||<>|| In an effort to recreate a build environment that closely mimics the Launchpad buildds, the Ubuntu Security team has defined the following steps. This is in many ways an extension of [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto|SbuildLVMHowto]]. Additional information may be found in [[SecurityTeam/TestingEnvironment | TestingEnvironment]] and [[https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-security-tools/tree/README.sbuild_setup|README.sbuild_setup]]. If you're not a Ubuntu Security Team member, you might want to just read the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild|simpler, more generic instructions]] for setting up sbuild without bothering with the security team's workflow. '''Read these [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot|instructions]]''' if you want to build packages for the next, in-development version of Ubuntu on the current stable release, e.g. you want to build Quantal packages on your Precise system. '''Hint:''' you need to install {{{debootstrap}}} from -backports first. This guide does not impose a specific version of Ubuntu; the latter is entirely up to you. == Setting up and using Sbuild with ddebs == For build and package testing, x86_64 users are strongly encouraged to create chroots for both amd64 and i386, whereas i386 users need only to create i386 chroots. Note, [[https://ubuntu.com/blog/statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages-for-ubuntu-19-10-and-20-04-lts?_ga=2.23313978.1843507387.1581024788-1548617305.1358188997|as of Ubuntu 19.10, i386 support is limited]] '''Note:''' schroot does not trivially work on zfs root file systems. On jammy it might be possible to pass --type=zfs-snapshot to mk-sbuild. === Creating the schroots === 0. Install sbuild and schroot:{{{ # optional: also install gnupg-agent or seahorse-agent $ sudo apt-get install sbuild schroot ubuntu-dev-tools moreutils }}} '''Note:''' for focal it will probably need to install ca-certificate, since it's not installed by default with schroot. 0. Make sure you are in the `sbuild` group. If you aren't, run the command above and re-login to your account:{{{ $ sudo adduser $USER sbuild }}} 0. '''OPTIONAL''': If /var doesn't have enough space, create a big partition for your chroots:{{{ $ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdXN $ sudo mkdir /srv/devel $ ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/|grep sdXN # find the UUID for the disk lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-04-22 12:14 d9300709-7b77-4fcc-8d95-77cecdef9e51 -> ../../sdXN }}} Add the partition to /etc/fstab (by UUID):{{{ UUID=d9300709-7b77-4fcc-8d95-77cecdef9e51 /srv/devel ext3 defaults,relatime 0 0 }}} Mount it:{{{ $ sudo mount /srv/devel $ df -h|grep devel /dev/sdXN 166G 188M 157G 1% /srv/devel }}} Create the schroot directory:{{{ $ sudo mkdir /srv/devel/schroot }}} 0. Create ~/.mk-sbuild.sources.ubuntu (can use simply .mk-sbuild.sources and also .mk-sbuild.sources.debian) substituting a local mirror, a nearby mirror or the official archive for ''. Eg:{{{ deb http:///ubuntu RELEASE main restricted universe multiverse deb-src http:///ubuntu RELEASE main restricted universe multiverse #deb http:///ubuntu RELEASE-updates main restricted universe multiverse #deb-src http:///ubuntu RELEASE-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb http:///ubuntu RELEASE-security main restricted universe multiverse deb-src http:///ubuntu RELEASE-security main restricted universe multiverse }}} 0. Setup for mounting $HOME: * Create a directory for the umt schroot profile:{{{ $ sudo mkdir /etc/schroot/umt }}} * Copy the default profile's fstab:{{{ $ sudo cp /etc/schroot/default/fstab /etc/schroot/umt/ }}} * Append to /etc/schroot/umt/fstab:{{{ tmpfs /run/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 }}} If you use an encrypted home directory, your $HOME is mounted differently (eg /home//.Private is mounted on /home/), so you will also have to add to /etc/schroot/mount-defaults:{{{ /home/ /home/ none rw,bind 0 0 }}} * Create /etc/schroot/umt/config:{{{ # Reuse copyfiles and nssdatabases from the default profile SETUP_COPYFILES="default/copyfiles" SETUP_NSSDATABASES="default/nssdatabases" # Do whatever the default script would do if [ -f "/etc/schroot/default/config" ]; then . /etc/schroot/default/config fi # Set our own fstab after the default script has been sourced SETUP_FSTAB="umt/fstab" # end script }}} 0. Create ~/.sbuildrc:{{{ # Mail address where logs are sent to (mandatory, no default!) $mailto = 'your_email@canonical.com'; # Name to use as override in .changes files for the Maintainer: field # (mandatory, no default!). $maintainer_name='Your Name '; # Directory for chroot symlinks and sbuild logs. Defaults to the # current directory if unspecified. (Deprecated.) Leave this unset; # umt compare-bin relies upon this being unset. #$build_dir='/home//ubuntu/build'; # Directory for writing build logs to $log_dir="/home//ubuntu/logs"; # Override default sbuild dependency resolver (see 'man sbuild'). The default # resolver (apt) mostly works ok but not always (eg, oneiric libreoffice). # Use 'apt', 'aptitude', 'internal'. Can also use '--build-dep-resolver' with # sbuild or '--sbuild-dep-resolver' with umt. #$build_dep_resolver="apt"; # don't remove this, Perl needs it: 1; }}} Then make the following directories (change if specified something different in `~/.sbuildrc`):{{{ $ mkdir -p $HOME/ubuntu/logs $ mkdir -p $HOME/ubuntu/build # only if the $build_dir variable is set in ~/.sbuildrc }}} 0. Create ~/.mk-sbuild.rc:{{{ # mk-sbuild build tunables -- SOURCE_CHROOTS_TGZ used with 'file' and SOURCE_CHROOTS_DIR with 'directory' SOURCE_CHROOTS_DIR="/srv/devel/schroot" # default: /var/lib/schroot/chroots SCHROOT_PROFILE="umt" SCHROOT_CONF_SUFFIX="source-root-users=root,sbuild,admin source-root-groups=root,sbuild,admin preserve-environment=true" SKIP_UPDATES="1" SKIP_PROPOSED="1" # devscripts no longer installs correctly, so install it manually later DEBOOTSTRAP_INCLUDE="" }}} What this does is tells schroot that the chroots are in "/srv/devel/schroot", and to append to the configuration of the chroot in /etc/schroot/schroot.conf the