UDS Maverick planning
Create Blueprints
Discussion Needed
[kees] AppArmor upstream
- make user-space aware of tunables and aliases
- [jjohansen] change_profile pam_apparmor
- [jdstrand] clean up wiki documentation
- [sbeattie] find a release manager
- [sbeattie] clarify policies
- [jjohansen] create devel mailing list
- [kees] fscaps support in dpkg (needs packaging experts; cjwatson, slangasek)
- [mdeslaur] Create private directory by default even with no encryption (require pitti)
- [mdeslaur] GUI for ubuntu-support-status so desktop users can figure out if they're running software that may have security risks. Could we link this to our CVE tracker stats to give a risk assessment on universe software that has open CVEs? (required: mvo)
- provide an early notification of EOL in update-manager
- [mdeslaur] Session to brainstorm on how to handle CVE-2009-3555 with stable releases
- [kees] GPG key migration and application compatibility testing (required: cjwatson)
- migrate security team's keys
- document how to do migration
- document what software can't perform verifications any more
- check on gnupg vs gnupg2 upgrade path
- [mdeslaur] How to get security updates applied more easily? (required: mvo, mpt)
- is update-manager popup enough?
- is update-manager asynchronous popup a security issue with spoofing?
- should security updates be turned on automatically by default?
- should update-manager gain a "Always install security updates automatically in the future?" checkbox?
- remove password requirement for security updates? (an option in the update-manager settings panel?)
- [mdeslaur] Should gksudo and password dialogs show personal information to control spoofing? ie: a customized picture (required: pitti, mpt)
- screensaver, e.g. does this already
- [kees] popcon accuracy/update investigation (requires mvo)
- [kees] VMBuilder improvements (requires soren)
- sane partition sizings (parted "bug")
- grub2 by default
- add serial/console support to vm-new/vmbuilder
- [kees] discuss containers, lxc, etc, in the context of sbuild/schroot (CLONE_NEW* usage) (required: hallyn)
[kees] discuss publishing security metrics (see RH's metrics for examples)
[jdstrand] tedg crackfest
- app indicator area for security stuff-- apparmor-notify, ufw-notify, logfile-notify
- [kees] kernel hardening
- symlinks
- hardlinks
- ptrace
- add execshield toggles to our nx-emu patch, as RH does
- attempt to upstream nx-emu patch set
[jdstrand] Community USNs (see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2010-March/001055.html)
- create automated security announcements for universe security updates
- [jdstrand] discuss ways to rotate repsonsibilities: eg, traditionally kees has done kernel, jdstrand mozilla products and mdeslaur webkit
- [jdstrand] improve apparmor packaging
No Discussion
- [jdstrand] sVirt
- properly support save/restore (LP: #457716)
- maintenance/merges
[mdeslaur] Refresh Apport hook review/creation for security-oriented packages
- push apparmor rejection collection into apport's hook-utils
- modify apport hooks to automatically add apparmor tag if a denial is found
- hook up apparmor to apport when alert messages appear
[mdeslaur] Renew Two factor authentication
- write wiki page detailing types of 2 factor auth
[jdstrand] create howto for remote access one-time password auth: HOTP/yubikey (new) or opie s/key (old)
- create howto for USB key storage of ecryptfs key
- create howto for smartcard storage of gpg and ssh keys
- create howto for fingerprint reader authentication
- investigate two factor auth to Active Directory
- add appropriate howtos to official documentation
- [jdstrand] HTML USNs (reprise)
[jdstrand] ufw (see SecurityTeam/Roadmap)
- [jdstrand] create a Security/Authentication page detailing various authentication mechanisms in Ubuntu, and how to properly use them
[jdstrand] update the wiki page detailing various authorization mechanisms in Ubuntu, and how to properly use them (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Privileges)
- catch-all
- [kees] deroot auditd, get into main
[kees] re-submit gcc testsuite updates (part 1, part 2) to upstream
- [jdstrand] apparmor profile for chromium
- [jdstrand] investigate HIPL (Host Identity Protocol for Linux) for permanent, location-independent names for hosts. Could help with firewalling (needs ufw support).
