1 00:00:00,200 --> 00:00:00,300 2 00:00:00,400 --> 00:00:06,545 Welcome to the Ubuntu screencast on office applications in Ubuntu. 3 00:00:06,645 --> 00:00:12,217 Ubuntu comes with a very popular office application called OpenOffice.org, 4 00:00:12,317 --> 00:00:16,989 which consists of four big parts, the word processor, spreadsheet, 5 00:00:17,089 --> 00:00:19,455 presentation and a database module. 6 00:00:19,577 --> 00:00:22,636 I'm going to cover first the word processor 7 00:00:22,736 --> 00:00:25,717 and then we'll do some spreadsheets. 8 00:00:25,817 --> 00:00:32,855 The word processor is very familiar if you have used any popular office package. 9 00:00:32,955 --> 00:00:36,607 It's the basic setup, you've got buttons across the top, 10 00:00:36,707 --> 00:00:40,930 and you can type here. 11 00:00:41,030 --> 00:00:44,153 By default it's a fairly business-like font 12 00:00:44,253 --> 00:00:47,293 and it's pretty simple to just start typing a letter. 13 00:00:47,393 --> 00:00:52,736 So I'll just type up a letter here, quickly. 14 00:00:55,877 --> 00:00:58,324 So this is the basic... 15 00:00:58,424 --> 00:01:00,875 just a little basic letter here. 16 00:01:00,975 --> 00:01:06,277 So you'll see how it has automatic spell checking 17 00:01:06,377 --> 00:01:10,215 and you've also got a lot of formatting that you can do. 18 00:01:10,315 --> 00:01:12,273 Those are the buttons up at the top 19 00:01:12,373 --> 00:01:17,353 and if you click on any one of these it will modify your text accordingly. 20 00:01:17,453 --> 00:01:20,208 I'm just double-clicking to select the entire word. 21 00:01:21,001 --> 00:01:23,838 You can do that as often as you like. 22 00:01:24,345 --> 00:01:28,691 And of course there is the rudimentary copying and paste functionality. 23 00:01:28,791 --> 00:01:32,484 So if you select a word and go up to Edit and Copy, 24 00:01:32,584 --> 00:01:36,318 remember that the keyboard shortcut for that is Ctrl+c. 25 00:01:36,418 --> 00:01:41,580 And then you can paste that same word again. 26 00:01:41,680 --> 00:01:46,963 For instance if I'm trying to repeat that and I didn't want to type it over, 27 00:01:47,063 --> 00:01:51,531 I could hit Ctrl+v and that would paste that word back in. 28 00:01:52,202 --> 00:01:57,301 Now letters often require some kind of address field. 29 00:01:57,401 --> 00:02:02,625 So if I just type a basic address field in. 30 00:02:02,725 --> 00:02:05,766 And you'll notice the squiggly line under screencast, 31 00:02:05,866 --> 00:02:11,925 because OpenOffice.org doesn't see the word screencast as a word that it really recognizes. 32 00:02:12,025 --> 00:02:16,144 So I typically ignore that, but you can also sub the dictionary to kind of understand that. 33 00:02:16,244 --> 00:02:19,959 Now if I select this whole block of text, just by clicking and dragging across it 34 00:02:20,059 --> 00:02:23,100 and go up to this little ruler up at the top. 35 00:02:23,200 --> 00:02:26,485 I can drag both of these by clicking on the bottom triangle. 36 00:02:26,585 --> 00:02:28,543 I can click both of them over 37 00:02:28,643 --> 00:02:33,337 and actually indent the entire block of text over to the far right. 38 00:02:33,437 --> 00:02:37,865 Now if I'm typing, if I type the first three letters of, for instance, December, 39 00:02:37,965 --> 00:02:40,230 it can kind of guess what I'm going to type 40 00:02:40,330 --> 00:02:42,351 and it will fill in the word automatically for me. 41 00:02:42,451 --> 00:02:45,410 And if I hit return, it will auto-complete that word. 42 00:02:45,510 --> 00:02:47,182 It's a very nice feature. 43 00:02:47,282 --> 00:02:48,387 So here I've added a date. 44 00:02:48,487 --> 00:02:53,219 Now the other way to add dates is to simply go up to the Insert. 45 00:02:55,747 --> 00:02:59,196 And there's a number of fields that you can enter, 46 00:02:59,296 --> 00:03:02,132 you can enter dates, times, page numbers. 