||<>|| == About Me == I am a software developer and tester, Ubuntu member, and Xubuntu Technical Lead. I’ve contributed for Ubuntu for a few years now, becoming an Ubuntu member in 2013 and Xubuntu Technical Lead in 2014. As a software developer, I’m interested in clean, efficient, and open applications. Being a part of Xubuntu, Xfce, and the Shimmer Project reinforces my ability to create such software. Previous Links: * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeanDavis/DeveloperApplication|Developer Application]] * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeanDavis/XTL2014|Xubuntu Technical Lead Application (2014)]] == Contact Information == || Launchpad || https://launchpad.net/~bluesabre || || IRC || bluesabre || || Email || bluesabre@ubuntu.com || || Website || https://bluesabre.org/ || == Contributions == My first contributions to the Ubuntu community came in the form of bug reports. This eventually led to the creation and maintenance of several applications, and then, as my contributions continued, Xubuntu Team and Ubuntu membership. I continue to be an active member of the Ubuntu community, and a summary of my contributions are below. * Development * '''[[https://launchpad.net/catfish-search|Catfish]]''', a lightweight file searching application, included in Lubuntu and Xubuntu * '''[[https://launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter|LightDM GTK+ Greeter]]''', the default login screen included in Lubuntu and Xubuntu * '''[[https://launchpad.net/light-locker-settings|Light Locker Settings]]''', a configuration utility for the new Light Locker application * '''[[https://launchpad.net/menulibre|Menulibre]]''', a popular open source menu editor, introduced during the 2012 Ubuntu App Showdown and included in Xubuntu 14.04 * '''[[https://launchpad.net/mugshot|Mugshot]]''', a simple user configuration utility found in Xubuntu 14.04 * '''[[https://launchpad.net/parole|Parole Media Player]]''', the Xfce media player * Documentation * Assisted in the Xubuntu Documentation Rewrite during the Quantal cycle. * Package Maintenance * Maintenance of several PPAs, some of the more widely used ones include: * [[https://launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/daily|Shimmer Project Daily]] * Xubuntu [[https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xubuntu-staging|Staging]] and [[https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/extras|Extras]] * Stable and daily PPAs for Light Locker [[https://launchpad.net/~light-locker/+archive/ubuntu/release|(1)]] [[https://launchpad.net/~light-locker/+archive/ubuntu/daily|(2)]], Catfish [[https://launchpad.net/~catfish-search/+archive/catfish-stable|(1)]] [[https://launchpad.net/~catfish-search/+archive/ubuntu/devel|(2)]], Menulibre [[https://launchpad.net/~menulibre-dev/+archive/ubuntu/devel|(1)]] [[https://launchpad.net/~menulibre-dev/+archive/ubuntu/daily|(2)]] * Maintenance of packages in [[https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=smd.seandavis%40gmail.com&comaint=yes|Debian]] and Ubuntu * [[http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=Sean+Davis&sponsoree_search=name|Sponsoring of packages]] from Xubuntu team members * Testing * Milestone ISO testing * Test case creation * Testing of Xubuntu using XMir == Future Goals == * Continued contributions to the Xubuntu project and Ubuntu ecosystem * Become a MOTU == Testimonials == Sean has been very helpful for the Xubuntu project during the Quantal development cycle. He's been helping in getting things done that others have been unable to finish, or start. When Sean promises to deliver, he does that, and always in time. He was recently made a member of the Xubuntu team, and I am happily looking forward for his future contributions. A very strong +1 for Ubuntu membership from me. '''Update''' (Sep 18, 2013): Sean has kept on being involved with the project broadly, sharing his knowledge and expertise where possible. He's been very active with development and his contributions are time and again very useful additions to what Xubuntu is. That is why I support his aspiration to become an uploader as well. Still a very strong +1 from me. -- [[PasiLallinaho|Pasi Lallinaho]], Xubuntu Project Lead I got to know Sean as a bugreporter for Xubuntu. He meticulously reported UI quirks with an eye for detail and perfection. This was a new and impressive experience for me, which is why I got in touch with him directly and we have been working on several projects together since. I can say that he is a very pleasant and reliable co-worker and I hope he'll stay with us for a long time! A strong-as-can-be +1 for his Ubuntu membership. '''Update''' (Sep 18, 2013): A year later, we've done many of the projects that Sean mentions above together. It's always fun working with him, his development skills are really amazing and he's being helpful at all times. I seriously hope that he'll be approved as Ubuntu member this time around and subsequently gain upload rights. This would be very beneficial to the Xubuntu Project as a whole! So summing it up, a very strong +1 from me. -- [[SimonSteinbeiss|Simon Steinbeiß]], Xubuntu Artwork Lead I have recently become more involved in Xubuntu during a dev cycle than I have any other flavour of late; Sean was one of those that always appeared to be around and working on aspects of it's development. A really helpful attitude to others - an excellent candidate for Ubuntu membership. +1 from me [[Elfy]] Forum Admin