1 00:00:00,462 --> 00:00:03,934 Hello my name is Andrew Gee and welcome to this Ubuntu screencast. 2 00:00:04,011 --> 00:00:07,714 In this screencast you will learn how to browse Samba shares from within Ubuntu, 3 00:00:07,812 --> 00:00:11,109 how to make a quick shortcut on your desktop to access these shares, 4 00:00:11,186 --> 00:00:15,409 and finally, how to share your own files over Samba. 5 00:00:16,587 --> 00:00:21,447 Here is a diagram of a two computers, one is running Windows and one is running Ubuntu 6 00:00:21,507 --> 00:00:25,598 You need to share files between these computers, but how do you do it? 7 00:00:25,616 --> 00:00:27,002 This is where Samba comes in, 8 00:00:27,102 --> 00:00:31,013 Samba is an open source implementation of Windows filesharing. 9 00:00:31,113 --> 00:00:36,840 It allows you to access and create files over a network, using all sorts of platforms. 10 00:00:36,877 --> 00:00:40,657 So you are able to share between Ubuntu and Windows, Ubuntu and Mac, 11 00:00:40,757 --> 00:00:46,514 Ubuntu and a different Linux distribution or even Ubuntu and Unix. 12 00:00:46,598 --> 00:00:49,777 So now you know a bit of background, let us begin 13 00:00:49,801 --> 00:00:54,027 One thing you will be able to do is browse Samba shares on remote computers 14 00:00:54,051 --> 00:00:58,958 To do this, you need to go to the Places menu and then click on the Network icon. 15 00:00:59,096 --> 00:01:05,422 This will bring up a network browser window, where you will be able to choose Windows shares by double-clicking on a Windows network icon 16 00:01:05,522 --> 00:01:09,048 Here you can see both workgroups exist on the network. 17 00:01:09,202 --> 00:01:17,689 The default one is mshome and you are most likely to be connecting to this one, so double-click on that. 18 00:01:17,883 --> 00:01:22,250 and see the computers in that workgroup. 19 00:01:22,274 --> 00:01:27,255 Double-click on the computer you want to access and that will load the computer. 20 00:01:27,487 --> 00:01:31,220 From here you are able to see what shares are on this computer. 21 00:01:31,267 --> 00:01:35,752 Double-click on the one you want to access, that will show you all the files within. 22 00:01:35,775 --> 00:01:39,662 Now you are seeing the share as if it is on the local computer. 23 00:01:39,696 --> 00:01:42,804 You are able to do the normal file manipulation that you would want, 24 00:01:42,904 --> 00:01:47,370 such as deleting, copying, pasting, cutting and all the rest. 25 00:01:47,398 --> 00:01:50,267 If the share is read-only you can not change anything. 26 00:01:54,207 --> 00:01:58,416 So you can get to the shares on the network, you probably do not want to go through all of that browsing each time. 27 00:01:58,457 --> 00:02:04,280 What we will do is make a shortcut on the desktop, this will provide a quick and easy connection to the share. 28 00:02:04,504 --> 00:02:09,610 Go to the Places menu, click Connect to server... 29 00:02:09,710 --> 00:02:13,742 In the Service type dropdown pick Windows share, 30 00:02:14,127 --> 00:02:18,744 in the Server box type the name of the computer you want to connect to, 31 00:02:20,293 --> 00:02:26,257 in the share box type the name of the share you want to connect to, on the computer, 32 00:02:29,451 --> 00:02:34,358 in the folder box you can type the folder to go directly in if you want to, 33 00:02:36,776 --> 00:02:42,798 the next two boxes are advanced and in the final box allows you to name the connection. 34 00:02:43,445 --> 00:02:47,217 Once you have filled out all of that information, click the connect button. 35 00:02:47,317 --> 00:02:52,912 As you can see here, an icon has appeared on your desktop, which you are able to double-click on 36 00:02:52,954 --> 00:02:57,345 to bring up the share, where all the files are, straight to it. 37 00:03:01,712 --> 00:03:04,849 So you now know how to access shares from other computers, 38 00:03:04,906 --> 00:03:07,587 but how about setting up a share on this computer? 39 00:03:07,629 --> 00:03:12,443 Go to System, Administration, Shared Folders, enter your password, 40 00:03:13,499 --> 00:03:20,008 If this is the first time you have run this, you will get a box looking like this saying you need to install some packages. 41 00:03:20,108 --> 00:03:25,005 Make sure the two boxes are selected and click the Install Services button. 42 00:03:33,998 --> 00:03:40,106 You see all the packages being downloaded, that need to be installed. 43 00:03:48,931 --> 00:03:53,337 Now you can see them being installed. 44 00:03:59,277 --> 00:04:04,193 Once the installation has complete you will see this, go ahead and click the Close button. 45 00:04:04,193 --> 00:04:07,809 Then you will see this box here, where you can manage your shared folders. 46 00:04:08,232 --> 00:04:12,624 Clicking the Add button will bring a box up like this, allowing you to set up a share, 47 00:04:12,669 --> 00:04:17,253 In the path box you have got to select what folder you would like to be shared, 48 00:04:18,187 --> 00:04:20,686 in this case it is my home directory. 49 00:04:20,747 --> 00:04:26,030 In the second make sure it says the SMB protocol, because that is what Samba runs on. 50 00:04:26,704 --> 00:04:31,782 The next two boxes allow you to customise the name and description 51 00:04:32,017 --> 00:04:36,425 and the final option allow you to change whether it's read-only or not 52 00:04:37,934 --> 00:04:42,867 Once you have set up all those settings go ahead and press Ok 53 00:04:43,053 --> 00:04:46,645 You can see that your share has appeared in the box 54 00:04:46,745 --> 00:04:51,388 and that will be there for computers that are remote. 55 00:04:51,506 --> 00:04:53,149 Thank you for watching this screencast. 56 00:04:53,196 --> 00:04:56,976 Find more at screencasts.ubuntu.com.