47 00:03:02,232 --> 00:03:04,231 Now if I double-click on that field, 48 00:03:04,331 --> 00:03:10,698 I also have a whole host of options on how I can format that field 49 00:03:10,798 --> 00:03:13,797 So that's kind of a nice option, if you want to go back later 50 00:03:13,897 --> 00:03:16,081 and you decide you want to format it differently. 51 00:03:16,181 --> 00:03:19,118 You can just double-click on any of the fields that are gray, like that 52 00:03:19,218 --> 00:03:23,219 and it will give you a little bit of feed back, a little bit of control of how it looks. 53 00:03:23,319 --> 00:03:26,767 Now lets assume that I've done a lot of work on this and I want to save it. 54 00:03:26,867 --> 00:03:32,047 So I'll go to File -> Save and by default it takes me to my Documents folder, 55 00:03:32,210 --> 00:03:35,944 which is quite handy and that's in just my normal user folder. 56 00:03:36,044 --> 00:03:38,491 And I've already got some folders here, 57 00:03:38,591 --> 00:03:41,981 but I could create a new one by clicking the Create Folder button. 58 00:03:42,081 --> 00:03:45,692 And I can name the folder and if I hit return, 59 00:03:45,792 --> 00:03:49,363 it commits that and takes me immediately into that folder. 60 00:03:49,463 --> 00:03:52,055 So keep in mind that we are still in our Documents 61 00:03:52,155 --> 00:03:56,256 and then we are one folder in, in my Ubuntu Screencasts Stuff folder. 62 00:03:56,356 --> 00:03:59,252 And now I'm naming the actual document itself. 63 00:03:59,352 --> 00:04:01,395 So I'll call it december... 64 00:04:01,495 --> 00:04:04,780 maybe december_letter. 65 00:04:04,880 --> 00:04:08,451 I like to use underscores because that's pretty safe for emailing. 66 00:04:08,551 --> 00:04:13,671 So now the format of the document can be a variety of different formats. 67 00:04:13,771 --> 00:04:20,238 So there's .odt, which is a great format for Linux, for Ubuntu. 68 00:04:20,460 --> 00:04:25,173 If you're going to be using it mainly on your own computer that's a great format to use. 69 00:04:25,477 --> 00:04:31,169 If you're going to send it to someone else, you might have to use a .txt or a .doc or something like that. 70 00:04:31,269 --> 00:04:33,573 So lets go in and do a little bit more formatting. 71 00:04:33,673 --> 00:04:38,551 I'm just going to make this sort of a list, then I'll use, 72 00:04:38,651 --> 00:04:41,039 I'll put this down there. 73 00:04:41,139 --> 00:04:45,362 So now again if you select a block of text, I'll just add a little bit of text. 74 00:04:45,462 --> 00:04:48,399 If you select a block of text. 75 00:04:50,479 --> 00:04:52,763 That's a bit much... that's better. 76 00:04:52,863 --> 00:04:55,029 A block of text, 77 00:04:55,251 --> 00:05:00,005 I can now format this and the buttons up at the top give me options between, 78 00:05:00,105 --> 00:05:02,003 for instance, numbers. 79 00:05:02,103 --> 00:05:04,428 So it can be a be a proper outline. 80 00:05:05,325 --> 00:05:07,936 And the cool thing about that, is that it's dynamic. 81 00:05:08,036 --> 00:05:12,444 So that if I decide I left something out, I can add it in 82 00:05:12,544 --> 00:05:15,870 and it will re-number everything for me. 83 00:05:17,724 --> 00:05:22,641 Now I can also change those numbers, maybe it's not really something that needs numbers, 84 00:05:22,741 --> 00:05:26,434 I could change that to, for instance, bullets. 85 00:05:39,341 --> 00:05:41,729 So at this point if I want to save the document, 86 00:05:41,829 --> 00:05:44,195 I can just hit that little icon up there and it will save it, 87 00:05:44,295 --> 00:05:46,397 because it already know the name of the document. 88 00:05:46,497 --> 00:05:49,252 If I wanted to print it, I have buttons up here for printing. 89 00:05:49,352 --> 00:05:53,698 I also have a really cool feature of just exporting it as a pdf. 90 00:05:53,798 --> 00:05:57,940 pdfs are a very universal document format. 