#acl ubuntu-security:read,write,delete,revert All:read <> = Contacts = <> == To discuss Ubuntu security in general == * IRC: join #ubuntu-security on [[ https://libera.chat/ | Libera.Chat ]]. * mailing list: ubuntu-hardened@lists.ubuntu.com. <> == To discuss security fix packaging == * IRC: join #ubuntu-motu on [[ https://libera.chat/ | Libera.Chat ]]. * mailing list: ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com <> == To report private security bugs == * please use [[https://launchpad.net | Launchpad ]] and check the "Security" flag or * you may send en email to security@ubuntu.com. GPG can be used to encrypt these messages. Please use the following key: || Name || Key ID || Key Fingerprint || || security@ubuntu.com || [[https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?fingerprint=on&op=index&search=0x407260F7616ECE4D9D12462798E9740DC34539E0 | 98E9740DC34539E0]] || {{{ 4072 60F7 616E CE4D 9D12 4627 98E9 740D C345 39E0 }}} || Please also see the [[ https://ubuntu.com/security/disclosure-policy | Ubuntu Security disclosure and embargo policy ]]. <> == To participate in the Ubuntu Security Team == * Please see [[SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved|GettingInvolved]]. <> == Contacting Ubuntu Security Team Members directly == All security team members can be reached at security@ubuntu.com. The GPG key ids for the security team members can be found on their individual Launchpad pages which are linked to on [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+members#active|the security team's page]]. Currently, the keys are: <> ---- CategorySecurityTeam