contents of SCHROOT_CONF_SUFFIX. '''IMPORTANT:''' The Ubuntu Security Team uses umt to build packages. umt automatically enables -proposed when building packages in for the current dev release. If you are not using umt to build packages, you'll need to determine if you should use SKIP_PROPOSED="1" in your ~/.mk-sbuild.rc. '''IMPORTANT:''' If you are using overlayfs, keep in mind that the writable overlay is in `/var/lib/schroot/union/overlay` by default (`man 1 schroot`). This means your build's compile while be on this partition and if there isn't enough space, your builds will fail. To change this to somewhere with more space, create an overlay directory (eg, `sudo mkdir -p /srv/devel/schroot/overlay`), then adjust your existing schroots to have '`union-overlay-directory=/srv/devel/schroot/overlay`'. To use this by default for all schroots, modify `~/.mk-sbuild.rc` to have '`union-overlay-directory=/srv/devel/schroot/overlay`' somewhere in `SCHROOT_CONF_SUFFIX`. 0. Install Sendmail: `sudo apt install sendmail` 0. Finally, create the schroots (this assumes x86_64 host; for i386, omit amd64):{{{ $ sg sbuild # only needed if you were added to the sbuild group during this session $ for i in oracular noble mantic jammy focal bionic xenial trusty; do mk-sbuild $i --arch=amd64 --skip-updates --debootstrap-mirror=http:///ubuntu --distro=ubuntu if echo $i | grep -qE '(focal|jammy)'; then # libeatmydata1 not available in focal and jammy on i386 mk-sbuild $i --arch=i386 --skip-updates --skip-eatmydata --debootstrap-mirror=http:///ubuntu --distro=ubuntu else mk-sbuild $i --arch=i386 --skip-updates --debootstrap-mirror=http:///ubuntu --distro=ubuntu fi done $ exit # only needed if you used sg sbuild earlier; sg changes primary group }}} If you want debian schroots: {{{ $ for i in buster bullseye stable testing unstable ; do mk-sbuild $i --arch=amd64 --skip-updates --distro=debian done }}} For arm (see [[ARM/RootfsFromScratch|ARM/RootfsFromScratch]] for more details) :{{{ $ sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static $ mk-sbuild xenial --arch=armhf --skip-updates --distro=ubuntu }}} See ```man mk-sbuild``` for details. '''Note 1''': Debian schroots pull in exim4-base but Ubuntu systems do not. Due to [[https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=565613|Debian bug #565613]] the passwd and group databases are pulled in from the host, overwriting what is in the chroot. Since Ubuntu by default does not have exim4-base installed, the user isn't there and you will end up with errors like this when updating the schroot at a later date: `dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `Debian-exim' in statusoverride file`. You can either create the user/group on the Ubuntu host or remove the exim4-base package from the schroot (this may not work with older Debian releases):{{{ $ schroot -u root -c source:sid-amd64 -- apt-get remove --purge -y --force-yes exim4-base $ schroot -u root -c source:sid-amd64 -- cp /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride-old /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride # remove Debian-exim line }}} '''Note 2''': apt is configured to download the package translations files by default. These can be a source of build failures if they get corrupted and can cause apt-get update to take longer; therefore it can be useful to configure to disable downloading the translations files. To do so, do e.g.:{{{ $ schroot -c source:trusty-i386 -u root < /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-no-translations EOM }}} '''Note 3''': yakkety and newer may fail with devscripts dependency errors such as {{{ W: Failure while configuring base packages. This will be re-attempted up to five times. W: See /srv/devel/schroot/eoan-i386/debootstrap/debootstrap.log for details (possibly the package libnet-ssleay-perl is at fault) }}} or error in /srv/devel/schroot/eoan-i386/debootstrap/debootstrap.log: {{{ dpkg: error processing package devscripts (--configure): dependency problems - leaving unconfigured Errors were encountered while processing: libnet-ssleay-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl liblwp-protocol-https-perl libwww-perl devscripts }}} If so, then be sure to check this line {{{DEBOOTSTRAP_INCLUDE="devscripts"}}} in your ~/.mk-sbuild.rc is commented out. This then requires that for each schroot you need to go and purposely install devscripts in it, otherwise you'll notice packages fail to build. Eg {{{ $ schroot -c source:bionic-amd64 -u root -- apt-get install devscripts }}} '''Note 4''': if using foreign architectures in a chroot in a container, be sure that qemu-user-static is installed on the host and in the container so that /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-arm from the host (which is bind mounted in the guest) correctly points to /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static. If you don't do this you might encoutner cryptic errors like "I: Running command: chroot /srv/devel/schroot/xenial-armhf /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage" '''Note 5''': Bionic and newer no longer support {{{ union-type=overlayfs }}} . {{{ cd /etc/schroot/chroot.d && sed -i 's/overlayfs/overlay/' sbuild-* }}}. 0. '''Optional (experimental)''': It can often be useful to perform builds in /dev/shm, which is a tmpfs directory in RAM. While there are limitations on what you can compile and the number of concurrent builds that can be performed (based on how much memory your build machine has), building in /dev/shm can lead to much faster build times and reduce disk I/O. One way to achieve this is to configure additional full schroots for this, and specify the 'union-overlay-directory' directive. Another way to create a 'shared' source schroot like so:{{{ $ sudo sh -c "sed -e 's#]#-shm]#' -e 's#^\(directory=.