91 00:06:00,142 --> 00:06:06,853 Now closing the document, you can close it with this little x, up here at the top. 92 00:06:11,195 --> 00:06:13,765 And then we can see in the background here, 93 00:06:13,865 --> 00:06:16,356 the pdf on the desktop where I saved it. 94 00:06:16,456 --> 00:06:20,354 And it looks exactly as I had typed it. 95 00:06:20,576 --> 00:06:22,311 So it's really nice 96 00:06:22,411 --> 00:06:25,329 and you can see that there's not a gray box around any of the fields, 97 00:06:25,429 --> 00:06:29,653 like the date field or those numbers, that was just for my reference as I type it. 98 00:06:29,753 --> 00:06:33,731 But the pdf maintains all of the formatting, it's kind of nice. 99 00:06:36,809 --> 00:06:39,623 So we're going to go back into OpenOffice.org 100 00:06:39,723 --> 00:06:43,561 and let's create a new text document. 101 00:06:45,823 --> 00:06:48,414 Lots of different kinds of documents that you can create, 102 00:06:48,514 --> 00:06:53,309 but we're just going to keep doing just basic letter or text documents. 103 00:06:55,163 --> 00:07:00,669 One cool feature about OpenOffice.org is that you can password protect your documents. 104 00:07:00,769 --> 00:07:04,543 So I'm just going to type something and I'll go into Save. 105 00:07:06,338 --> 00:07:10,376 And I will just leave it out here in the main Documents folder. 106 00:07:10,476 --> 00:07:13,231 And I'll call it private_note. 107 00:07:13,331 --> 00:07:17,373 And now down here on the left, there is the save with password button. 108 00:07:17,473 --> 00:07:20,921 So if I hit save, it asks me to enter a password. 109 00:07:21,021 --> 00:07:25,367 So I can enter anything in here, I just want to make sure I never forget this, obviously. 110 00:07:25,467 --> 00:07:29,097 And I will say Ok. And so now I'm going to close it. 111 00:07:29,197 --> 00:07:32,382 Once again now, if you hit that little x below the main x, 112 00:07:32,482 --> 00:07:35,808 it just closes the document, but it keeps OpenOffice.org open. 113 00:07:35,908 --> 00:07:38,214 So I can go back into Open now, 114 00:07:38,314 --> 00:07:42,171 just to show you what happens if someone tries to open this. 115 00:07:42,271 --> 00:07:45,678 So here is my private_note, which I have password protected. 116 00:07:45,778 --> 00:07:48,797 I'll say open and now it asks me for a password 117 00:07:48,897 --> 00:07:50,777 and you can see that I don't see anything in the background, 118 00:07:50,877 --> 00:07:54,262 there's now way for me to actually see the contents until I enter the password. 119 00:07:54,362 --> 00:07:56,362 So I'll try to fake my way through it. 120 00:07:56,462 --> 00:08:00,932 And see I didn't type anything in, so it won't let me any further than that. 121 00:08:02,664 --> 00:08:07,050 So now I'll type in the correct password and I'll say Ok. 122 00:08:07,150 --> 00:08:09,416 And there's my message. 123 00:08:09,516 --> 00:08:15,267 So it's quite neat to be able to password protect your stuff like that. 124 00:08:16,735 --> 00:08:19,101 There's a lot of different tools in OpenOffice.org, 125 00:08:19,201 --> 00:08:24,588 There's actually even some page layout functionality, which is kind of nice. 126 00:08:24,688 --> 00:08:27,566 So if I click on this Show Drawing Tools button, 127 00:08:27,666 --> 00:08:30,462 down at the bottom I have all kinds of different shapes 128 00:08:30,562 --> 00:08:34,173 and objects that I can create. 129 00:08:34,273 --> 00:08:36,335 And I can drag them around the page. 130 00:08:36,435 --> 00:08:38,945 I could bring in pictures, for instance, 131 00:08:39,045 --> 00:08:44,492 if I was doing something like a news letter or a flyer. 132 00:08:45,204 --> 00:08:47,388 Lots of different shapes to choose from 133 00:08:47,488 --> 00:08:51,444 Everything from decorative shapes to technical spreadsheet 134 00:08:51,544 --> 00:08:55,278 or rather flow chart shapes. 