About Me

Hi, I'm Sean Davis, better known as bluesabre in the Ubuntu world. I am a current Ubuntu member, Xubuntu developer, and contributor to several of the core applications included with Xubuntu.

I've been using Xubuntu since the early days of the project, but first started contributing with the Precise (12.04) cycle. Since then I have worked closely with Xubuntu and the Shimmer Project to bring the best experience to our users.

I am currently applying as the Xubuntu Technical Lead starting with the 14.10 (Utopic) cycle. Please read ahead to learn more about why I think I would be a successful candidate.


Xubuntu Artwork & Shimmer Project

Xfce & Xubuntu Developers

Xubuntu Documentation

Xubuntu Testers

Ubuntu Testcase Admins

Ubuntu Release

Xubuntu Technical Development

For the past few cycles, I have been contributing increasingly to the development and maintenance of Xfce and Xubuntu. I've helped with bug fixes and new features in core Xfce applications (Catfish, Parole Media Player, Xfce Settings Manager, Xfce Power Manager) as well as Xubuntu-specific components (Light Locker Settings, MenuLibre, Mugshot). I've assisted in packaging both downstream in Xubuntu and upstream in Debian.

Simon and I were recently added to the Xubuntu Developers team on Launchpad to better support our team's development efforts. While I currently lack direct upload rights to either Ubuntu or Debian, I have had numerous packages sponsored in both and work closely with maintainers as part of the Debian PAPT (Python Apps Packaging Team). My next step is to apply for maintenance of the Xubuntu package set in Ubuntu.

Xubuntu development has really picked up the pace in recent cycles. We have more active contributors now than we've had in at least the past two years, and it really shows. As development efforts continue, we are increasingly dependent on our strong QA team for testing support. As a developer, I intend to keep communication channels open between our individual teams and upstream components to provide the best possible experience to users of Xfce and Xubuntu.

Testimonials & Support

If you would like to support my nomination as Xubuntu Technical Lead, please include a note below indicating your support. I greatly appreciate your help!

Sean has contributed to the Xubuntu development via bugfixes and writing applications, and has continuously been taking more responsibilities in various areas in the development (and the team generally). He has the motivation, technical understanding and skills to keep on making Xubuntu even better. As a proof of this, he strongly seems to be on his way to get uploader rights for the Xubuntu packageset. Finally, he is complementing other team members well and is around enough to keep things running. +1 from me for Sean's application for XTL. -- Pasi Lallinaho (knome)

The amount of Sean's contributions to Xubuntu are almost countless, both in terms of writing applications or fixing bugs. His importance in the development team is unquestionable and in my opinion he is one of the most vital parts of it.
I have worked with Sean on several documentation efforts, namely in Parole Media Player and Mugshot and was always delighted by his positive attitude to whatever he is working on and with.
+1 also from me on Sean's application for XTL. -- slickymaster, Xubuntu Documentation Lead

SeanDavis/XTL2014 (last edited 2014-05-27 13:09:08 by slickymaster)