*\)#\1\nunion-overlay-directory=/dev/shm/schroot/overlay#' /etc/schroot/schroot.conf > /etc/schroot/chroot.d/shm-overlays.conf" $ schroot --list }}} This simply adds additional schroots based on what you already have (eg, if you have a bionic-amd64 schroot, this creates a bionic-amd64-shm definition in /etc/schroot/chroot.d/shm-overlays.conf). The caveat is that each shm schroot will have the same 'directory' as its corresponding non-shm schroot, so you shouldn't try to modify both 'source:bionic-amd64' and 'source:bionic-amd64-shm' at the same time. Once the shm schroot definitions are added, reference them via schroot (or umt) like any other schroot. Eg: {{{ $ schroot -c bionic-amd64-shm $ umt build -c bionic-amd64-shm }}} Please note that the directory you specify for 'union-overlay-directory' must exist before using the shm chroot (can add an entry to /etc/rc.local). See ```man schroot.conf``` for more details. It might also be useful to remount /dev/shm with more memory than the default, which is 50% of RAM. Can adjust like so: ```sudo mount -o remount,size=75% /dev/shm```. See ```man mount``` for details. === Install some additional packages === There are a few packages that will help you more closely mimic the build's so that the results of your local builds will be as close as possible to those used to build Ubuntu packages. Here is a list of helpful things to install. The general format is: {{{ $ schroot -c source:bionic-amd64 -u root -- apt-get install package }}} Here are some helpful packages that are not normally installed by default: * [[https://launchpad.net/pkgbinarymangler|pkgbinarymangler]] - performs a number of [[https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/pkgbinarymangler/ubuntu/view/202/pkgsanitychecks.1|consistency checks]] including important ones for Python packages. '''NOTE''' for it to strip translations, you'll need to adjust /etc/pkgbinarymangler/striptranslations.conf in the schroot. * [[https://launchpad.net/devscripts|devscripts]] - includes debuild which is useful on its own and required by UMT for 'umt source' (this was included by default when using mk-sbuild until 12.04); do not use this if you want to reproduce Launchpad builds accurately ('sbuild' alone does not require debuild) * [[https://launchpad.net/apt-utils|apt-utils]] - to silence error message "debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed" * [[https://launchpad.net/pkg-create-dbgsym|pkg-create-dbgsym]] - automatically build debug symbol ddeb packages. On Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) and later, this is provided by 'debhelper' and doesn't need to be installed separately (though you may in While mk-sbuild supports adding additional packages when creating the schroots via either the {{{--debootstrap-include}}} command line argument or by adding a DEBOOTSTRAP_INCLUDE setting to the ~/.mk-sbuild.rc (both methods take a comma-separated list of packages), in practice this can lead to problems. Instead, create the chroot without these options and install packages in a separate step as described above. For typical security team build schroots on a bionic or later host, you may use: {{{ $ for rel in noble mantic jammy focal bionic xenial trusty; do for arch in amd64 i386 ; do echo "# $rel" schroot -c source:$rel-$arch -u root -- apt-get update schroot -c source:$rel-$arch -u root -- apt-get install -y --force-yes pkgbinarymangler apt-utils echo $rel | grep -qE '(precise|trusty|xenial)' && schroot -c source:$rel-$arch -u root -- apt-get install -y --force-yes pkg-create-dbgsym # only on BTS_SMTP_HOST= BTS_SMTP_AUTH_USERNAME= BTS_SMTP_AUTH_PASSWORD= }}} === Deleting a schroot === 0. Remove the stanza for the chroot * rm the appropriate /etc/schroot/chroot.d/sbuild-* file 0. Remove the chroot from the disk:{{{ $ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/schroot/chroots/bionic-amd64 }}} or if on a separate partition:{{{ $ sudo rm -rf /srv/devel/schroot/bionic-amd64 }}} === Using the schroot === Using a schroot is similar to the chroot command but you specify the chroot and user you want to use rather than the directory. {{{ $ schroot -c bionic-amd64 -u root (bionic-amd64)root@foo:/home/user# apt-get install ... (bionic-amd64)root@foo:/home/user# su user (bionic-amd64)user@foo$ exit exit (bionic-amd64)root@foo:/home/user# exit logout $ }}} Chroot to the other architectures with:{{{ $ schroot -c bionic-i386 -u root $ schroot -c bionic-armhf -u root }}} Or without root with:{{{ $ schroot -c bionic-amd64 }}} Or building via ```sbuild``` directly (see UMT, below, for the Ubuntu Security build scripts):{{{ $ apt-get source foo $ cd ./foo-* ... do work ... $ dch -i $ update-maintainer $ debuild -S $ sbuild -d bionic ../package_1.2.3-4.1.dsc }}} The updated source file, debs and ddebs (when pkg-create-dbgsym or new enough debhelper (focal+) in the schroot) appear in `../`. === Maintaining the schroots === Can see a listing of all your chroots with:{{{ $ schroot -l chroot:bionic-amd64 chroot:bionic-i386 chroot:focal-amd64 chroot:focal-i386 chroot:trusty-esm-amd64 ... }}} Can get information on your chroots with ```schroot -i [-c chroot]```. Eg:{{{ $ schroot -i -c bionic-amd64 --- Chroot --- Name bionic-amd64 Description bionic-amd64 Type directory Message Verbosity normal Users Groups sbuild root admin Root Users Root Groups sbuild root admin Aliases Preserve Environment true Default Shell Environment Filter ^(BASH_ENV|CDPATH|ENV|HOSTALIASES|IFS|KRB5_CONFIG|KRBCONFDIR|KRBTKFILE|KRB_CONF|LD_.*|LOCALDOMAIN|NLSPATH|PATH_LOCALE|RES_OPTIONS|TERMINFO|TERMINFO_DIRS|TERMPATH)$ Run Setup Scripts true Configuration Profile umt Script Configuration Session Managed true Session Cloned true Session Purged false Directory /srv/devel/schroot/bionic-amd64 Personality undefined User Modifiable Keys Root Modifiable Keys User Data setup.config umt/config setup.copyfiles umt/copyfiles setup.fstab umt/fstab setup.nssdatabases umt/nssdatabases Filesystem Union Type aufs Filesystem Union Overlay Directory /srv/devel/schroot/overlay Filesystem Union Underlay Directory /var/lib/schroot/union/underlay Source Users Source Groups Source Root Users root sbuild admin Source Root Groups root sbuild admin }}} The 'source:' (or '-source' in very old schroot) chroot is the pristine chroot and you shouldn't go into it unless you want to change something for all future schroots into the chroot. Eg, if you wanted to always have 'vim' installed in your bionic-amd64 chroot, use:{{{ $ schroot -c source:bionic-amd64 -u root $ apt-get install vim $ exit }}} Now, any time you use the bionic-amd64 (ie, without 'source:'), vim will be installed. It is also useful to keep your schroots up to date via cron. This can be done by creating $HOME/bin/schroot_update: {{{ #!