135 00:09:02,497 --> 00:09:05,375 So now I'm going to make this text a lot larger, 136 00:09:05,475 --> 00:09:09,105 Put it in a different font and and I'll just start typing right over it 137 00:09:09,205 --> 00:09:11,511 and it replaces it. 138 00:09:14,815 --> 00:09:18,834 Now if I want to center this I can use the center button up at the top 139 00:09:18,934 --> 00:09:21,259 and now it's centered text. 140 00:09:27,418 --> 00:09:31,170 You have to keep in mind that centering and justification, 141 00:09:31,270 --> 00:09:35,434 whether it's hugging the right margin or the left margin or the center of the page, 142 00:09:35,534 --> 00:09:40,836 is specific to the line that you create that on. 143 00:09:45,608 --> 00:09:50,811 So now I've just moved that whole line to the far right 144 00:09:50,911 --> 00:09:58,397 and since I'm hitting return from that line it inherits the right justification. 145 00:10:00,373 --> 00:10:08,879 So now when doing page layout you have to kind of understand that there are layers of objects. 146 00:10:08,979 --> 00:10:13,447 So all of this text is on the very back layer. 147 00:10:13,547 --> 00:10:18,871 And this box that I've drawn is essentially on top of that. 148 00:10:18,971 --> 00:10:24,010 And there is an arrangement function in the format menu. 149 00:10:24,110 --> 00:10:28,782 Which is not highlighted right now because I forgot to click on the box. 150 00:10:28,882 --> 00:10:35,327 So I'm clicking on the box and now I'm going to go up to Format and there's the Arrange. 151 00:10:35,427 --> 00:10:38,449 And you see I can bring things forwards or backwards. 152 00:10:38,549 --> 00:10:44,077 But no matter how hard you try to bring, for instance, this box to the very back, 153 00:10:44,177 --> 00:10:46,198 it's now as far back as it's going to go. 154 00:10:46,298 --> 00:10:52,112 It's not going to go behind that text because that text kind of exists on the page itself. 155 00:10:52,702 --> 00:10:56,536 So in order to get something in front of this box, 156 00:10:56,636 --> 00:11:01,126 we need to create a new layer essentially, 157 00:11:01,226 --> 00:11:04,838 that will exist on top of the box. 158 00:11:04,938 --> 00:11:07,711 So to do that I use this little text box. 159 00:11:07,811 --> 00:11:11,934 Now I can draw a box on top of the box. 160 00:11:12,034 --> 00:11:14,767 And if I type... 161 00:11:17,010 --> 00:11:20,051 Just type some text. 162 00:11:20,885 --> 00:11:24,170 All the different Ubuntu variants. 163 00:11:25,127 --> 00:11:27,148 Make it centered. 164 00:11:27,248 --> 00:11:30,778 Click right outside and see now it's on top of the box. 165 00:11:31,163 --> 00:11:34,979 So you have to keep in mind just kind of the layer structure of what you are doing, 166 00:11:35,079 --> 00:11:39,443 when you are doing fancier, kind of page layout things. 167 00:11:47,029 --> 00:11:51,434 So you can see as you move things around you start to reveal the other layers that exist 168 00:11:51,534 --> 00:11:55,023 So since that's not really going to be of much use, we'll get rid of that. 169 00:11:55,123 --> 00:11:56,677 But we can place the box. 170 00:11:56,777 --> 00:12:01,857 Since these are all free floating objects, they're not like text that are kind of bound to the page. 171 00:12:02,161 --> 00:12:06,362 You can move them around in pretty much any way you want. 172 00:12:06,462 --> 00:12:10,707 So that's a very powerful kind of tool, if you're going to be doing something more 173 00:12:10,807 --> 00:12:14,582 decorative than just a plain letter, for instance. 174 00:12:32,342 --> 00:12:35,505 Now one of the things about text boxes is that 175 00:12:35,605 --> 00:12:40,644 you can really structure the overall look of the page. 176 00:12:40,744 --> 00:12:43,867 So if you draw a text box, 177 00:12:43,967 --> 00:12:49,209 you're only going to be able to type within that text box. 178 00:12:49,309 --> 00:12:56,184 But the nice thing is, well you can make your own little paragraphs this way, 179 00:12:56,284 --> 00:13:00,974 especially if it's one of those fold up brochures or flyers, that's very handy. 