGadget: i have written it up on the wiki :) 20:51:15 < popey> I am not sure this is the thing that stops people 20:51:19 < popey> people know how to create them 20:51:26 < iGadget> eh... 20:51:41 < popey> I am not sure that "knowing how to create a screencast" is what stops people making them 20:51:50 < popey> they know how to make them, but they don't have the time to do it? 20:51:55 < iGadget> I don't, but I'm just plain lazy besides having way to little time, so nevermind me ;) 20:51:58 < popey> it's quicker/easier to make a wiki page then a screencast 20:52:07 < popey> exactly :) 20:52:15 < popey> nothing wrong with that, that's just the problem we have 20:52:22 < popey> people don't have time to commit to something like this 20:52:28 < spd106> Would you accept lower res screencasts? 20:52:41 < spd106> 1024x768 is all I have 20:52:43 < popey> which I why I am glad that I can get on and make them and you guys can transcribe/translate them 20:52:57 < iGadget> I thought 1024x768 was okay? 20:52:58 < popey> for non-mos2007, yes, definately 20:53:06 < popey> we already have some at 1024x768 20:53:16 < iGadget> eh... what's mos2007? 20:53:23 < popey> Month Of Screencast 2007 20:53:24 < popey> :) 20:53:31 * iGadget bangs himself on the head 20:53:36 < iGadget> darn... stupid :) 20:53:42 < iGadget> sorry 20:53:42 < popey> i.e. if it's "just" a screencast, not specifically for MoS, then yes, 1024x768 is great 20:53:45 < popey> np 20:53:50 < popey> silly acronym 20:54:08 < popey> the only reason is that I specifically wanted 30 high quality, high res ones 20:54:24 < spd106> That's what I thought 20:54:29 < popey> if you see the front page of the site there are 3 that are 1024x768 :) 20:54:39 -!- asac [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 20:54:40 -!- asac_ is now known as asac 20:54:49 -!- mayeco [n=mayeco@mayeco-kubuntu.cpe.cableonda.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 20:54:52 < popey> what's important is consistent quality 20:55:03 < iGadget> but... If we are going to start with this building-block thing, then we should agree on one res only, right? 20:55:13 < popey> oh that's not coming for a while :) 20:55:25 < popey> i wouldn't start thinking too seriously about that until about November :) 20:55:39 < popey> (after UDS Boston) :) 20:55:45 < iGadget> okay... so what about smoothing the creation process, would that be doable? 20:56:02 < iGadget> working with the istanbul team for example? 20:56:33 < iGadget> I mean, making the creating process much simpler and less time consuming? 20:56:50 < popey> yeah, I had a meeting with jono about this.. he had some ideas about this subject 20:56:58 < popey> he suggested a screencasting application 20:57:08 < iGadget> ghehe... his Next Big Thing after Jokosher? :D 20:57:11 < popey> one that gave you a window inside which you have a nested session or something 20:57:13 < popey> heh 20:57:18 < popey> and recorded it 20:57:22 < jono> iGadget: oi! :) 20:57:26 < popey> there are already tools that can do this but they are non free 20:57:34 < iGadget> jono! :D 20:57:42 < popey> and anyway I don't think this would shave massive amounts off the time 20:57:48 < popey> it would make it easier, thats for sure 20:58:04 < popey> we're running out of time 20:58:04 < iGadget> one sec, brb 20:58:16 < popey> I will bring all these things up on the list for further discussion 20:58:25 < popey> so we can get the ideas fleshed out 20:58:47 < spd106> Have we agreed on the next meeting time? 20:59:04 * iGadget back 20:59:58 < iGadget> okay... I for one would surely love to contribute more, but the current process is just way to much work for me, sorry :( 21:00:18 < iGadget> and with contribute I mean creating screencasts, redubbing them etc. 21:01:05 * iGadget thinks perhaps he should just quit his dayjob... 21:01:12 < iGadget> loads of time :) 21:01:51 < popey> spd106: I will figure out a time and mail the list 21:02:00 < popey> need to find out what time Aus is awake :) 21:02:14 < popey> heh, thats what I did iGadget :) 21:02:34 < iGadget> geez... so who's paying your bills now? :) 21:02:50 < iGadget> canonical? :D 21:02:57 < popey> heh 21:03:01 < popey> I am on "holiday" 21:03:15 < popey> spending time at home with the family, and when they stop bothering me, I make screencasts :) 21:03:23 < iGadget> gheheh 21:03:26 < iGadget> I know the feeling 21:03:44 < popey> ok, so I will paste a summary of this to the wiki 21:03:45 * iGadget just tucked in his gf, babbling in her sleep again ;) 21:03:49 < popey> :) 21:03:58 < popey> and mail the list with the subjects we have talked about 21:04:05 < iGadget> great 21:04:11 < popey> and update the site with a status update 21:04:17 < popey> thanks for the input guys, much appreciated 21:04:28 < iGadget> np, thanks for listening ;) 21:04:30 < popey> next meeting likely to be oct 13th/14th 21:04:54 < spd106> ok 21:04:57 < iGadget> that's a weekend, good choice 21:05:08 < popey> oh, good :) 21:05:15 < popey> you might not say that when you see the time ;) 21:05:18 < popey> 4am! 21:05:21 < popey> (just kidding) 21:05:28 < iGadget> ;) 21:05:35 < popey> right, cheers chaps, wifey calls :) }}}