/bin/sh # '|' separated list of prefixes to not update skipped="lucid|-shm(-|$)" for d in `schroot -l | grep -- '\(^source:\|-source$\)' | egrep -v "($skipped)"` do echo "Updating '$d'" schroot -q -c $d -u root -- sh -c 'apt-get -qq update && apt-get -qy -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" dist-upgrade && apt-get clean' echo "" done }}} Then adding a crontab entry for your user:{{{ 15 6 * * * /home//bin/schroot_update }}} === Expiring active schroot sessions === Sometimes needed if schroots are left hanging around due to a crash or reboot. You can expire all active schroot sessions with (see also /etc/default/schroot):{{{ $ schroot -e --all-sessions # see 'man schroot' for details }}} === Enabling caching within the schroots === ==== apt-cacher-ng ==== If you've chosen to use `apt-cacher-ng` to provide package caching without a dedicated local mirror, you may wish to create the file `/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/acng` in all your chroots with the correct Proxy setting:{{{ Acquire::http { Proxy ""; }; }}} This can be done with a shell script similar to this:{{{ cd /srv/devel/schroot/ for d in * ; do cp /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/acng $d/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ ; done }}} ==== squid-deb-proxy ==== After setting up `squid-deb-proxy`, you have a configuration file in `/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/` with `apt`'s proxying setting: {{{ Acquire::http::Proxy ""; }}} As this should be present in schroots too, run the following command: {{{ find /srv/devel/schroot/ -type d -name apt.conf.d -exec cp /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ {} \; }}} Ensure that the proxy is accessible locally, with something like: {{{ sudo ufw allow in on lo to any proto tcp port 8000 comment 'squid-deb-proxy' }}} Also, if the private PPAs for ESM are going to be used as per the instructions below, ensure that access is allowed, using something like: {{{ echo private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net | sudo sh -c 'cat >/etc/squid-deb-proxy/mirror-dstdomain.acl.d/20-esm' }}} === Setting up a chroot for Extended Security Maintenance === Extra steps are required for setting up a chroot for ESM releases. 1. Take note of your personal archive subscription passwords/tokens required for accessing the PPAs (ppa:ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security and ppa:ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security) 1. Go to https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+archivesubscriptions 1. Find the {{{ESM Infrastructure Security (ppa:ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security)}}} row and click the "view" link to the right 1. Note the password/token embedded in the apt source URL 1. Repeat the last 2 steps for {{{ESM Apps Security (ppa:ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security)}}}. 1. Then create the schroots adding the various ESM PPAs using your LP username and the two tokens noted above: {{{ # prompt for LP username and ESM-Infra and ESM-Apps PPA tokens from user read -p "LP username: " user ; read -sep "ESM-Infra PPA token (hidden): " itoken ; printf "\n" ; read -sep "ESM-Apps PPA token (hidden): " atoken ; printf "\n" if [ -z "$user" ] || [ -z "$itoken" ] || [ -z "$atoken" ]; then echo "LP username and tokens are required" exit 1 fi # create schroots for all supported and ESM releases plus trusty cat <(distro-info --supported) <(distro-info --supported-esm) <(echo trusty) | sort -u | while read -r rel; do # ignore any non-LTS releases if ! grep -q LTS <(distro-info --release --series "$rel"); then echo "ignoring $rel" continue fi # create the chroot(s) for the release chroot_name="esm-infra_$rel" if [ "$rel" = "trusty" ]; then chroot_name="${rel}-esm" fi # esm-infra only exists for eol releases - distro-info will return a negative # number of days to the eol for these days_to_eol=$(distro-info --days=eol --series "$rel") if [ "$days_to_eol" -lt 0 ]; then echo "Creating chroot for $rel named $chroot_name" mk-sbuild "$rel" --name="$chroot_name" --arch=amd64 --skip-updates --distro=ubuntu #--debootstrap-mirror=http:///ubuntu # ensure chroot can use https schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates # set up the esm-ppa.list file schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- sh -c 'cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d; touch esm-ppa.list; chown root:sudo esm-ppa.list; chmod 640 esm-ppa.list' # add the esm-infra PPA if it doesn't already exist grep -q esm-infra-security "/var/lib/schroot/chroots/${chroot_name}-amd64/etc/apt/sources.list.d/esm-ppa.list" || \ (echo "deb https://$user:$itoken@private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security/ubuntu $rel main"; echo "deb-src https://$user:$itoken@private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security/ubuntu $rel main") | schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/esm-ppa.list | sed -e "s/$itoken/HIDDEN/" # import PPA signing key 0xDBB1FC89762BF6B96707C4059BC0A1A1622CF918 schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0xDBB1FC89762BF6B96707C4059BC0A1A1622CF918 # then apt update and dist-upgrade schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- apt-get update schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- apt-get -y dist-upgrade # and finally install pkgbinarymangler, apt-utils, pkg-create-dbgsym and # devscripts - not all of these are available in all releases so install # one-by-one so the absense of one doesn't prevent the installation of the # others for pkg in pkgbinarymangler apt-utils pkg-create-dbgsym devscripts; do schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- apt-get -y --force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install "$pkg" done echo "Created chroot for $rel named $chroot_name" fi # esm-apps exists for all releases other than trusty if [ "$rel" = "trusty" ]; then continue fi chroot_name="esm-apps_$rel" echo "Creating chroot for $rel named $chroot_name" mk-sbuild "$rel" --name="$chroot_name" --arch=amd64 --skip-updates --distro=ubuntu #--debootstrap-mirror=http:///ubuntu # ensure chroot can use https schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates # set up the esm-ppa.list file schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- sh -c 'cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d; touch esm-ppa.list; chown root:sudo esm-ppa.list; chmod 640 esm-ppa.list' # add the esm-infra PPA if it doesn't already exist grep -q esm-infra-security "/var/lib/schroot/chroots/${chroot_name}-amd64/etc/apt/sources.list.d/esm-ppa.list" || \ (echo "deb https://$user:$itoken@private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security/ubuntu $rel main"; echo "deb-src https://$user:$itoken@private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security/ubuntu $rel main") | schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/esm-ppa.list | sed -e "s/$itoken/HIDDEN/" # add the esm-apps PPA if it doesn't already exist grep -q esm-apps-security "/var/lib/schroot/chroots/${chroot_name}-amd64/etc/apt/sources.list.d/esm-ppa.list" || \ (echo "deb https://$user:$atoken@private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security/ubuntu $rel main"; echo "deb-src https://$user:$atoken@private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security/ubuntu $rel main") | schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/esm-ppa.list | sed -e "s/$atoken/HIDDEN/" # import PPA signing key 0xDBB1FC89762BF6B96707C4059BC0A1A1622CF918 schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0xDBB1FC89762BF6B96707C4059BC0A1A1622CF918 # then apt update and dist-upgrade schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- apt-get update schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- apt-get -y dist-upgrade # and finally install pkgbinarymangler, apt-utils, pkg-create-dbgsym and # devscripts - not all of these are available in all releases so install # one-by-one so the absense of one doesn't prevent the installation of the # others for pkg in pkgbinarymangler apt-utils pkg-create-dbgsym devscripts; do schroot -c "source:${chroot_name}-amd64" -u root -- apt-get -y --force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install "$pkg" done echo "Created chroot for $rel named $chroot_name" done }}} You can now use the ESM chroots to prepare source packages and perform local test builds using UMT, as documented below. It is recommended you also install the supplementary packages as described in 'Install some additional packages', above. == Setting up and using UMT == In an effort to both mimic the official buildd's and standardize building of packages, the Ubuntu Security team wrote UMT (Uncomplicated Massive Tool), a part of [[https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-security-tools|ubuntu-security-tools]]. This branch has helper scripts and tools for performing various tasks. Arguably the most important is UMT, as this is the primary tool the Ubuntu Security team uses for building packages. Much of this can be seen in the [[https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-security-tools/tree/README|README]]. UMT has a number of commands to help make the build process repeatable and easy to follow. The main things to remember are that: * all the commands are run in the toplevel source (except 'download') * ../* (relative to the toplevel source) will contain the original source package * ../source (relative to the toplevel source) will contain your new source package and debdiff * ../binary (relative to the toplevel source) will contain your new binary packages (and ddebs when pkg-create-dbgsym or a new enough debhelper is installed) * ../reports (relative to the toplevel source) will contain the debcompare output after running ```umt compare-bin``` === Setting up UMT === UMT requires the python3-progressbar package in order to work, which is not installed by default on Ubuntu 24.04. You may need to install it: $ sudo apt install python3-progressbar By convention, the following tools are stored in ~/git-pulls. The steps below assume that is where the tools will reside. First, download the ubuntu-security-tools and ubuntu-qa-tools branches:{{{ $ git clone git+ssh://@git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-security-tools $ git clone git+ssh://@git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-tools $ git clone git+ssh://@git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cve-tracker }}} Add the UST, UCT and UQT environment variables to your startup scripts (eg ~/.bashrc) and have them point to your branches:{{{ export UST="$HOME/git-pulls/ubuntu-security-tools" export UQT="$HOME/git-pulls/ubuntu-qa-tools" export UCT="$HOME/git-pulls/ubuntu-cve-tracker" }}} Then add ```umt``` to your PATH.{{{ $ ln -s $UST/build-tools/umt $HOME/bin/umt }}} Link `$UQT` and `$UCT`.{{{ $ ln -s $UQT/common/lpl_common.py $UCT/scripts/lpl_common.py }}} Finally, to enable basic bash-completion support for ```umt``` add something like the following to your ```~/.bash_completion``` file: {{{ if which umt 1>/dev/null; then source $(dirname $(realpath $(which umt)))/umt-completion.bash fi }}} (You may need to add a source ~/.bash_completion line to your .bash_profile) Make sure the DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME environment variables are setup in your startup scripts (eg ~/.bashrc):{{{ export DEBEMAIL='user@ubuntu.com' export DEBFULLNAME='Your Name' }}} Create ~/.ubuntu-security-tools.conf to have:{{{ # list of all active releases (included devel) release_list="trusty xenial bionic focal jammy mantic noble oracular" # name of the current devel release # see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseCycle for schedule # to modify this variable release_devel="oracular" # non-Ubuntu releases (used for schroots, VMs, etc) from Debian release_extras="buster bullseye stable unstable testing" # root of the sbuild log output (i.e. where $log_dir in ~/.sbuildrc is bind mounted in the chroot via /etc/schroot/mount-defaults) pkgbuild_logs="/home//ubuntu/logs" # path when building with ccache (bind mounted in the chroot via /etc/schroot/mount-defaults) pkgbuild_ccache="/scratch/ccache" # sets 'ulimit -v $pkgbuild_ulimit_v'. Set to "unlimited" for no limit. Some # builds require a limit (eg, gcc) and some prefer a much higher limit (eg # openoffice.org/libreoffice). If not set, umt will default to 'unlimited' # except for packages that are known to need a smaller value. #pkgbuild_ulimit_v="1024000" #pkgbuild_ulimit_v="unlimited" # the URL for the regular Ubuntu archive or mirror build_tools_sbuildmirror="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" # currently used by check_source_packages package_tools_name="Your Name" package_tools_email="user@ubuntu.com" package_tools_type="security" package_tools_repo_url="" package_tools_repo_base="/var/www/html/debs/testing" #package_tools_force_rmadison="yes" # currently used by ddput upload_tools_ddput_security="security:RELEASE" }}} '''Note''': `umt changelog -r` expects `release_list` to be sorted by release date starting by older releases. In case of setting up the environment to also support ESM, ESM entries must be placed right after their base release. E.g. (release_list="trusty trusty/esm xenial esm-infra/xenial esm-apps/xenial bionic esm-infra/bionic esm-apps/bionic focal esm-apps/focal jammy esm-apps/jammy mantic noble oracular") '''Note 2''': `` is the default IP address through which the guest OS can access the host one. === Setting up your apt sources === Your apt sources need to be adjusted to have deb-src lines for all supported releases (and Debian releases). A helper script in ubuntu-security-tools can be used for this:{{{ $ $UST/build-tools/build_sources_list.py }}} This will look at ```build_tools_sbuildmirror```, ```release_list```, ```release_devel``` and ```release_extras``` in $HOME/.ubuntu-security-tools.conf and generate the appropriate deb-src lines. Running the command will display the output on stdout. To save the list to /etc/apt/sources.list.d, run: {{{ $ $UST/build-tools/build_sources_list.py -i }}} === apt Sources for ESM === 1. Access your private subscriptions at [[https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+archivesubscriptions|https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+archivesubscriptions]]. 1. Search for the ESM Infrastructure Security PPA (esm-infra-security) and click on `View` on the right. 1. Get your access token from one of the URLs specified in the code block. It should follow the username present in the HTTP basic authentication schema (i.e. between the characters `:` and `@`). 1. Retrieve the tokens for the ESM Apps Security PPA (esm-apps-security), as well as the corresponding update PPAs (esm-infra-updates, esm-apps-updates). 1. Create a `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/esm-ppas.conf` file with restrictead read access, to protect private PPA credentials: {{{ $ sudo touch /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/esm-ppas.conf $ sudo chmod 600 /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/esm-ppas.conf }}} 1. '''Optional''': Make `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/esm-ppas.conf` readable by members of the `sudo` group so that administrative users can run umt without having to elevate privileges: {{{ $ sudo chgrp sudo /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/esm-ppas.conf $ sudo chmod g+r /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/esm-ppas.conf }}} 1. Populate the contents of the `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/esm-ppas.conf` file (ensuring its previous permissions are kept): {{{ machine private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security/ubuntu login password machine private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-updates/ubuntu login password machine private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security/ubuntu login password machine private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-updates/ubuntu login password }}} 1. Create a `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/esm-ppas.list` file with: {{{ deb-src https://private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security/ubuntu jammy main deb-src https://private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security/ubuntu bionic main deb-src https://private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security/ubuntu focal main deb-src https://private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security/ubuntu xenial main deb-src https://private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security/ubuntu trusty main deb-src https://private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security/ubuntu jammy main deb-src https://private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security/ubuntu bionic main deb-src https://private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security/ubuntu focal main deb-src https://private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security/ubuntu xenial main deb-src https://private-ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security/ubuntu trusty main }}} ==== Securing and Updating apt ==== Then, setup secure apt: {{{ $ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-keyring # may already be installed $ sudo apt-get install debian-archive-keyring $ sudo cp /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ $ curl -o ~/esm-ppa.asc 'https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xdbb1fc89762bf6b96707c4059bc0a1a1622cf918' $ sudo mv ~/esm-ppa.asc /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ $ sudo apt-get update }}} === Setting up dput === Create/update ~/.dput.cf to have:{{{ [DEFAULT] method = sftp login = # Soyuz security # dput security:bionic ./*_source.changes [security] fqdn = ppa.launchpad.net incoming = ~ubuntu-security/ppa/ubuntu/%(security)s # Soyuz security-proposed # dput security-proposed:bionic ./*_source.changes [security-proposed] fqdn = ppa.launchpad.net incoming = ~ubuntu-security-proposed/ppa/ubuntu/%(security-proposed)s # Soyuz esm # dput esm:trusty ./*_source.changes [esm] fqdn = ppa.launchpad.net incoming = ~ubuntu-security/esm/ubuntu/%(esm)s # Soyuz security-staging # NOTE: ppa is public. can be used for