<> = Roadmap = == Current / Ongoing == {*} After a period of inactivity the team is gearing back up. These should be our first priorities: * Update the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts | /ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts]] page and the screencasts made from it. * increase the teams visibility, letting people know we are active again. * A review and updating of current screencasts. * ''Translation'' - Recruit more transcribers and translators to build on the number we already have. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MonthOfScreencasts/TranslationStatus / http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/Subtitle_Usage * ''Screencasting Screencast'' - (this is mentioned above)We get asked for a "how to make screencasts" screencast at most meetings. This needs to be made, based on our "how to screencast" wiki page (which also needs '''updating'''):- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts * ''Screencasts in Ubuntu'' - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastsInUbuntuSpec - This spec aims to deliver screencasts directly on the desktop within a robust but compact player. We need to see this through UDS with the aim of getting it in the next release. * ''Make things easier'' - Making quality screencasts isn't easy. We need to look at ways to make that process easier for people to contribute to. * Break up the documentation into separate knowledge base how-tos * ''All in one screencasting'' - Somewhat blue sky thinking, we would like to spec up and help develop a desktop application which can perform many of the typical screencasting tasks over and above just recording screen activity. == Future == * run initiatives to increase the visibility of the team * Get them on the cover of Linux magazines * Get screencasts embedded in Ubuntu - See ScreencastsInUbuntuSpec * Get screencasts translated (audio re-dubbed) to other languages * Make screencasts available on CD/DVD == Previous == * ''Month Of Screencasts'' - Currently ongoing (and overrunning) we need to finish the 30 screencasts for the MoS 2007. http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/MoS2007 / https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MonthOfScreencasts2007 ---- [[CategoryTeamTODOPage]]