<> ||<>|| {{https://launchpad.net/@@/person}} '''Name''': Screencasts Team<
> {{https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico}} '''Launchpad''': LaunchpadHome:ubuntu-screencasts <
> {{https://bugs.launchpad.net/@@/private}} '''Website''': [[http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/|screencasts.ubuntu.com]]<
> {*} '''blip.tv site''': [[http://ubuntuscreencasts.blip.tv/ | blip.tv.com]]<
> {{https://launchpad.net/@@/mail}} '''Email''': [[http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-screencasts |Ubuntu-screencasts]]<
> {{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} '''IRC''': [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-screencasts |#ubuntu-screencasts]]<
> ####These would be a good idea to set up eventuall########### ##{{http://identi.ca/favicon.ico}} '''identi.ca''': [[http://identi.ca/nhandler|nhandler]]<
> ##{{http://twitter.com/favicon.ico}} '''twitter''': [[http://twitter.com/nathanhandler|nathanhandler]]<
> = About Us = ## Describe: ## the teams's purpose and community role ## the team tasks and work ## who might be interested in joining/getting involved with the team The goal of the Screencasts Team is to make high quality learning materials, specifically screencasts, available to Ubuntu users. Screencasts are useful for demonstrating and teaching software features. A screencast allows for the capturing of on-screen actions with an audio recording explaining what is going on. This allows for a comprehensive and thorough demonstration. {*} See the [[/FAQ]] for more information about our screencasts. == I Want to Make Screencasts == If you would like to help out with making screencasts, you're in the right place!<
> ''' This is the procedure for submitting a new screencast:'''<
> {*} Visit the [[ScreencastTeam/Requests]] page and write a specification for your planned screencast. If possible, consult with the Screencast Team about which screencasts most need attention.<
> {*} [[http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-screencasts|Contact the Screencast Team]] and discuss your specification.<
> {*} After some discussion, you can go ahead and record the screencast. A guide to contributing can be found at [[ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts]].<
> {*} When you've finished the screencast, upload it to:<
> [[http://blip.tv|Blip.tv]],<
> or<
> [[http://www.youtube.com/|YouTube]] and let the team know.<
> {*} The team will then review the screencast and give you feedback. If we are happy with it then we will upload it to the [[http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/|screencast website]]!<
> '''NEW:'''See a flowchart of this procedure: [[attachment:ScreencastFlowChart.odg]] Anyone can submit a screencast project and make a video for the approval of the team (see above). If you enjoy making screencasts or want to help support this team in some other manner feel free to [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-screencasts|join our team]]. == I Want to Watch Screencasts == You can find the screencasts that this team has published at [[http://screencasts.ubuntu.com | screencasts.ubuntu.com.]] === Other Screencasts === [[http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv | Ubuntu Developers Network]]<
> [[http://www.youtube.com/CanonicalLaunchpad | Launchpad Channel]] on !YouTube <
> [[http://fosscasts.com/ | FOSScasts]]<
> [[http://ucasts.tv/ | UCasts]] = Meetings = ## Link to Meeting Agendas and old meeting summaries here. Screencast Team meetings happen on an as needed basis. All meetings are held in '''#ubuntu-screencasts''' on '''irc.freenode.net''' Meetings are posted on the [[http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar|Fridge]]. You can [[http://www.google.com/calendar/render?cid=j5q85mmi6ujvjtii5s1n3li5io%40group.calendar.google.com| click here]] to subscribe. Google calendar will convert the time for you automatically if you subscribe, but the [[http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar|Fridge]] website will always show events in GMT. For more details see the [[/Meeting]] Page. ---- '''Sub-pages :''' <> ---- ---- CategoryUbuntuTeams