Security team development (ie specification work) is done as time allows. This page does not include security updates, audits, investigations, etc. This page only includes information on proactive development work as it pertains to the Ubuntu Release schedule. Blueprints that the security team is committed to completing in a development cycle have an 'Essential' priority.
All blueprints involving the security team:
Status (for all blueprints)
Beta 1:
- Entire cycle:
Weekly summary
(Updated manually once Beta hits, currently not being updated for Oneiric)
We fixed 0 RC bugs, got 0 new ones.
Milestoned Bugs
Fixed last week:
- None
Triaged problems:
- None
Bugs which need better understanding/debugging
- None
Planned changes for RC 1
- Upload new NSS for updated root certificates (with corresponding SRUs)
Deferred for SRU
LP: #851986 - use of Ux in ubuntu-* abstractions and profiles is too lenient and should be improved
LP: #864992 - "Show Containing Folder" button failed to execute err (evince)
Deferred to next release
LP: #344878 file name too long when creating new file (ecryptfs_lookup: lookup_one_len() returned [-36] on lower_dentry)
Milestoned Bugs/Issues from other Teams
LP: #848456 - Switch User Account does not require password entry
LP: #863305 - Image access control is available (nova)
DONE: LP: #772082 - certificate chain validation failure (gnutls26)
DONE: LP: #792075 - oneiric live-cd does not work with qemu-kvm
DONE: LP: #834079 - files written as root to user-controlled folders
DONE: LP: #835996 - lightdm.log should not be user readable
DONE: LP: #836521 - User can access mail client if "Add Event" is selected from Date/Time menu in Unity-Greeter
DONE: LP: #844274 - creating a guest session does not lock the users session
DONE: LP: #849027 - lightdm does not provide an equivalent to the gdm guest session AppArmor profile
DONE: LP: #745836 - encrypted swap corrupts application stack/heap [was: soffice.bin SIGSEGV cppu::throwException()]
Other Oneiric-targeted bugs
- None