180 00:13:01,176 --> 00:13:07,337 But the nice thing about text boxes is that you can then adjust the text box 181 00:13:07,437 --> 00:13:10,174 and the text will go along with it. 182 00:13:10,518 --> 00:13:13,926 So in this case I've drawn a little bit of a square. 183 00:13:14,026 --> 00:13:19,514 But then if I change my mind about the layout, maybe I want to change the look of this. 184 00:13:19,614 --> 00:13:25,468 Then I can later grab on to the text box and modify it. 185 00:13:25,568 --> 00:13:29,158 You can see here how the flyers was misspelled. 186 00:13:29,258 --> 00:13:34,197 So now I can correct it on the fly because it's telling me that it's misspelled. 187 00:13:34,297 --> 00:13:37,967 So now that I have clicked outside of this box, I get my little handles 188 00:13:38,067 --> 00:13:43,433 and I can re-adjust the length of it, the size of it 189 00:13:44,534 --> 00:13:48,898 and move it around, so it's quite nice. 190 00:13:48,998 --> 00:13:55,079 A lot more flexible, obviously than simply going in and typing out text. 191 00:13:55,179 --> 00:13:59,421 There's quite a bit of other tools that you can use, 192 00:13:59,521 --> 00:14:04,460 which, really, I could go on for ever about all the different tools that OpenOffice,org has. 193 00:14:04,560 --> 00:14:07,986 It's a really robust program, it's a pleasure to use. 194 00:14:08,086 --> 00:14:12,332 I'm going to go ahead and just discard this, I think... Yes. 195 00:14:12,432 --> 00:14:16,941 And it's definitely something that you can get a lot done in. 196 00:14:17,041 --> 00:14:19,062 It's a very good office program. 197 00:14:19,162 --> 00:14:20,979 There are also Wizards. 198 00:14:21,079 --> 00:14:24,038 So if you have something that you are trying to create specifically, 199 00:14:24,138 --> 00:14:26,444 that you just need to kind of get out quickly. 200 00:14:26,544 --> 00:14:28,442 You don't want to have to think about it too much. 201 00:14:28,542 --> 00:14:31,257 You can go into the Wizards and kind of have it help you. 202 00:14:31,357 --> 00:14:33,396 There's also a labels functionality. 203 00:14:33,496 --> 00:14:36,396 So if you're doing address labels, you can go into that. 204 00:14:36,496 --> 00:14:41,249 You can use a database if you have a whole database of names that you need to import. 205 00:14:41,349 --> 00:14:46,674 Or if you have a spreadsheet of names you can use the names out of that. 206 00:14:47,100 --> 00:14:53,689 You can define what format of labels you're going to be printing onto. 207 00:14:53,911 --> 00:14:58,216 So there's a couple of different brands of label makers out there. 208 00:14:58,316 --> 00:15:01,824 And a couple of different serial numbers that they'll use, 209 00:15:01,924 --> 00:15:04,579 that you can simply find in the drop-down menu 210 00:15:04,679 --> 00:15:08,291 and it will auto-format the whole page and help you print labels. 211 00:15:08,391 --> 00:15:12,492 So that they actually line up and print correctly. 212 00:15:12,592 --> 00:15:17,468 So in this case I'll do sort of a return address label, for instance. 213 00:15:17,568 --> 00:15:23,463 And what you'll want to do for that is enter the information in the left box, 214 00:15:23,767 --> 00:15:27,623 decide on what kind of address label you want. 215 00:15:27,723 --> 00:15:31,294 Click Ok and it fills it in as many times as it will fit on that page 216 00:15:31,394 --> 00:15:34,312 according to the template that you've decided upon. 217 00:15:34,412 --> 00:15:38,758 And now you can print this and it would line up perfectly with your label paper. 218 00:15:39,878 --> 00:15:42,243 It's quite a handy tool. 219 00:15:44,405 --> 00:15:46,630 And you can decorate these as well. 220 00:15:46,730 --> 00:15:49,770 And you can bring in a picture or you can add color to it. 221 00:15:49,870 --> 00:15:53,319 There's a lot you can do in OpenOffice.org. 222 00:15:54,438 --> 00:15:57,620 Another thing in OpenOffice.org, 223 00:15:57,720 --> 00:15:59,518 let me get rid of this pdf, 224 00:15:59,618 --> 00:16:05,024 is the spread sheet application, which is just as robust. 