test builds, dev release development # dput security-staging:jammy ./*_source.changes [security-staging] fqdn = ppa.launchpad.net incoming = ~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-security-staging/ubuntu/%(security-staging)s # Soyuz security-staging-private # dput security-staging-private:jammy ./*_source.changes [security-staging-private] fqdn = ppa.launchpad.net incoming = ~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-security-staging-private/ubuntu/%(security-staging-private)s }}} === Using umt === ```umt``` basically works like so:{{{ $ umt }}} You can see all the commands with ```umt --help```. Eg:{{{ $ umt help ... Uncomplicated Massive Tool (umt) umt COMMAND [OPTIONS] COMMAND: search List best source packages for each release download Get source packages and unpack changelog sdch-like new entry creation or extraction of changelog from prior release (dch-repeat-like) source Produces source package from current directory of unpacked source binary Produces binary packages and other outputs from ../source source build Do both above build-orig Temporarily builds the previous release to get the log file sign Sign the packages check Do a check-source-package compare-log Compare the build log against the prior version's log compare-bin Compare the binary debs against the prior version's binaries repo Copy all built packages into local repository upload Uploads with dput OPTIONS: type "umt COMMAND -h" to get a list of options for each command. }}} ==== Download a package ==== To download packages for all releases:{{{ $ umt download }}} For each release, this will put the source package in './/' and perform ```dpkg-source -x``` on it. To download a package for a single release:{{{ $ umt download -r bionic }}} ==== Source build ==== {{{ $ umt source Package is: postgresql-8.1 Version is: 8.1.21-0ubuntu0.6.06 Version with epoch is: 8.1.21-0ubuntu0.6.06 Upstream version is: 8.1.21 Changelog release is: dapper Release is: dapper Pocket is: security Component is: main Need -sa for source build? False DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS: Dependency resolution: auto Chroot: dapper-amd64 Censored sources.list for main build Get:1 http:// dapper Release.gpg [189B] Hit http:// dapper Release ... dpkg-buildpackage: source only upload (original source is included) Copying files to '../source' Skipping debdiff (only one dsc found) SUCCESS: source package in '../source' }}} Some useful options for ```umt source``` are: * --force-orig (forces inclusion of orig.tar.gz via use of -sa) * -v VERSION (use changelog information from all versions strictly later than VERSION) * -c CHROOT (specify the chroot to use instead of the default) * -s (skip pocket and release consistency checks -- useful when doing non-security builds) ==== Binary build ==== {{{ $ umt binary Package is: postgresql-8.1 Version is: 8.1.21-0ubuntu0.6.06 Version with epoch is: 8.1.21-0ubuntu0.6.06 Upstream version is: 8.1.21 Changelog release is: dapper Release is: dapper Pocket is: security Component is: main Need -sa for source build? False DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS: Chroot: dapper-amd64 core file size (blocks, -c) unlimited data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited scheduling priority (-e) 20 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited pending signals (-i) 16382 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited open files (-n) 1024 pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8 POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200 real-time priority (-r) 0 stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited max user processes (-u) unlimited virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited file locks (-x) unlimited sbuild command is: /usr/bin/sbuild --setup-hook /tmp/umt-ws7rLM -d dapper-amd64 -A postgresql-8.1_8.1.21-0ubuntu0.6.06.dsc Sessions still open, not unmounting sbuild (Debian sbuild) 0.59.0 (02 Aug 2009) on ... ... Built successfully /var/lib/schroot/mount/dapper-amd64-a5089ef6-62ff-48e9-9977-9613ca584e3c/build/jamie-postgresql-8.1_8.1.21-0ubuntu0.6.06-amd64-kQ6GiK -- Not removing build depends: cloned chroot in use }}} You can do a simple no-change rebuild (useful for examining the build log) with:{{{ $ umt build -s [-c ] }}} You can also build the previous version (needed for log comparing) with:{{{ $ umt build-orig }}} ==== Signing a package ==== To sign your own package:{{{ $ umt sign }}} To sign a sponsored package:{{{ $ umt sign -k }}} ==== Verifying a package ==== {{{ $ umt compare-log ... diff of last build log and current build opened in EDITOR ... $ umt compare-bin ... creates reports in ../reports using debcompare (from ubuntu-security-tools) ... $ umt check Running '/security-tools/package-tools/check-source-package -s -T dapper-security -b ../binary ../source/elinks_0.10.6-1ubuntu3.4.dsc' ... Checking: elinks_0.10.6-1ubuntu3.4.dsc Mode: security Debdiff: elinks_0.10.6-1ubuntu3.4.debdiff Retrieving madison output: pass Binary build: pass PGP (verify dsc): pass PGP (verify source.changes): pass PGP (signature present): pass Distribution: pass Pocket: pass Maintainer: pass Changed-By: pass Source has orig.tar.gz: pass Recent date: pass Output of diffstat: elinks-0.10.6/debian/changelog | 16 ++++++++++++++++ elinks-0.10.6/src/intl/charsets.c | 24 ++++++++++++------------ elinks-0.10.6/src/protocol/smb/smb.c | 7 +++++++ 3 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) Version: pass Newest version: pass Current: 0.10.6-1ubuntu3.4 Found: 0.10.6-1ubuntu3.3 Diff chaff: pass Merged changelog: ignored Patch system: patchless? (skipped patch system checks) Patch tagging: pass (no patches) Check existing binaries: found existing: elinks dapper-security found existing: elinks-lite dapper-security/universe Total: 2 (new=0, existing=2) Reverse Debdiff: pass Bad files: pass Vcs files in source: pass ------ PASS }}} ==== Uploading a package ==== {{{ $ umt upload Source is: elinks Version is: 0.10.6-1ubuntu3.4 Version with epoch is: 0.10.6-1ubuntu3.4 Distribution is: dapper Pocket is: security Destination is: ubuntu Validating elinks version 0.10.6-1ubuntu3.4 ... ... }}} In general, if there