1 00:00:00,300 --> 00:00:02,575 This is Andrew Gee with the sixth screencast from the 2 00:00:02,675 --> 00:00:04,028 Ubuntu Month of Screencasts. 3 00:00:04,148 --> 00:00:06,373 All the screencasts in this month are available for free 4 00:00:06,494 --> 00:00:09,560 at our website, which is screencasts.ubuntu.com 5 00:00:10,853 --> 00:00:13,499 When you load up your Ubuntu operating system for the first time, 6 00:00:13,649 --> 00:00:15,813 you may be confused as it does not look like your previous 7 00:00:15,934 --> 00:00:17,287 operating system. 8 00:00:17,387 --> 00:00:19,387 But it is really quite simple to get the hang of 9 00:00:19,487 --> 00:00:21,917 and has some great features, of which I am going to show you. 10 00:00:22,278 --> 00:00:25,434 The first part of the desktop you should notice is the desktop itself. 11 00:00:25,585 --> 00:00:28,291 Like most other operating systems there is a background 12 00:00:28,391 --> 00:00:30,936 upon which you can arrange icons or files, 13 00:00:31,036 --> 00:00:33,191 so that you are able to quickly access them. 14 00:00:33,492 --> 00:00:36,038 If you have a CD or other hard drive connected to the computer 15 00:00:36,138 --> 00:00:39,415 you may also see an icon allowing you to open them. 16 00:00:41,429 --> 00:00:44,526 At the top and the bottom of the screen you should see two bars. 17 00:00:44,766 --> 00:00:47,352 These are known as panels and are totally customisable. 18 00:00:49,005 --> 00:00:52,313 On the left of the top panel you can find the main menus, 19 00:00:52,493 --> 00:00:55,139 these are Applications, Places and System. 20 00:00:56,973 --> 00:01:01,152 The Applications menu houses all of the applications on the system, 21 00:01:01,753 --> 00:01:03,797 for your computer to load up. 22 00:01:03,978 --> 00:01:07,435 The Places menu allows you to access some of the places on your system, 23 00:01:07,556 --> 00:01:10,742 such as your home directory, external devices and network. 24 00:01:14,140 --> 00:01:17,357 The system menu allows you to change the settings of your Ubuntu computer, 25 00:01:17,507 --> 00:01:21,055 access the help system and turn off your computer. 26 00:01:22,017 --> 00:01:24,061 Next along on the panel is a blank area, 27 00:01:24,161 --> 00:01:26,607 here is a good place to make shortcuts for your applications 28 00:01:26,707 --> 00:01:28,210 to quickly access them. 29 00:01:28,310 --> 00:01:32,510 As you can see, there are already three icons in the panel for you. 30 00:01:36,568 --> 00:01:40,567 To add a new button to the panel, simply right-click in a blank area, 31 00:01:40,717 --> 00:01:42,667 choose Add to panel. 32 00:01:42,767 --> 00:01:46,669 From the window shows click the Application Launcher... button 33 00:01:47,271 --> 00:01:50,028 From here you are able to go through the categories just as 34 00:01:50,128 --> 00:01:52,348 you were going through the applications menu. 35 00:01:54,818 --> 00:01:58,125 You can choose the application you want to add to a button. 36 00:01:58,225 --> 00:02:00,169 In this case I will choose calculator. 37 00:02:00,269 --> 00:02:03,356 Select it and then press the Add button. 38 00:02:04,950 --> 00:02:08,046 Now you can see that your button has shown up on the panel. 39 00:02:09,249 --> 00:02:11,774 You can right-click on it 40 00:02:11,874 --> 00:02:16,074 and choose to move it to whatever place on the panel you would like. 41 00:02:18,028 --> 00:02:21,515 Next on the top panel is the Fast User Switcher. 42 00:02:21,966 --> 00:02:25,694 Here you can see which user is currently logged in to the desktop. 43 00:02:25,794 --> 00:02:27,378 If you are to click on it, 44 00:02:27,528 --> 00:02:30,796 you can see the other users that are on this computer, 45 00:02:30,896 --> 00:02:32,790 which you are able to switch to instantly. 46 00:02:32,890 --> 00:02:35,130 Here I have two user accounts under the same name. 47 00:02:36,368 --> 00:02:39,254 Clicking on it will instantly swap me over to that user. 48 00:02:41,449 --> 00:02:43,673 Next on the panel is the search tool. 49 00:02:44,665 --> 00:02:47,822 This is a powerful search, allowing you to access 50 00:02:48,183 --> 00:02:50,528 and search for what you want on your computer. 51 00:02:50,859 --> 00:02:54,707 Just type in the search box and the results will show up. 52 00:02:59,999 --> 00:03:02,163 You can find the system tray next 53 00:03:02,284 --> 00:03:05,020 This is where some applications like to hide when they are open. 54 00:03:05,120 --> 00:03:09,469 You may also find network and sound icons to adjust both settings quickly. 55 00:03:14,280 --> 00:03:16,444 The date and is displayed next 56 00:03:16,544 --> 00:03:19,000 and clicking on it will show a calendar, 57 00:03:19,240 --> 00:03:22,066 so you are able to quickly flip through the days. 58 00:03:25,644 --> 00:03:27,448 The final button on the top panel 59 00:03:27,548 --> 00:03:31,807 is the one you would use to shut down, restart, log off, hibernate 60 00:03:31,907 --> 00:03:34,153 or standby your computer with. 61 00:03:34,603 --> 00:03:37,039 Clicking on it will bring up the following window, 62 00:03:37,139 --> 00:03:39,624 giving you the choice of what you would like to do. 63 00:03:45,878 --> 00:03:48,554 The bottom panel also has a range of items on. 64 00:03:48,654 --> 00:03:50,959 The first button gives you quick access to your desktop. 