225 00:16:05,287 --> 00:16:09,511 And it's handy for, for instance, home budgets 226 00:16:09,611 --> 00:16:16,422 or for budgeting projects, for charting things out. 227 00:16:16,585 --> 00:16:19,381 And there's a lot of really neat tools in it. 228 00:16:19,481 --> 00:16:22,277 that you can really help yourself keep track of things. 229 00:16:22,377 --> 00:16:26,845 So I'm going to come up with a quick little example budget. 230 00:16:27,353 --> 00:16:34,146 So let's say that I have got rent, car payment, food, computer and school expenses. 231 00:16:34,246 --> 00:16:37,549 And we will just chart that for three months. 232 00:16:38,365 --> 00:16:43,178 So now I'm going to just, I'm just arrowing over to each tab. 233 00:16:43,278 --> 00:16:45,278 I'm just hitting the right arrow key. 234 00:16:45,378 --> 00:16:48,951 And then down and left, I like to navigate just with the arrow keys. 235 00:16:49,051 --> 00:16:50,950 It's kind of faster that way. 236 00:16:51,050 --> 00:16:54,987 So I'm just entering fairly random numbers here. 237 00:16:58,187 --> 00:17:04,695 So maybe I spent $250 on computers. 238 00:17:04,795 --> 00:17:10,201 $150 and $148 in March. 239 00:17:11,851 --> 00:17:15,584 And to type into these you don't have to be anywhere specific. 240 00:17:15,684 --> 00:17:18,662 As long as you're on the cell, you can just start typing. 241 00:17:18,762 --> 00:17:21,743 Now in theory this number bar up at the top, 242 00:17:21,843 --> 00:17:25,169 this formula bar is the same as the cell. 243 00:17:25,269 --> 00:17:27,209 So you can type into either place. 244 00:17:27,349 --> 00:17:31,754 I find it easiest to simply start typing and it appears in the cell automatically. 245 00:17:33,997 --> 00:17:39,444 Now obviously with most budgets you're going to want to create some kind of total amount. 246 00:17:41,747 --> 00:17:47,090 So to do that, the sum button is really the easiest way to do it. 247 00:17:47,190 --> 00:17:54,087 So you click the sum button and you click the column of the numbers that you want it to add up 248 00:17:54,554 --> 00:17:56,860 and you hit return. 249 00:17:57,572 --> 00:18:00,368 And it totals the amount for you. 250 00:18:00,468 --> 00:18:04,650 Now the cool thing about the spread sheet is that it will actually, 251 00:18:04,750 --> 00:18:10,156 it knows that if you were to copy this formula, from this column, 252 00:18:10,256 --> 00:18:12,685 And move it over to the next column. 253 00:18:12,785 --> 00:18:14,825 So I'm going to hit copy. 254 00:18:14,925 --> 00:18:19,945 And I move it over one column and I will paste it in. 255 00:18:20,616 --> 00:18:24,880 It actually knows that you are no longer wanting to add the January expenses up, 256 00:18:24,980 --> 00:18:27,142 that you now want to add the February expenses. 257 00:18:27,242 --> 00:18:30,713 And I'll paste it again and it now it knows that I want to do the March expenses. 258 00:18:30,813 --> 00:18:32,994 So it's really fairly intelligent, 259 00:18:33,094 --> 00:18:37,950 in terms of how it will change the formula for you as you move along. 260 00:18:38,050 --> 00:18:42,478 So a lot of times in this program you'll only have to do something once 261 00:18:42,578 --> 00:18:45,537 and then just continually paste it places. 262 00:18:45,637 --> 00:18:50,494 Now one thing about these numbers is that they're just showing up as plain numbers. 263 00:18:50,594 --> 00:18:54,450 So I'm going to go up to Format and hit Cells. 264 00:18:55,040 --> 00:18:59,182 And now I'll select the tab of Numbers, 265 00:18:59,282 --> 00:19:01,873 and I can define what kind of number I am entering. 266 00:19:01,973 --> 00:19:04,361 So it's not just a number, it's actually currency. 267 00:19:04,461 --> 00:19:07,420 I can choose a variety of different currencies. 268 00:19:07,520 --> 00:19:12,415 In my case I'll use the USA English and decimal places, 269 00:19:12,515 --> 00:19:17,046 how I want my negative numbers to appear and I say Ok. 270 00:19:17,513 --> 00:19:19,697 And there's the Dollar signs. 