#language en ||'''full name''' || Sense Egbert Hofstede || || '''[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_phonology|IPA]]''' || [ˈsɛn.sə ˈɛɣ.bərt ˈɦɔf.steː.də] || || '''location''' || [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Dokkum,+Dongeradeel,+The+Netherlands&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=52.902929,114.169922&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Dokkum,+Dongeradeel,+Friesland,+The+Netherlands&z=14|Dokkum, the Netherlands]] || || '''time zone''' || Europe/Amsterdam || || '''Launchpad account''' || [[https://launchpad.net/~sense|sense]] || || '''blog''' || [[http://www.sehofstede.nl/]] || || '''email address''' || <> || || '''OpenPGP key''' || [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x3049E70475844E50|75844E50]] || || <> || Hello! I'm Sense Hofstede, an Ubuntu Member since February 2010 and an Ubuntu user since December 2005. This page contains a short overview of my past and current activities. For my membership application see [[Qense/MembershipApplication]]. In January 2011 I retired from my activities in the international community, only to return in September of the same year. If I can be of any help to you - no support requests - please don't hesitate to mail me or contact me on IRC. However, I am busy, so I might not have time for doing what you want of me. = Current Activities = * Bug Control member * Councillor of Ubuntu Nederland * Frisian Translation Coordinator at GNOME = Past Activities = * Classroom sessions for the UbuntuOpportunisticDeveloperWeek and [[Upstream/Adopt|Adopt-an-Upstream]] * Helper at the Ubuntu NL https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Qense#Current%20Activitiesstand at the HCC!Regiodagen in Drachten, 9 May 2009 * Member of the Ubuntu NL forum discussion group for the reorganisation of 2009 * [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-wanted|Ubuntu Wanted]] * Restructured [[Bugs/HowToTriage]], rewrote [[BugSquad/AdoptPackage]] * [[http://2010.guadec.org/|GUADEC 2010]] webmaster * Bug Control member * adoptee of [[BugSquad/AdoptPackage/Nautilus]] * Code and patch contributions ([[https://code.launchpad.net/~qense/+branches?field.lifecycle=ALL&field.lifecycle-empty-marker=1&field.sort_by=most+recently+changed+first&field.sort_by-empty-marker=1|see my branches at Launchpad]]) * Contributing leadership to the [[PaperCut|One Hundred Paper Cuts project]] * Involved in some coding work for Indicator Application. * Chair of ''[[DutchTeam|Ubuntu Nederland]]'' CategoryHomepage