How the Security Team interacts with the regular Ubuntu Release Cycle.

Security Updates




Regression Testing

pre-Alpha 3

Alpha 3

Beta 2


LTS Release goes to ESM status checklist

1 Month before transition

Before the release, verify that the mirroring from the esm-infra-security ppa and for the release; if not file an RT to get mirroring set up. All steps here should be complete a month in advance of the date the release goes into ESM status, so customers can ensure their setup is correct.

Infrastructure (ESM)

You will need to configure the ESM release before proceeding:

Update in boilerplate folder will be handled by the and scripts, no need to manually update it

Individuals (ESM)

ESM release goes EOL Checklist

Infrastructure (ESM EOL)

Individuals (ESM EOL)

EOL Checklist

Infrastructure (EOL)

Individuals (EOL)

New LTS Release Checklist

Follow the steps from a new Standard Support release, as well as the additonal steps listed here

Three Months before release

New Standard Support Release Checklist

Infrastructure (release)

Individuals (release)

Devel Opens

Infrastructure (devel)

Individuals (devel)

QA (devel)

For projects where the security team is the upstream maintainer (eg, AppArmor, ufw, ecryptfs):

Debian Release/EOL Checklist

Infrastructure (Release/EOL)

Individuals (Release/EOL)


  1. If any issues occur, contact the webteam in the "Web & Design" channel, as well as filing issues in at (1 2 3)

SecurityTeam/ReleaseCycle (last edited 2024-08-07 11:00:32 by 0xnishit)