is a problem with the upload, the uploader will be sent an email. If there is a problem with verifying the signature on the package, an email will not be sent. If this happens, verify that launchpad has the most up to date version of your key and if it doesn't, update the key (ie, `gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-key `). === Local apt repository === It is often useful to test the binaries before uploading to the security queue (after which, those binaries should be tested fully). UMT provides some functionality for copying the newly built binaries into a local repository. To use: 0. install the necessary software:{{{ $ sudo apt-get install apt-utils moreutils apache2 }}} 0. create a directory in /var/www/html, writable by you:{{{ $ sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html/debs/testing $ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/html/debs }}} Now, after building your binaries you can copy them into the local apt repo:{{{ $ umt repo Package is: hello Version is: 2.4-3ubuntu1 Version with epoch is: 2.4-3ubuntu1 Upstream version is: 2.4 Changelog release is: bionic Release is: bionic Pocket is: security Component is: main Need -sa for source build? False DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS: Repository: /var/www/debs/testing/bionic Copying 'hello_2.4-3ubuntu1_i386.deb'... You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user: "Your Name " 1024-bit DSA key, ... -- /var/www/debs/testing/bionic updated Use: deb bionic/ deb-src bionic/ -- SUCCESS }}} The output shows the progress of the command as well as the appropriate lines to add to a sources.list file to apt-get the packages. Keep in mind: * this will copy all binaries found in ../binary relative to your toplevel source (be careful if you compiled i386 and amd64 binaries at different times to be sure you are testing what you thing you are testing) * binaries are copied to the release directory under ```package_tools_repo_base```. Eg, in this example running ```umt repo``` on a package with ```bionic-security``` as the distribution name results in the binaries being copied to /var/www/html/debs/testing/bionic. '''Note''': prior to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the default !DocumentRoot is /var/www instead of /var/www/html * ```umt repo``` is not particularly smart -- it will overwrite packages of the same version and leave everything else in the local repo alone. It is often useful to clean out your local repository with something like:{{{ $ rm -rf /var/www/debs/testing/*/* }}} The ```update_repo``` command from ubuntu-security-tools/repo-tools can also be used to update the local repository information (eg Sources, Packages, etc). ==== Building sources with packages in your local repository ==== Say that package `bar` depends on a particular version of package `foo`, and they need to be updated together. Build `foo` like normal, then use `umt sign && umt repo` to put `foo` into your local repository. Then when building `bar`, add `--add-repo` to the build command (eg, `umt build --add-repo`) and your local repository will be added to the build and `bar` can be built with your local `foo`. (Here is an [[http://www.wefearchange.org/2011/09/sbuild-with-local-newer-dependencies.html|alternative/related]] approach.) For this to work, you should add your GPG key that is used to sign your packages to your schroots. Eg:{{{ for rel in lucid precise quantal saucy trusty utopic ; do for arch in amd64 i386 ; do gpg --armor --export | schroot -c source:$rel-$arch -u root apt-key add - done done }}} ==== copy_sppa_to_repos ==== The ubuntu-security-tools branch also has a script for copying files from LP into your local apt repository, which is very useful for testing the binaries people will actually install. To use:{{{ $ $UST/repo-tools/copy_sppa_to_repos srcpkg1 srcpkg2 }}} Please note, this requires a [[SecurityTeam/UbuntuCVETracker|configured ubuntu-cve-tracker]] to work. You will also need to install several python packages:{{{ $ apt install python-progressbar python-apt python-launchpadlib python-configobj }}} === Typical package build procedure === {{{ $ umt download -r bionic foo $ cd foo/bionic/foo-* # cd into the toplevel source $ umt changelog # runs 'dch -i' with appropriate arguments for security updates ... perform your patching, etc ... $ umt build # runs 'umt source' followed by 'umt binary' $ umt build-orig # builds the prior version, for comparing with your new version $ umt compare-log $ umt compare-bin ... view compare-bin results in ../reports/ ... $ umt check $ umt repo ... in a VM, apt-get packages from local repository to test the packages ... $ umt sign $ umt upload }}} === ESM package build procedure === {{{ $ umt download -r trusty/esm foo $ cd foo/trusty_esm/foo-* # cd into the toplevel source $ umt changelog # runs 'dch -i' with appropriate arguments for security updates ... perform your patching, etc ... $ umt build -c trusty-esm-amd64 # runs 'umt source' followed by 'umt binary' $ umt build-orig -sr trusty/esm -c trusty-esm-amd64 # builds the prior version, for comparing with your new version $ umt compare-log # if the previous binaries to compare against are in the the Trusty archive: $ umt compare-bin # otherwise, if the previous binaries to compare against are in ppa:ubuntu-esm/esm: $ umt compare-bin --prev-ppa=ubuntu-esm/esm ... view compare-bin results in ../reports/ ... $ umt check $ umt repo ... in a VM, apt-get packages from local repository to test the packages ... $ umt sign $ umt upload -d esm:trusty }}} === Using UMT with git-buildpackage === UMT can also easily be used with packages that are maintained with git-buildpackage. You can run the commands which build packages using gbp's --git-builder option. '''Note:''' mariadb-5.5 and mariadb-10.0 are examples of packages that are maintained using gbp. Full instructions on sponsoring MariaDB security uploads are available [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/PublicationNotes#Sponsoring_MariaDB_Security_Updates|here]]. To perform a source build:{{{ $ gbp --git-builder='umt source' }}} To perform a full source and binary build:{{{ $ gbp --git-builder='umt build' }}}