Security track:

Security Community Improvement

Summary: Discuss how to grow the Ubuntu Security Community

Blueprint: security-o-community

Work items:


Summary: Three sessions with the first two discussing what items we need to work on over the next year (ie, for the next LTS), with the third prioritizing the work for Oneiric.


Items to bring forward (see security-o-apparmor-ubuntu for specific work items):

2-Factor Authentication

Summary: Discuss how to implement sensible and friendly two-factor authentication into Ubuntu.

Blueprint: security-o-2factor-auth

Work items:

Screenlocking and interactions with Compiz

Summary: Discuss how to better handle screenlocking when using Compiz.

Blueprint: security-o-compiz-screenlocking

Work items:

Security tracking improvements

Summary: Discuss how to improve the USN announcements and the CVE tracker

Blueprint: security-o-tracking

Work items:

Security Catch-all

Summary: Implement various additional security things for Oneiric that don't need a full blueprint of their own. This blueprint also lists the discussions and work items coming out of the morning roundtables.

Blueprint: security-o-catch-all

Work items:


Archive Security Audits

Summary: Information gathering discussion on how to better manage the influx of potentially insecure packages/changes into the devel archive.

Blueprint: security-o-archive-audits

SecurityTeam/UDSProceedings/Oneiric (last edited 2011-05-18 20:05:47 by pool-71-114-233-199)