== Week of June 22, 2009 == To do this week: 1. Brainstorm alternative layouts * What is the functionality/hierarchy: * stuff they already have (#) (my apps, my software, my library, etc) * currently downloading (#) * completed (#) (this is also history?) * updates * stuff they can get * applications/packages * other non-package things * updates (go here?) * other things of relevance (feeds, etc) * feedback (this would be really nice and if given good real estate might actually be used, it is unlikely that a novice could navigate the existing bug reporting system) * What about 3d manipulations, compiz? * Screenshots * Current add/remove - http://sydney.indymedia.org.au/files/sydimc/images/ubuntu-add-remove.img_assist_custom.png * Miro - as discussed, this is a really nice, engaging example of a discovery/management platform (http://www.getmiro.com/download/screenshots/) * torrent browser - boring, but I like the way "state" is clearly handled, although miro has cleaned this whole idea up and presented it nicely (http://images.snapfiles.com/screenfiles/uTorrent.gif) * hulu desktop - a nice discovery platform, and relatively novel browsing interface (http://www.freewaregenius.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/hulu-desktop-screenshot6.jpg) * netflix online - nice job with grouping and presenting items for browsing in an engaging and actionable way (http://www.hundred10.com/img/screen-netflix1.jpg) * vuze - reduction of a ton of content types into something more manageable (http://linux.softpedia.com/screenshots/Vuze_1.jpg) * Microsoft media center - good presentation of items for browsing with interesting animation effects (http://www.screenshots-archive.com/files/images/image082.preview.png) * Flickr "clock" - this is really cool way to associate time with content/changes (http://www.flickr.com/explore/clock/) 1.#2 List of tasks for usability testing * software updates - can we make this happen "naturally" in the test and see reactions? ie - have it notify them (highlighted somehow in nav, popup?), then go through the process * .. * ... 3. Canonical brainstorm session feedback {{attachment:Monica-Mockup-June-25.png}}