65 00:03:51,139 --> 00:03:52,542 If you have many windows open, 66 00:03:52,642 --> 00:03:54,597 you may want to minimise them quickly, so that you are 67 00:03:54,717 --> 00:03:55,950 able to see your desktop. 68 00:03:56,070 --> 00:04:00,309 Clicking the button again will bring your windows back to where they were, 69 00:04:00,700 --> 00:04:03,015 before you minimised them with the button. 70 00:04:03,115 --> 00:04:04,929 Next along is the window list, 71 00:04:05,029 --> 00:04:08,878 this is where all the windows that are open are put for easy access. 72 00:04:09,118 --> 00:04:12,786 This is pretty similar to the windows task bar that you may have used. 73 00:04:13,117 --> 00:04:14,921 As you can see I have loaded up the calculator 74 00:04:15,071 --> 00:04:19,040 and the calculator is shown up as an item on the window list. 75 00:04:20,723 --> 00:04:24,391 Right-clicking will do the same as you would expect, 76 00:04:24,662 --> 00:04:26,947 being able to do things, such as close. 77 00:04:29,412 --> 00:04:32,388 Next is the Workspace feature. 78 00:04:32,689 --> 00:04:35,395 This is a really great feature that I will come back to in a second. 79 00:04:38,852 --> 00:04:41,618 The last button is the waste basket. 80 00:04:42,160 --> 00:04:44,655 This is the Trash or Recycle Bin of Ubuntu. 81 00:04:45,346 --> 00:04:48,774 You are able to drag files here that you do not want to have. 82 00:04:49,105 --> 00:04:51,179 Clicking on it will launch this window. 83 00:04:52,803 --> 00:04:55,599 You can rescue items by dragging back out 84 00:04:55,959 --> 00:04:58,034 or you can empty the deleted items by clicking 85 00:04:58,184 --> 00:04:59,958 on Empty Deleted Items. 86 00:05:00,710 --> 00:05:02,363 Now back to workspaces, 87 00:05:02,483 --> 00:05:05,039 When you are using your computer, you may find that your windows 88 00:05:05,189 --> 00:05:06,873 become somewhat cluttered on the desktop, 89 00:05:06,973 --> 00:05:09,188 This is the perfect time to use workspaces. 90 00:05:09,288 --> 00:05:11,644 Workspaces can be used to split up different windows 91 00:05:11,744 --> 00:05:13,698 on to different work spaces. 92 00:05:14,089 --> 00:05:15,742 Now here is a pretty cluttered desktop. 93 00:05:16,253 --> 00:05:18,749 The best way to use workspaces is to split the different tasks 94 00:05:18,899 --> 00:05:20,071 you have got running. 95 00:05:20,171 --> 00:05:22,928 For instance, I have my emails running in the background. 96 00:05:23,138 --> 00:05:25,028 Which are getting in the way a bit. 97 00:05:25,754 --> 00:05:28,700 So what I can do is move this on to a separate workspace. 98 00:05:29,001 --> 00:05:35,314 To do this I hold the Ctrl + Alt + Shift and press the right arrow key. 99 00:05:37,629 --> 00:05:40,907 From the bottom right, where the workspace switcher is, 100 00:05:41,267 --> 00:05:46,108 I can now see that the window is in the second workspace, from there. 101 00:05:46,258 --> 00:05:48,934 But all of the original windows are on the first workspace. 102 00:05:51,099 --> 00:05:55,217 Switching back, by clicking on the different workspaces in the bottom right corner 103 00:05:56,661 --> 00:05:59,396 I can see that my original workspace is still there, 104 00:05:59,496 --> 00:06:01,892 with the email client missing in the background. 105 00:06:10,581 --> 00:06:13,076 Now you may want even more workspaces. 106 00:06:14,549 --> 00:06:16,744 In this case, you go to the workspace switcher 107 00:06:16,844 --> 00:06:19,300 right-click on it and go to preferences. 108 00:06:20,893 --> 00:06:23,449 Here you can see the number of workspaces. 109 00:06:23,779 --> 00:06:25,974 You can change this to a different number. 110 00:06:26,124 --> 00:06:29,401 A well known number that is used is four. 111 00:06:29,943 --> 00:06:32,889 Now you can see in the bottom-right, there are four workspaces. 112 00:06:33,220 --> 00:06:36,016 So now I can use that to split up more. 113 00:06:39,323 --> 00:06:42,389 Now you can see I am using three different workspaces. 114 00:06:42,720 --> 00:06:46,478 Workspace three, which is this one, has two windows on it. 115 00:06:47,170 --> 00:06:49,816 and the original two workspaces are still there. 116 00:06:50,116 --> 00:06:54,947 This keeps things much more tidier and easier to manage on your system. 117 00:06:55,047 --> 00:06:58,113 You can switch easily by clicking in the bottom 118 00:06:58,213 --> 00:07:03,645 or simply by holding Ctrl + Alt and the left or right keys to navigate. 119 00:07:07,434 --> 00:07:08,987 Thanks for watching, I am Andrew Gee. 120 00:07:09,117 --> 00:07:11,613 To see more screencast from the Ubuntu Month of Screencasts, 121 00:07:11,734 --> 00:07:14,975 visit screencasts.ubuntu.com