271 00:19:19,797 --> 00:19:21,859 So you don't have to do that row by row, 272 00:19:21,959 --> 00:19:26,549 again if I click and drag over two rows and do the same thing, 273 00:19:26,649 --> 00:19:31,117 it will apply to all those number in the two columns. 274 00:19:32,849 --> 00:19:38,010 Again that's just in Format -> Cells and in the Numbers tab. 275 00:19:40,394 --> 00:19:42,619 And click Ok. 276 00:19:43,086 --> 00:19:45,982 And that promptly corrects it for you. 277 00:19:46,082 --> 00:19:48,082 It's very nice. 278 00:19:49,612 --> 00:19:53,264 Now there's a lot of formatting that you can do in this program as well. 279 00:19:53,364 --> 00:19:59,056 So sometimes a blank, boring sheet doesn't really help you organize your data. 280 00:19:59,156 --> 00:20:04,643 So if you go in to the Format for cells again, if I've selected the whole row. 281 00:20:04,743 --> 00:20:08,047 I can go into the Background and choose a background color. 282 00:20:08,147 --> 00:20:10,435 Maybe green for money. 283 00:20:11,799 --> 00:20:13,984 And I'll say Ok. 284 00:20:14,532 --> 00:20:15,653 And now it's green. 285 00:20:15,753 --> 00:20:20,224 So now I'll click just on the column heading and it selects the whole column. 286 00:20:20,324 --> 00:20:22,508 And so I go up to format again. 287 00:20:24,158 --> 00:20:26,605 Format again, Cells... 288 00:20:26,705 --> 00:20:28,848 So I'm still in the Background tab. 289 00:20:28,948 --> 00:20:31,399 I'll choose the same shade of green. 290 00:20:33,008 --> 00:20:36,783 Say Ok and now that whole column is green. 291 00:20:37,454 --> 00:20:42,615 And that just helps you visually organize your data better. 292 00:20:43,042 --> 00:20:47,061 Now the cool thing about these formulas too is that they are also dynamic. 293 00:20:47,161 --> 00:20:50,791 So if I change a number here... 294 00:20:51,566 --> 00:20:54,851 then it updates the total automatically. 295 00:20:55,114 --> 00:20:57,276 So for budgeting this really really helps, 296 00:20:57,376 --> 00:21:01,826 because you can simply do one thing and and just keep changing it and entering it. 297 00:21:01,926 --> 00:21:06,761 Now you can also do the typical word processing kind of formatting. 298 00:21:06,861 --> 00:21:09,920 You know, you can make you things centered, you can make them bold. 299 00:21:10,020 --> 00:21:13,264 You can justify them to the right. 300 00:21:13,364 --> 00:21:15,611 Whatever you want to do. 301 00:21:15,711 --> 00:21:19,119 Maybe I'll make this one italic. 302 00:21:21,177 --> 00:21:25,133 Now one the the really neat functions are the chart functions. 303 00:21:25,233 --> 00:21:32,375 So if I select an area, not that, the area of my spread sheet that I want to chart. 304 00:21:32,475 --> 00:21:37,554 All I have to do to render an actual chart is hit the chart button. 305 00:21:37,654 --> 00:21:41,062 It automatically detects what kind of data I'm trying to chart. 306 00:21:41,162 --> 00:21:43,038 And it actually give me a chart. 307 00:21:43,138 --> 00:21:46,568 So you can see that it picks up the labels, January, February, March. 308 00:21:46,668 --> 00:21:49,709 It gives me the numbers on the left side. 309 00:21:49,809 --> 00:21:51,481 And it actually charts it out for me 310 00:21:51,581 --> 00:21:56,071 then I can choose what kind of chart might suit my needs best. 311 00:21:56,171 --> 00:21:58,967 So here a couple of different charts they've got. 312 00:21:59,067 --> 00:22:01,455 You might want the line charts, 313 00:22:01,555 --> 00:22:06,921 3d lines charts where it has actual depth to it. 314 00:22:08,448 --> 00:22:14,221 And you can see how it has inherited all the different column headings and the row headings. 315 00:22:17,339 --> 00:22:22,909 You can do it in a variety of different ways, just whatever suits your data best, 316 00:22:23,009 --> 00:22:24,785 you can do that. 317 00:22:25,211 --> 00:22:30,513 You can also choose the shape of some of the 3D objects. 