Add to Roadmap
- [kees] work around i386 mono executable stack
- create wiki page for "How can the Ubuntu Security Team help Debian better?"
- Building a better gnome-keyring (would need participation from upstream gnome-keyring developer, Stef Walter, who may not be at UDS...)
Marc Deslauriers
- Create private directory by default even with no encryption
- GUI for ubuntu-support-status so desktop users can figure out if they're running software that may have security risks. Could we link this to our CVE tracker stats to give a risk assessment on universe software that has open CVEs?
- Building a better gnome-keyring (would need participation from upstream gnome-keyring developer, who may not be at UDS...)
- Session to brainstorm on how to handle CVE-2009-3555 with stable releases
- GPG key migration and application compatibility testing
- How to get security updates applied more easily?
- is update-manager popup enough?
- is update-manager asynchronous popup a security issue with spoofing?
- should security updates be turned on automatically by default?
- should update-manager gain a "Always install security updates automatically in the future?" checkbox?
- remove password requirement for security updates? (an option in the update-manager settings panel?)
- Should gtksudo and password dialogs show personal information to control spoofing? ie: a customized picture
Kees Cook
- break out dpkg-fscaps tasks from deferred items into a separate blueprint
- add execshield toggles to our nx-emu patch, as RH does
- popcon accuracy/update investigation
- add serial/console support to vm-new/vmbuilder
- discuss containers, lxc, etc, in the context of sbuild/schroot (CLONE_NEW* usage)
discuss publishing security metrics (see RH's metrics for examples)
re-submit gcc testsuite updates (part 1, part 2) to upstream
- attempt to upstream nx-emu patch set
tedg crackfest
- kernel hardening
- symlinks
- hardlinks
- ptrace
Jamie Strandboge
In no particular order:
- apparmor profile for chromium
Community USNs (see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2010-March/001055.html)
- HTML USNs (reprise)
- investigate HIPL (Host Identity Protocol for Linux) for permanent, location-independent names for hosts. Could help with firewalling (needs ufw support).
ufw (see SecurityTeam/Roadmap)
- investigate opie s/key, document it for Ubuntu
- create a Security/Authentication page detailing various authentication mechanisms in Ubuntu, and how to properly use them
- app indicator area for security stuff-- apparmor-notify, ufw-notify, logfile-notify
- discuss ways to rotate repsonsibilities: eg, traditionally kees as done kernel, jdstrand mozilla products and mdeslaur webkit
Items Deferred from Lucid
sVirt apparmor security driver
- properly support save/restore (LP: #457716)
Debugging screen locking problems
- backport apport hooks to older releases in screen-locking PPA
- review old bugs for the common Karmic failure (suspend-before-locked)
Improve AppArmor usability in Ubuntu
- make user-space aware of tunables
- hook up apparmor to apport when alert messages appear
- modify user tools to get logs directly from the kernel
- update tools for directory load of tunables
- update tools for alias support (/usr)
Security Team catch-all work for Lucid (high)
- create proof-of-concept fscaps handling in dpkg
- present fscaps ideas to Debian
- write wiki page detailing types of 2 factor auth
- create howto for remote access one-time password auth
- create howto for USB key storage of ecryptfs key
- create howto for smartcard storage of gpg and ssh keys
- create howto for fingerprint reader authentication
- investigate two factor auth to Active Directory
- add appropriate howtos to official documentation
Apport hook review/creation for security-oriented packages
- push apparmor rejection collection into apport's hook-utils
- modify apport hooks to automatically add apparmor tag if a denial is found
Security Team catch-all work for Lucid (medium)
- reply to Debian criticism of fscaps handling
- refactor dpkg fscap handling
- resubmit dpkg fscaps handling to Debian
- [mvo] provide an early notification of EOL in update-manager
- deroot auditd
- [jjohansen] change_profile pam_apparmor
- [jdstrand] clean up wiki documentation
- [sbeattie] find a release manager
- [sbeattie] clarify policies
- [jjohansen] create devel mailing list
Security Team catch-all work for Lucid (low)
- [kees] work around i386 mono executable stack
- create automated security announcements for universe security updates
How can the Ubuntu Security Team help Debian better?
- create wiki page
- shop it to Debian
- update wiki with Debian feedback