318 00:22:30,613 --> 00:22:34,003 And the realism, whether they have the lines outside of it 319 00:22:34,103 --> 00:22:37,202 or whether they are just kind of shaded. 320 00:22:37,814 --> 00:22:41,403 I can change the shape of the columns. 321 00:22:42,505 --> 00:22:46,524 So I'll finish that, but in reality the chart is never really finished. 322 00:22:46,624 --> 00:22:48,541 It's a live object as well. 323 00:22:48,641 --> 00:22:51,337 So I'm just going to drag it out of the way a little bit. 324 00:22:51,967 --> 00:22:53,866 So it's again a kind of floating object, 325 00:22:53,966 --> 00:22:57,514 kind of like what we were doing with the page layout program. 326 00:22:58,330 --> 00:23:01,674 Click outside of it, now if I update, 327 00:23:01,774 --> 00:23:07,139 you can see if I update some of the numbers over here. 328 00:23:07,588 --> 00:23:11,159 For instance, if I make this zero, watch the chart, 329 00:23:11,259 --> 00:23:14,236 see how one of them just disappeared, 330 00:23:14,336 --> 00:23:17,603 because now I didn't have any expenditure that time. 331 00:23:17,703 --> 00:23:19,783 I'll do it again, 332 00:23:19,883 --> 00:23:23,576 So you can see how all the orange columns are disappearing. 333 00:23:23,676 --> 00:23:29,961 So it's actually updating the data in the chart as I make changes to my spread sheet. 334 00:23:30,061 --> 00:23:35,835 So it's very dynamic, it's a really really easy way to chart out data, 335 00:23:35,935 --> 00:23:38,241 and to keep track of things. 336 00:23:38,341 --> 00:23:41,300 Very very nice. 337 00:23:44,255 --> 00:23:46,765 So we'll close this out. 338 00:23:46,865 --> 00:23:51,415 Maybe we'll save this at first so we can come back to it later. 339 00:23:51,800 --> 00:23:54,615 I'm saving it in my Documents folder. 340 00:23:59,917 --> 00:24:04,159 So I'll just create a new folder for it, call it budgets. 341 00:24:04,259 --> 00:24:10,236 maybe call this first quarter budget. 342 00:24:11,337 --> 00:24:13,643 And again you have a lot of different formats. 343 00:24:13,743 --> 00:24:16,639 So the one I typically use is the .ods, 344 00:24:16,739 --> 00:24:20,677 which is the native Open Document spread sheet format of this program. 345 00:24:20,777 --> 00:24:27,225 But if you were going to send it to a friend with Excel or some other spread sheet program, 346 00:24:27,325 --> 00:24:29,384 you might have to choose a different format. 347 00:24:29,484 --> 00:24:33,973 But the .ods is really nice and it will maintain all of the formatting and the live chart, 348 00:24:34,073 --> 00:24:37,340 things like that really well, without any kinds of problems. 349 00:24:37,440 --> 00:24:39,887 So that's really very handy. 350 00:24:39,987 --> 00:24:43,150 There's all kinds of different formatting you could do. 351 00:24:43,250 --> 00:24:49,250 Again I could go on forever about this program, it has so many different things you could do. 352 00:24:49,350 --> 00:24:52,309 You can draw graphics on to this spread sheet, 353 00:24:52,409 --> 00:24:56,306 You can arrange them just like we did in the page layout. 354 00:24:56,406 --> 00:24:59,120 You can define styles and formatting. 355 00:24:59,220 --> 00:25:03,503 If you have specific styles that you've established that you really really like, 356 00:25:03,603 --> 00:25:09,480 you can save them as styles, so that you can always access them quickly later on. 357 00:25:09,621 --> 00:25:12,190 So it's a very powerful program. 358 00:25:12,290 --> 00:25:15,842 Lots of different things that you can do on it. 359 00:25:16,065 --> 00:25:19,636 Don't hesitate to play around with it and see what happens 360 00:25:19,736 --> 00:25:22,776 It's quite handy. 361 00:25:23,365 --> 00:25:27,689 This has been office productivity screencast 362 00:25:27,789 --> 00:25:34,319 You can watch and request and share more screencasts at screencasts.ubuntu.com 363 00:25:34,419 --> 00:25:37,233 and thank you for watching.